Saturday, August 31, 2019
Examine closely, referring to the text whenever necessary, the character of Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet Essay
Friar Lawrence was created by Shakespeare to push the play towards the tragic conclusion. He takes action to the unfortunate circumstances within the play as they take place. Certainly, he is frequently made to resolve the problems that regularly face him. He develops solutions to problems in witch Romeo and Juliet are involved in. I believe that Friar Lawrence is not responsible for the tragic events which take place in the play and cannot be held responsible for the impulsive or violent behaviour of others. Friar Lawrence is nearing the end of his life; he is a man of strict morals, he shows this throughout the play. He seems surprised by Romeo’s sudden change of liking from Rosaline to Juliet, he shows his disapproval in a calm manner. The Friar dose not raze his voice or lecture Romeo for long but is quite open-minded to the feelings of Romeo for Juliet. He shows morals in Act 2 Scene 6: ‘Therefore love moderately, long love doth so; / Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow’. Basically saying to Romeo that he should be more patient, he suggests that natural passion can end in tears and it is necessary for him to wait for the relationship to work out. He can be viewed as a farther figure to both Romeo and Juliet. Juliet receives little assistance at all from her mother or farther, this can be shown when Juliet refuses to marry the Count Paris, they take little notice to what Juliet has to say; (Act 3 Scene 5) ‘I would the fool were married to her grave’. I believe Romeo often also seeks fatherly guidance from Friar Lawrence which he does not receive from his own father and family. This Proves that Neither Romeo or Juliet have a close relationship to there parents, Friar Lawrence provides the comfort for both Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence is a man of the Roman Catholic Church; He performs services for the people of Verona and carries out ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, baptisms , confessions as well as celebrating the mass. The Friar may have felt he needed to help the couple as they would have committed carnal sin in the eyes of the catholic faith, a possible reason why he chooses to help Romeo and Juliet could be because of his job to listen to confessions and help people with sin. He is a friar and must live his life alone and with hardly any knowledge of the outside world (especially the affairs of young people). Honestly he isn’t really the best man to be handling the affairs of two adolescent children, being the fire of youth and the Friar being at the end of life so he has never had a deep understanding of young peoples needs. Friar Lawrence is extremely knowledgeable and philosophical. He often sits quite happily in his cell contemplating or reading. He lives his life mostly secluded from the outside world. The friar first shows his philosophical side in Act 2 Scene 3. He describes his plants and weeds and explains how they both can be used for good and evil. ‘Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied, / And vice sometime’s by action dignified.’ The friar it seems is a kind and mostly gentle man. I believe he actually wishes to help the young couple. However at times, he can also be quite brutal like the time when Romeo shows how self-centred he is after he is banished from Verona. He definitely is a brave man; by marrying the two lovers he is provoking the wrath of the two most powerful families in Verona. Another sign of the Friars intelligence is how the Friar can come up with a solution almost every time he is faced the problem. This happens on a number of occasions. For example: when Romeo is banished from Verona he suggest Romeo go to Mantua, or when Juliet is forced to marry Count Paris so friar Lawrence offers her the potion to fake death so that she can be reunited with Romeo, even when all hope seems to be lost Friar Lawrence instantly comes up with a plan on hearing Romeo has not received his letter; the Friar decides to enter the Capulet tomb which is an extremely dangerous thing to do. This is another indication as to how brave Friar Lawrence really is. The friar is also well trusted and respected. The nurse is a great admirer of the Friar, she also agreed with the Friar and she said ‘O Lord, I could have stayed here all night / To hear good counsel. O what learning is!’ Juliet is frightened by the potion, but Friar Lawrence reassures her of all the effects the potion that will make people believe she is dead. She still trusts Friar Lawrence enough to take it There is however one flaw to the Friar’s personality. He is old and naà ¯ve. He is naà ¯ve to think that simply marrying the two lovers’ will end the feud. His naivety is exposed when he asks Juliet to join a nunnery when she sees Romeo’s dead corpse in the tomb this simply wouldn’t suit a young girl. With Friar Lawrence’s good intentions and quick devising plans he can also be naà ¯ve in this respect. Friar Lawrence Is purposely put into the plot to really send the plot towards its tragic end. The friar reacts and responds to the problematic circumstances In a way that causes the play to be driven to the ending. Simply without the Friar the play could not of taken place. The friar decided to marry Romeo and Juliet he was certainly going to have to help them through any problems they would face during the course of the play. The other characters in the play cause most of the trouble that interfere with Romeo and Juliet’s passionate relationship. He had to marry Romeo and Juliet as he is a friar and he can only perform the wedding ceremony. It was his religious duty to marry then if they had sex outside of marriage it would be a grave cardinal sin in the eyes of the Catholic Church. When Both Romeo and Juliet during the play say they will commit suicide the Friar simply must help them. He could also not let Juliet take place in the bigamous marriage with Paris. There is 3 sins that take place witch it is the Friars duty to stop from taking place (suicide, bigamy and sex outside of marriage). I personally believe that Friar Lawrence is not to blame for all of the tragic events. He is trying to do his religious duty, and his duty as a fatherly figure. He tries his very best to help the couple, however are usually ruined by other characters in the play who cause more problems so the initial plans set up by the friar are ruined every time. Other Characters in the play are to blame more so than the Friar. Tybalt and Mercutio, in my opinion, caused the most problems. The fight was unnecessary and was simply for very improper causes. Tybalt had come for Romeo, but ended up killing Mercutio. Romeo is also much to blame. It is his impulsive behaviour that causes the main problems. There was no need for Romeo to be so careless to kill Tybalt. He did something that he knew was wrong. Another major incident was when he killed Count Paris. When Romeo killed Paris he had sealed his fate, if he didn’t commit suicide then he would have been executed. The Capulet and Montague families are also involved. These two families have had hate for each other for many years. If the parents of the two families could settle their differences and be mature enough to then most of these problems would not have occurred. If there had not been a feud in I am almost certain none of these problematic circumstances would have taken place. Most characters in the play contribute to the fall of Romeo and Juliet far more than Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence is the one who tries to clear up mess left by these other characters. Shakespeare intended for Romeo and Juliet to die and there is really nothing Friar Lawrence could do about it, with the play being a tradigy. It is said in the opening of the play ‘A pair of star crossed lovers take their life’. This shows it is Romeo and Juliet’s destiny to commit suicide. Friar Lawrence can only push the play along to this inevitable conclusion. Friar Lawrence himself shows some fearfulness in the play but it is fate. If Friar Lawrence had stayed with Juliet in the Capulet vault, he would have probably prevented Juliet from committing suicide. Yet he had to panic as the Watch approached, in order for Juliet to die and the tragic conclusion to occur. He marries Romeo and Juliet for three main reasons. First of all he wants to end the feud between the two houses. He sees marrying the two as a way to end it, ‘For this alliance may so happy prove / To turn your households rancour to pure love.’ Secondly he does not want the two to the 3 carnal sins. He is upholding his religious duty by marrying them. Additionally he can tell that the couple truly are in love although they may not be ready for marriage. The advice that is given is the right advice. If other characters had not interfered and other unfortunate events had not occurred then the play may have ended happily. However this is a tragedy and his plans must fail. When he gives Juliet the potion to fake his death this potion is as the lesser of three evils. Juliet could commit suicide, have a bigamous marriage with Paris or take the potion and live with Romeo, her husband. If there is a flaw to Friar Lawrence it is certainly his naivety. He thought that by simply marrying Romeo and Juliet he could end the feud. It may have caused even more trouble within Verona and it could have created more harm than good. Bad plans like asking Juliet to join a nunnery are due to him not being the right person to help the young couple with his lack of knowledge of young people’s relationships. In conclusion, Friar Lawrence is a good man, who tried his most hardest to help the situation between Romeo and Juliet and the family feud between the Capulet’s and the Montague’s. His motives are entirely selfless and horrible and it is the interference of the other characters, rather than his own actions, which lead to the fall and tragic conclusion of Romeo and Juliet.
Friday, August 30, 2019
A report on Activity Based Costing Approach
a ) Activity-based costing ( ABC ) is a bing attack that assigns activity costs to be objects on the footing on cost driver use. Costss are assigned to each major activity instead than sections and step the resources consumed by cost objects more accurately. B ) Absorption bing absorbed all operating expenses into the cost of production. WWonka plc ‘s budged and selling distribution cost and entire list monetary value is ?990,000 and ?9,000,000 severally. Therefore, the soaking up rate is 11 % ( ?990,000/?9,000,000 ) . Planing an activity-based costing system involves four stairss: ( 1 ) placing the major activities and resource costs, ( 2 ) assignment costs to each activity, ( 3 ) find the cost driver for each activity, and ( 4 ) delegating the cost of activities to be objects. degree Celsius ) To: Management of WWonka PLC Report on activity-based costing attack In the 1980s, more and more houses adopted activity-based costing to replace the volume-based costing system. The volume-based system merely takes history of direct costs and uses an overhead rate that may over-cost or under-cost the merchandise. By implementing ABC, it shows the consequence of differences in activities and alterations in costs. It merely charges for resources consumed and generates the most accurate costs. Firms are benefited greatly by the acceptance of activity-based costing attack. ABC assigns cost more suitably and instructively so that company could accomplish better measurings on merchandise and client profitableness. This provides information to the company for doing better strategic determinations such as pricing and gives the company a cost advantage over rivals. Besides, ABC measures the activity-driving costs more accurately. This helps the troughs identify the value-added and non-value-added activities which enables the company to further value enhancement undertakings and procedure value by doing better determinations. Besides, ABC draws director ‘s attending on those inefficiencies so that betterments can be made and allocate resources to the most good merchandise. In add-on, the betterment on cost decrease causes better cost appraisal for planning and budgeting. ABC can used to supervise costs every bit good. By comparing the costs and doing accommodation, this hel ps the house to command the cost tendencies. Furthermore, ABC can be used as a benchmark to compare the public presentation with similar houses and do betterment. Furthermore, ABC bing helps to place and command the cost of underutilization of capacity. Generally, many workss have extra capacity in off seasons. The ABC system helps to pull off capacity degree of houses to cut down the cost of fresh capacity and set the monetary value suitably. Although ABC brings many benefits to the houses, there are some restrictions that need to aware. First, WWonka plc is presently utilizing soaking up costing, put ining a new ABC system is dearly-won and time-consuming. The cost may outweigh the benefits bring to the company. Second, companies do non hold big figure of merchandises have small benefit from ABC. As WWonka has merely two types of orders, ABC attack is non that worthwhile. Third, some concern prolonging costs such as belongings revenue enhancement and mill insurance require allotments to sections and based on volume steps. These costs are hard to delegate and necessitate to utilize the volume-based cost driver. Fourthly, some costs such as advertisement disbursals, research and development are omitted in ABC system because the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles regard these costs as period costs. ABC system provides elaborate information to directors for decision-making. By activity analysis, cost can be reduced in four ways: activity riddance, activity choice, activity sharing and activity decrease. First, the directors need to place the high-value-added and low-valued-added activities and merely maintain those that add value. In WWonka, wadding is a low-valued-added activity as it will non diminish clients ‘ satisfaction much if eliminated. On the other manus, bringing is a high-valued-added activity as it increases significantly the value of the merchandise to clients. The above pie charts show the per centum cost of activities in order A and B. From the informations in portion B, the merchandising and distribution operating expenses are a‚Â ¤101.88 for order A and a‚Â ¤182.48 for B. The list monetary value of order B is a‚Â ¤400 lower than order A, directors could set the list monetary value of order B somewhat in order to do order B more profitable. Besides, from the charts, we can see that the wadding costs occupy rather a big part of the entire operating expenses in both order A and B. As wadding is a comparatively low-value-added activity, WWonka could take down the wadding cost for illustration by utilizing cheaper or recycled wrapping stuff and go more environmentally friendly. Furthermore, WWonka could buy larger bringing vehicles which can transport more bundles in one clip. This could cut down the clip of going back to the house and shortens the bringing clip. Furthermore, in order B, the specific bringing distance is 48 stat mis which is about 5 times of order A ( 10 stat mis ) , it might be inefficient if present both A and B together by utilizing the same vehicle. WWonka could present order A & A ; B individually in order to use the bringing vehicles more expeditiously. In add-on, the other operating expenses contribute a high part of the operating expenses every bit good. These cost may deduce from reviews, blessings and rework. These activities can be eliminated by quality confidence methods such as ISO 9000 and entire quality direction. These can keep the quality of cocoas and some of the costs can be eliminated or reduced. Finally, WWonka can better public presentation and cut costs by concern procedure reengineering, the reengineering squads can utilize the informations in portion B and reengineer the procedure and do betterments in every facets. Through activity-based direction, directors can better efficiency and effectivity of the organisation and increase profitableness and fight. vitamin D ) Activity-based bing brings many benefits to the company. However, it is non the optimum costing system for every organisation. Generally, ABC is effectual for organisations that have intensive competition, diverse scope of merchandises, operating expenses are the chief cost of the merchandise and high handiness of information aggregation processs and resources. For individual merchandise houses, all costs are attributed to the individual merchandise straight, the operating expenses consumed by each merchandise are comparatively similar or equal and will merely creates small deformation of costs when utilizing volume-based-costing system. It is non worthwhile to run ABC. However, when there is a high diverseness of merchandises, ABC calculates the costs more accurately than volume-based costing. In a merchandise mix company, every single merchandise has different parts in ingestion of operating expenses because of different merchandise size, complexness, setup clip and procedure. Each single merchandise ‘s usage of resources differs from the usage of volume-based cost drivers so that it can non mensurate by the volume-based-costing systems. Otherwise, it may hold cost deformation and cause important errors in determination. Hence, ABC is effectual for merchandise mix instead than individual merchandise house. Besides, cost construction is a standard to make up one's mind the effectivity of a costing system. ABC will be most effectual when operating expenses have a important part of entire cost and big portion of the costs is non related to production volume straight. For illustration, in an accounting house, supplying professional services to clients is the chief occupation of the company. Wages are the largest cost while indirect costs merely constitute a low proportion of the entire costs. In this instance, labor costs are the bulk of the entire cost and ABC is less preferable as the costs could be traced easy. In contrast, a fabrication house will hold wholly different cost construction. The indirect operating expenses have a high proportion of the entire costs. For these types of houses, ABC is more effectual because the volume-based costing system causes inaccuracies in delegating costs and has negative impact on the company. Furthermore, the handiness of information aggregation processs and resources is one of the factors as good. In order to run a sophisticated ABC system, it needs plentifulness of financess and clip. Therefore, companies need to hold sufficient resources such as capital and professional technicians to run ABC. Furthermore, companies need to make research to construct up a set of singular processs for the system. If a company does non hold proper processs to roll up information that the system needs, it would non work decently and direction can non do the best determination and betterment for the house suitably. Therefore, insufficient of information can non ease an first-class activity-based costing system. The more information the company collects, the easier to put up the system and run more efficaciously. However, on the other manus, ABC system will non work successfully if the company does non hold sufficient information in puting up the processs. Hence, handiness of information is of import to impact the effectivity of ABC. To sum up, high handiness of informat ion aggregation processs and resources would ease an effectual ABC and frailty versa. In decision, activity-based costing system reduces deformation of costs and outputs information for direction to steer decision-making. Therefore, although implementing and ABC system is clip devouring and expensive, it is still worthwhile to run as the benefits from ABC normally exceeds the cost of put ining the system.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Essay
Qualitative and quantitative research are two types of research, each type is presented in a different way and depends on different gathered material. Qualitative research is the collection of information about things and objects. For instance interviews, pictures and items would be items collected during qualitative research. Quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical information that has been researched and collected. This type of research is best at the onset of a research product. It can help steer a research product in a specific direction, and its results are given in spoken word or in the form of images and videos. Qualitative research is focused on results that do not involve numbers. Its purpose is to observe and analyze how people react and think to the research topic and why they react and feel the way that they do. The purpose of this type of research is to gain results that show details about the problem and question at hand. Qualitative research usually answers questions about a broad idea or thought, and considers many details and possibilities. These results are usually gathered by using questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups. Qualitative evidence has conclusions that are based on a gathering of thoughts and ideas and can often present answers that are considered opinionated, and can be interpreted differently by different groups. This type of data offers results that deal with human emotions and thoughts. Although qualitative research does not use numerical data its results are very useful and can offer solid solutions and results. Quantitative research has an end result of numerical data that can give results in a numerical report. The research that is gathered in this type of research is measurable and is easier to compare to similar numerical results. The results contain numerical explanations for the questions that are being researched. Quantitative research is usually focused on direct details or specific questions that require specific and conclusive answers. This research is usually used in the end of a research project. This type of research uses questioners, survey or even measurements to collect numerical data, and its end results are presented in the form of charts and graphs. Quantitative data is considered to be more concrete proof or evidence that can be proven and show hard facts. My project for this class will more than likely consists of more quantitative data than qualitative. In my project I want to look into why the consumer feels a certain way. I know for sure that these answers can only be reached through research conducted through survey and personal questioners. Numerical data will not help me come to a conclusion about why the consumer base thinks or feels a certain way.
Coaching and Mentoring in Organisations Literature review
Coaching and Mentoring in Organisations - Literature review Example The essay is an analysis of the ‘Letters from the forgotten men’ and the photographs from the Great Depression. According to the letters, it is evident that the continuous measures applied by people to counter economic turmoil were never sufficient. Also, the middle-class citizens often thought that the economic depression affected their lives more than it did to the working-class individuals. However, this was not the case and by 1932, a greater percentage of the American population had lost their major source of income. People lost their income either through unemployment or the sudden loss of the family’s breadwinner.More than half of those who were lucky to have consistent work were allocated part-time schedules that affected their normal rate of income. For instance, letter 20 of (McElvaine 62) reflects on the life of a humiliated family that has lost and used up all the savings and been forced to go on relief in order to survive. The letter was written by a devastated woman requests for Mrs. Roosevelt to lend the family an amount of $28 so that they can pay for the storage charge of their things, and move into one room. The move is quite detrimental to the health of the family and reveals how the middle-class individuals suffered and sought help from American bourgeoisies. The Great Depression period also sounded quite ironic to some extent. The more people had in the 20s, the more they seemed to want to accumulate and encourage the habit ofacquisitive individualism. However, the influence of the Great Depression led people to start thinking about having enough of the material things and food. Having enough to get by was not as much important as having the values of working together with others to survive the effects of economic mayhem. For instance, letter 51 (McElvaine 91) highlights a letter from a
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Computer info Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Computer info - Essay Example The Boot Record is at the very beginning of a FAT volume. The first few sectors of the volume, before the FAT, are the Reserved Sectors or the reserved area. This area in the Boot Record inform us how large the disk is and contains not only the boot sector but also a backup copy of the boot record. The Boot Record contains a field retaining the information of the sector size for a particular media and the BIOS Parameter Block. The Bios Parameter Block or BPB contains vital information such as the number of bytes per sector on the disk, sectors per cluster, size of the reserved sectors, the number of FATs, root entries, media type, the number of sectors per FAT, the sectors per track, and the number of heads per cylinder. This information is use by the operating system to properly identify the disk and accurately read and write data into it. The Data Area of the disk is divided into clusters, files and directories store their data in these clusters. The Root Directory comes immediately after the file allocation table and is formatted like any another directory on the disk. A partition is divided up into equal size clusters, minute blocks of bordering space. Cluster sizes differ on the type of FAT and the size of partition.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Earth by Bill McKiben Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Earth by Bill McKiben - Essay Example In addition, we cannot separate current economies from carbon emission and hence the world will continuously become devastated. Global warming and melting of mountain capes ice are some of the indicators of the destructive effects of our carbon dioxide driven economies. Unlike the original earth, the eaarth has a production rate that greatly exceeds the earth holding capacity. The author is also concerned about the measurement of global economic growth rate and the preference that people have on positive economic growth. Positive economic growth results when the total production in a country exceeds consumption or people’s requirements. However, this is not an absolute measure of economic growth or productivity in a country. This is because economists do not account for carbon dioxide production. Thus, the author argues that the current measures of economic progress should be replaced with measures that account for carbon emissions. Due to our lack of concern about the environ ment, the cost of living will increase constantly despite having positive economic growth. The author argues that it is a contradiction for people to pay high prices for basic commodities such as food while their countries have strong economies. This phenomenon is basic difference between earth and eaarth. ... In addition, countries have subsidies on petroleum products instead of subsidizing basic food products. High cost of living has resulted from the damages that we have caused on the environment. Unpredictable weather patterns have been a direct result of damages that modern economies have done on the environment. Floods have been a common phenomenon in some countries such as Bangladesh. According to the author, the damages that people have done on the environment initiates a series of problems that leads to lack of basic human needs. For example high carbon emissions leads to global warming leading to low rainfall and poor harvest. On the other hand, global warming leads to floods, which cause destruction of infrastructure leading to high cost of living (McKibben 110). The author argues that people concentrate on the consequences of these problems instead of addressing their roots. An immediate solution to the problem is the additional of more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere throug h economic stimulus packages offered by the government or subsidies on petroleum products. The author notes that people are gradually acknowledging the devastating effects that they have caused to the environment. This indicates that people have noticed the difference between earth and eaarth. However, people are not doing enough to restore the earth to its previous position. For instance, people have not stopped destructive behaviours such as deforestation and misuse of energy. The author also notes that consequences of environmental destruction do not affect countries according to their role in production of pollutants. Thus, pollution from America would cause problems to a country that is many miles away such as Bangladesh. This indicates that the efforts towards environmental
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Federal Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and Social Control Essay
The Federal Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and Social Control - Essay Example By 1970s, however, both progressivism and populism lost their appeal as stand-alone policies (Vito & Allen, 1981). While progressives had failed to provide an alternative to indeterminate sentencing, populism was seen as something that negated the spirit of the law and it was declared that "Federal judges are not responsive to the pulsations of humanity." These themes dominated SRA for some time and culminated in the development of Federal sentencing Act of 1984 with one primary aim i.e. to be fair in the purposes of imprisonment.The US Congress played a slight and indirect role in federal sentencing for about a century or so by vesting into the sentencing judge an unbarred discretion to figure out the appropriate punishment from usually a diverse ambit of potential sentences as been described by law. This rendered the judge to be in total control of sentencing and it was up to the judge only to envisage various aspects of sentencing the relevant aggravating and mitigating circumstan ces and how these all factors jointly contributed to the commissioning of the sentence. The judicial sentences were virtually subject to no review on appeal. The underlying rationale of the whole exercise was based upon "coercive rehabilitation." That invariably involved judge deciding an extensive punishment of long duration and the parole board contemplating release on the grounds of adequate rehabilitation. That whole system relied heavily on the personal discretion of the judge without much accountability. This was naturally bound to criticism as with problems caused as a result of authority wielding undeterred personal discretion and seen largely as foot loose and fancy free scenario. Congress was acutely aware by 1970s of the growing unease among the general public and pervasive problems in the judicial system that were emanating due to the lack of well defined parameters in sentence commissioning. The disparity in the sentencing system lead to a thorough evaluation by Congres s in 1984 in which it was known that the whole system was in the dire need of reform and had lost the necessary credibility required to sustain the public confidence to serve as a sufficient deterrent to crime. It was concluded in that study the inconsistency and disparity in the sentencing system was due to the inadequate sentencing application by the judiciary. Congress took initiative to redress the problem by enacting the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. The Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 is also commonly stated as SRA; it drew a comprehensive outline for restructuring of judicial sentencing discretion that essentially changed altogether the sentencing in the federal justice system. The SRA's prime objective was to overcome the chasm of sentencing disparity. The first step that Congress took was to reject the prevalent view of rehabilitation as the foremost goal of sentencing. It redefined the objectivity of sentence as retributive, educational, and deterrent (Howell, 2004). By enacting SRA Congress sought to bring the whole judicial process above board ultimately helping it regain the trust of masses important to discourage crime, revitalizing the system by modifying its dynamics, curbing over dependence on imprisonment and upholding the dignity and discretion of judges faculty. The important points(USSC, 1991) of SRA could be summarized as follow: 1. There should be a clear and comprehensive statement of sentencing of federal law along with
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project Management - Essay Example In the contemporary age, there is a lot of competition in the market. In order to gain competitive advantage, companies are trying to make their systems perfect. There is no room for deficiency because the clients have a variety of vendors to choose the services from. In such circumstances, proper management of the project ensures that the project is completed on time, within budget and with least inconvenience to any of the parties involved in the project. Project management adopts a pro-active approach to assess and manage the potential risks of the project which is beneficial for all parties in the long run. Successful project management promotes business. Lifecycle of a project can be divided into four phases, namely project initiation, project planning, project execution and project closure. Project lifecycle management is basically the management of these four phases of the project. Each of these phases has its own crucial aspects that need to be managed. For example, in the pr oject initiation phase, risk assessment and mitigation is primarily important. In project planning, selection of the plan that is the most cost-effective among all is mainly important. In the project execution phase, supervision of the work is the most important whereas in the project closure stage, clarifying the snag list prepared by the consultant or client and acquiring the payment is primarily the work of the project manager. Project management is extremely important for an organization because it enables the organizational personnel to do the work in an organized manner. When the majority of risks have been timely identified and catered for, work flows smoothly and so does the cash flow. This allows the finance department to generate the salaries on time and everybody is happy. The peace of mind thus achieved enables the organizational personnel to optimize upon their capabilities and they are able to give in their best for the organization. Hence, project management is vital for the success of an organization. Planning is one of the most fundamental concepts of the project management. Planning means determining how the work will be executed. There can be numerous ways to attain the final product. The goal of the project manager is to select such a plan from among a variety of options, that consumes the least resources, is the least time-consuming and yet leads him to the product without compromising upon its quality. In order for a project manager to identify such a plan for a particular project, it is imperative that he carries out a comprehensive research to brainstorm himself with the possible alternatives that can be adopted to get the project executed. While doing the research, the project manager should see how a project of a specific nature has been executed in the past, what potential benefits and drawbacks were identified by the project executers of using such a plan after it had been executed, and what
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Kolbs cyclical learning theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Kolbs cyclical learning theory - Assignment Example In the entire session, I was actively involved in varied chronological ideas with the major one involving lab analysis. Throughout the sessions, it was evident that more and more results were acquired, and each time the results differed. This was identified after each individual clearly demonstrated their results. Concrete experimentation consists of varied activities that can range from field works to lab sessions. In this sessions, everyone is committed to gaining the best results; a reason for having many correct answers for a similar question. Attaining different although acceptable lab results raised a lot of questions with most of them associated with credibility of the entire lab process. Although, I had numerous doubts, I decided to try and understand the results and the causes that resulted into the above facts. On putting more efforts and repeating the process several times, it became evident that these results would always vary, but accurate calculations using the data for each individual would provide similar results. This ensured that if the same lab sessions were repeated or rather taken in similar circumstances, but different periods, it was possible to anticipate the following results or actions. The reflective observation has instances when a learner concentrates and reflects on the experiences that occurred in the prior stage. Understanding the general principle in which the entire lab session, results and the analysis occurred proved incredibly challenging.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Ryanair airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ryanair airlines - Essay Example The company provides its service to 28 countries in Europe. External environment can be comprehensively be captured by conducting a PEST analysis. It is a strategic process of analyzing the political, economic, social and environmental forces affecting the operating environment of the organization (Johnson, et al., 2011). Political: The deregulation of the Aviation industry in Europe had helped in the growth of the airline companies since 1997. This had particularly helped Ryanair to develop a network of travel route over entire Europe directly fuelling their growth (Malighetti, Paleari and Redondi, 2009). The government is also creating opportunities for aviation companies to expand operations in the U.S. Economic: The economic environment of Ryanair has been highly profitable as has been observed from the consolidated financial statement of the company. Additionally, the recession of 2008 had increased the preference of the consumers towards availing low cost flights as their disposable income has gone down (Malighetti, Paleari and Redondi, 2009). Another pressing issue for the company is the rising cost of oil in the recent years. Social: The high rates of unemployment in the country have increased the importance of low cost airlines. This has been accompanied by the growth of the need to travel throughout the country for the need of finding a job. Technology: Technological advancements are extremely important for the aviation industry as it is directly related to the reduction of costs. Constructing fuel efficient aircrafts and introduction of technology to allow customers to self-service themselves can contribute to the reduction of operating costs. Factors like the creditworthiness of the company, its reputation and image can be considered as internal factors affecting strategic decision making. Building a good brand image in front of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Differential Equation Essay Example for Free
Differential Equation Essay Assume that the resulting system is linear and time-invariant. x[n] O + r0n] D y[n] +1 3 -2 Figure P6. 5 (a) Find the direct form I realization of the difference equation. (b) Find the difference equation described by the direct form I realization. (c) Consider the intermediate signal r[n] in Figure P6. 5. (i) Find the relation between r[n] and y[n]. (ii) Find the relation between r[n] and x[n]. (iii) Using your answers to parts (i) and (ii), verify that the relation between y[n] and x[n] in the direct form II realization is the same as your answer to part (b). Systems Represented by Differential and Difference Equations / Problems P6-3 P6. 6 Consider the following differential equation governing an LTI system. dx(t) dytt) dt + ay(t) = b di + cx(t) dt dt (P6. 6-1) (a) Draw the direct form I realization of eq. (P6. 6-1). (b) Draw the direct form II realization of eq. (P6. 6-1). Optional Problems P6. 7 Consider the block diagram in Figure P6. 7. The system is causal and is initially at rest. r [n] x [n] + D y [n] -4 Figure P6. 7 (a) Find the difference equation relating x[n] and y[n]. (b) For x[n] = [n], find r[n] for all n. (c) Find the system impulse response. P6. 8 Consider the system shown in Figure P6. 8. Find the differential equation relating x(t) and y(t). x(t) + r(t) + y t a Figure P6. 8 b Signals and Systems P6-4 P6. 9 Consider the following difference equation: y[n] ly[n 1] = x[n] (P6. 9-1) (P6. 9-2) with x[n] = K(cos gon)u[n] Assume that the solution y[n] consists of the sum of a particular solution y,[n] to eq. (P6. 9-1) for n 0 and a homogeneous solution yjn] satisfying the equation Yh[flI 12Yhn 1] = 0. (a) If we assume that Yh[n] = Az, what value must be chosen for zo? (b) If we assume that for n 0, y,[n] = B cos(Qon + 0), what are the values of B and 0? [Hint: It is convenient to view x[n] = Re{Kejonu[n]} and y[n] = Re{Yeonu[n]}, where Y is a complex number to be determined. P6. 10 Show that if r(t) satisfies the homogeneous differential equation m d=r(t) dt 0 and if s(t) is the response of an arbitrary LTI system H to the input r(t), then s(t) satisfies the same homogeneous differential equation. P6. 11 (a) Consider the homogeneous differential equation N dky) k~=0 dtk (P6. 11-1) k=ak Show that if so is a solution of the equation p(s) = E akss k=O N = 0, (P6. 11-2) then Aeso is a solution of eq. (P6. 11-1), where A is an arbitrary complex constant. (b) The polynomial p(s) in eq. (P6. 11-2) can be factored in terms of its roots S1, ,S,. : p(s) = aN(S SI)1P(S tiplicities. Note that S2)2 . . . (S Sr)ar, where the si are the distinct solutions of eq. (P6. 11-2) and the a are their mul U+ 1 o2 + + Ur = N In general, if a, ;gt; 1, then not only is Ae a solution of eq. (P6. 11-1) but so is Atiesi as long as j is an integer greater than or equal to zero and less than or Systems Represented by Differential and Difference Equations / Problems P6-5 equal to oa 1. To illustrate this, show that if ao = 2, then Atesi is a solution of eq. (P6. 11-1). [Hint: Show that if s is an arbitrary complex number, then N ak dtk = Ap(s)te t + A estI Thus, the most general solution of eq. P6. 11-1) is p ci-1 ( i=1 j=0 Aesi , where the Ai, are arbitrary complex constants. (c) Solve the following homogeneous differential equation with the specified aux iliary conditions. d 2 y(t) 2 dt2 + 2 dy(t) + y(t) = 0, dt y(0) = 1, y'() = 1 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw. mit. edu Resource: Signals and Systems Professor Alan V. Oppenheim The following may not correspond to a parti cular course on MIT OpenCourseWare, but has been provided by the author as an individual learning resource. For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw. mit. edu/terms.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analyzing a Written Essay Essay Example for Free
Analyzing a Written Essay Essay The two essays that I read were â€Å"A Soul as Free as the Air: About Lucy Stone†and, â€Å"How to succeed as an Online Student†. The four types of essay organization discussed in the course readings were; 1. Topic: This development organizes information about the topic in the most logical way. 2. Time order: It is using sequential order to write an essay. It organizes the information from one time period to another. 3. Space order: This deals with location of people, places or things. 4. Informative process: This is written in a step-by-step arrangement in their natural occurring order. The characteristics that make these essays expository, is that it has facts to inform about the topic. It is used in facts form and not biased. What distinguishes space organization from time organization or informative-process organization in an essay is that Space order deals with location, Time organization refers to placing information in chronological order by date or a specific time, and Informative essay would be one that takes on a step-by-step process. The organization of each essay help the reader understand the subject matter of that essay in the essay â€Å"How to Succeed as Online Student†, it list steps to teach online students what it takes to be successful in an online atmosphere. The reader understands you must follow these steps to succeed. On the essay, â€Å"A Soul as Free as the Air: About Lucy Stone†it helped to learn about Lucy Stone, it showed the order of her achievements. On the essays that I read, the one that has the most effective organi zation was â€Å"A Souls as Free as the Air: About Lucy Stone†. I chose this essay, because it was organized from the beginning to the end, it was in the order of each of her achievements. A different type of organizational style for â€Å"How to Succeed as Online Student†if you change it to a time order or space order, then it would confuse some of the online students. The main part would be lost in the reading. It would definitely have students wanting to go to class instead of online, so the teacher could clarify things. The type of essay organization that is more suitable for my essay topic on â€Å"Warming Global; Drought,†would be Time Order, due to the heat and water levels at the time.
Health Promotion Interventions For Obesity Health And Social Care Essay
Health Promotion Interventions For Obesity Health And Social Care Essay This chapter presents findings from the articles that matched the inclusion criteria. It will introduce evidence found via literature search described on Chapter 2: Methodology. Therefore, this chapter presents the evidence on the health promotion interventions for obesity in adults with ID; and its effectiveness. It also includes some of the key limitations found by the researcher/s that carried out each of the discussed reviews. The documents reviewed had directly and indirectly the same point: to be designed aiming to reduce and tackle obesity in people with ID. Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. Furthermore a systematic and an integrative literature review were focused on obesity and people with ID. One systematic review was focused on weight loss interventions for people with ID and was written by Hamilton et al. (2007). It includes programmes that focus on nutrition, physical activity or health promotion (education). From the research five studies will be presented in this chapter. The other documents reviewed could not be included in this piece of work as Hamilton et al. included the review of five outdated studies, in which three were undertaken in the 1980s. The approaches to the management of obesity for people with ID discussed in the systematic review included behavioural approaches, and surgical interventions including gastric bypass surgery and pharmacological treatment. However, relatively few researchers have examined the effectiveness of weight loss interventions for adults with ID. One paper was an integrative literature review of interventions designed to reduce obesity in people who have ID was written by Jinks et al. (2010). The paper is a review of the effectiveness of non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical interventions designed to promote weight loss in people with ID. It also discusses how qualitative evidence on peoples experiences and motivations can help understanding of the quantitative research outcomes. An integrative review method was used and synthesis of the findings related to study design, participants, and types of interventions, outcome measures and participant perspectives. Twelve studies met the inclusion criteria, seven of these studies will be presented in this chapter as it met the inclusion criteria of this research. Interventions presented by Jinks et al. (2010) that included as participants people without ID and focused only in adolescents were excluded. The majority of the interventions discussed were focused on energy intake, energy expe nditure or health promotion. Just a small number of studies incorporated behaviour modification approaches. The nine studies to be discussed in this chapter were undertaken in different settings (supported and non-supported living, day centres, group and residential homes). The majority of the researches were undertaken with population from the United Kingdom (three studies) and United States (five studies) with the exception of one study from Taiwan. Sample sizes of the intervention studies varied in numbers of group of 6 to 201 participants. The preponderance of the studies used samples of people who are considerate to have mild to moderate ID. One study (Rimmer et al., 2004) focused only on people with Down syndrome. Most of the groups were of mixed gender, only Bradley (2003) that included only women in the study. The age of the participants that undertook the researches varied a lot. All participants were aged 16 years or older. None of the studies were focused only with elderly participants, although one study had participants of ageing group, meaning individuals older than 32 years of age. A summary of these findings are presented on the next page on Table 4. Table 4. Study description, sample and findings. Study Description Country and Settings Sample Findings Aronow and Hahn (2005) One year multi component intervention US. Non-institutional settings. 201 adults (mild to moderate ID 59% overweight/obese) Health risks = decreased Health strength= increased Bradley (2005) One year nutritional and physical program. UK. Supported living settings. 09 women (mild ID 8 obese) Weight loss 8 of 9 having breakfast regularly Healthy diet=increased Chapman et al. (2005) One year multi-component intervention UK. Day centre. Input group 38 adults (97% overweight/obese) Nor input group 50 adults (64% overweight/obese) Input group=significant weight loss Non input group= Non significant weight loss Mann et al. (2006) 9 week health promotion program. US. Independent and supported living settings. 192 adults (mild to moderate ID) all overweight/obese Highly significant decrease in BMI Marshall et al. (2003) 6 to 8 week health promotion intervention promoting weight loss. Modifies Active materials including information on exercise and healthy eating. UK Day centres. 25 adults with ID (17 overweight/obese) Weight reduced significant Podgorski et al. (2004) 12 week physical activity intervention promoting weight loss. Follow-up of one year. US. Day Centre. 15 older adults (40 80+) (mild to severe ID) 10 overweight/obese Physical fitness scores improved Rimmer et al. (2004) 12 week physical activity intervention promoting weight loss. Fitness program of 3 sessions a week lasting 45 minutes. US. Supported living settings and Group homes. 52 adults with Down Syndrome (69% overweight/obese) Small but not statistically significant weight reduction Sailer et al. (2006) 10 week weight loss program US. Human services centre. 6 adults (mild to moderate ID all obese). Moderate weight reduction Wu et al. (2010) 6 months physical activity intervention promoting weight loss. Fitness program of daily 45 minutes sessions. Taiwan. Disability Institution. 146 adults with ID (47.9% overweight/obese). Decreases in individuals weight The types of intervention of the studies varied from a range of categories. Some studies focused on nutrition (Sailer et al., 2006), physical activity (Rimmer et al., 2004; Chapman et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2010) and mainly health promotion intervention (Aronow and Hahn, 2005; Marshall et al., 2006). A study included the use of behavioural relapse prevention strategies (Mann et al. 2006). Another used mainly behavioural approaches and concentrated on teaching self-control techniques and self-monitoring of food intake (Sailer et al. 2006). The majority included educational programmes planned to increase understanding of the significance of having and keeping a healthy lifestyle. To obtain improved understanding, some of the studies involved activities that were intended to improve participants life skills. These studies included, for example, visits to supermarkets, food preparation and food-tasting sessions (Bradley, 2005), and health fairs and a Shop, Cook and Eat initiative (Chapman et al., 2005).* The types of interventions were a large combination and examples of different interventions tackling obesity. A variety of professionals apart from the researchers were involved in the process and delivery of the interventions. The BMI was the most common outcome used in the studies to diagnose obesity and outcomes. Even though two researches (Podgorski et al.,2004; Sailer et al., 2006) used as measurement the total body weight. Waist measurement (Bradley,2005), cardiovascular Results of studies with weight reducement:
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Galileo Galilei Essay -- Essays Papers
Galileo Galilei Galileo was born in Pisa along the Via del Cuore in 1564 to Vincenzo Galileo, a man known for his study of music, and Giuli Ammananti. When Galileo was ten he moved to Florance.1 At eleven young Galileo was sent to Vallombrosa for school. At fifteen Galileo decided to be a monk, but because of his father gave up his ambition. In the late summer of 1581 Galileo entered the University of Pisa and embarked on a course of study in medicine. Studying the Aristotelian system, which states larger heavier objects from high places, Galileo became increasingly skeptical. Evidence of Galileo’s brilliance was assured when in 1583, he was attending service in the cathedral and he saw that the flames of the candles osculated back and fourth. It was upon this observation that the pendulum was built. Not having enough money and not having the skills required to stay at the University, they kicked him out. To get by, Galileo began tutoring students. His continuous work with mathematics led Galileo to go to Rome and visit the famous Jesuit mathematician Christopher Calvis. From there on out, Galileo was able to hob-knob with Italy’s mathematical elite. As Galileo’s acquaintances grew, so did his reputation. He went on to make lectures and speeches about his mathematical findings. Unfortunately by 1593 Galileo was in dept. To make up for his financial problems Galileo invented what we know as the thermometer. There was no money in this so Galileo worked at a university teaching ptolemy and kept his job tutoring for a fair price. Time passed and Galileo moved from Giustina to a large three-story house behind the Basilica of San Antonio. Galileo still struggled to make ends meat, which also could be blamed on his mistress Marina... ..., Galileo was dumped with Michelangelo’s, his brother’s, wife and seven kids in May of 1627. When in 1627 Ferdinand II became lord of Tuscany, Galileo was appointed o the council of 200. A year latter in 1630, Galileo finished the controversial Dialogue. Galileo’s book drew much criticism and as a result, by January Galileo went away to be tried in court for believing in the Copernican opinion. After much deliberation on the issue, Galileo was sentenced to imprisonment. Though given many luxuries for a prisoner, Galileo was not allowed to speak or even carry out many of his creative ambitions.2 By Christmas of 1637 Galileo had gone blind and with all his illnesses was struggling just to live. Then on January 8, 1642 Galileo Galilei died.3 Sources 1 Field, Galileo Gaililei, 1 2 Reston, Galileo: A Life, 7-282 3 Unknown, Biography Galileo Galilei, 1 Galileo Galilei Essay -- Essays Papers Galileo Galilei Galileo was born in Pisa along the Via del Cuore in 1564 to Vincenzo Galileo, a man known for his study of music, and Giuli Ammananti. When Galileo was ten he moved to Florance.1 At eleven young Galileo was sent to Vallombrosa for school. At fifteen Galileo decided to be a monk, but because of his father gave up his ambition. In the late summer of 1581 Galileo entered the University of Pisa and embarked on a course of study in medicine. Studying the Aristotelian system, which states larger heavier objects from high places, Galileo became increasingly skeptical. Evidence of Galileo’s brilliance was assured when in 1583, he was attending service in the cathedral and he saw that the flames of the candles osculated back and fourth. It was upon this observation that the pendulum was built. Not having enough money and not having the skills required to stay at the University, they kicked him out. To get by, Galileo began tutoring students. His continuous work with mathematics led Galileo to go to Rome and visit the famous Jesuit mathematician Christopher Calvis. From there on out, Galileo was able to hob-knob with Italy’s mathematical elite. As Galileo’s acquaintances grew, so did his reputation. He went on to make lectures and speeches about his mathematical findings. Unfortunately by 1593 Galileo was in dept. To make up for his financial problems Galileo invented what we know as the thermometer. There was no money in this so Galileo worked at a university teaching ptolemy and kept his job tutoring for a fair price. Time passed and Galileo moved from Giustina to a large three-story house behind the Basilica of San Antonio. Galileo still struggled to make ends meat, which also could be blamed on his mistress Marina... ..., Galileo was dumped with Michelangelo’s, his brother’s, wife and seven kids in May of 1627. When in 1627 Ferdinand II became lord of Tuscany, Galileo was appointed o the council of 200. A year latter in 1630, Galileo finished the controversial Dialogue. Galileo’s book drew much criticism and as a result, by January Galileo went away to be tried in court for believing in the Copernican opinion. After much deliberation on the issue, Galileo was sentenced to imprisonment. Though given many luxuries for a prisoner, Galileo was not allowed to speak or even carry out many of his creative ambitions.2 By Christmas of 1637 Galileo had gone blind and with all his illnesses was struggling just to live. Then on January 8, 1642 Galileo Galilei died.3 Sources 1 Field, Galileo Gaililei, 1 2 Reston, Galileo: A Life, 7-282 3 Unknown, Biography Galileo Galilei, 1
Monday, August 19, 2019
Cabinet of Styles :: Personal Narrative Timeline Papers
Cabinet of Styles Wow, am I tired. I tried to go to bed early last night, but couldn't sleep for squat. So I turned on the tube. Nothing of interest was on so I turned it to MTV. It was, like, Jams hour or something so it lulled me to sleep. Around one am or so it was Headbanger's ball or Alternative Nation. The strobe flashes from the screen woke me up really fast. Damn MTV. FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH. Their music changes from Enya's soft, sweet lullabies to Dead President's traumatic, trashy rock. It's kinda like their commercials, which I see as a microcosm of that whole network. Flash things at an audience, be loud, obnoxious and downright stupid sometimes and make money of f of it. Maybe I am just cranky because it woke me up. I don't mind MTV, just not at one in the morning. Maybe VH1 is better to sleep to. Hey, maybe that's kinda what Mike was talking about in class about styles in society as related to me. Different situations demands different styles. Cool! So anyway, I should clean out that file cabinet, too much work...but yet, I have nothing better to do so I may as well. Maybe if I keep MTV on while I do it, I can get through that pile of junk more quickly. 10:45 am: THE FILE CABINET God I have a lot of junk. I've kept papers from high school writing classes. As if they are worth revising...they sound so childish now. Neat, here's one I wrote in ninth grade. I have to laugh as I read it though, because I always sounded the same in my writings back then. Somehow my personality ended up being expressed through the character no matter what. If I tried to make my character into someone I wasn't the story was awkward and stilted. One of them was an essay I wrote right after a break up; the assignment was just a character sketch. Ã ¬Her attention was caught, however, when her friend Mary said that hse had a date for that weekend. She flet as if he's been slapped in the face. Her mind wandered to the days when she had been busy dating. It seemed to bery long ago." Of course my character was a depressed girl whose friends were all dating and she was home all alone to moon over the lost love.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Industry and Corporate Risk :: essays research papers
Introduction Organizations today face several business risks that can have an effect on their financial statements. The audit risk model is a tool that auditors use to help identify those risks. To better understand how the audit risk model can help identify risks, we will examine how the model can be applied to the Coca-Cola Corporation and the limitations of using the model. Components of the Model The audit risk model is composed of the equation, audit risk (AR) equals inherent risk (IR) times control risk (CR) times detection risk (DR). Audit risk is the risk that the auditor may fail to modify their opinion on misstatements in the financial statements. Inherent risk is the risk of an assertion being made on material misstatements, assuming that there is no problem with related internal controls. Control risk is the risk that material misstatements could occur in an assertion that are not detected or prevented by the existing internal controls. Detection risk is the risk that the auditor will not detect a material misstatement in the assertion (Messier, 2003, pg. 94). In the process of assessing the auditee risk, the auditor must determine the entity’s business risk. This can be done by evaluating the nature of the entity, industry, regulatory, and other external factors, management, governance, objective and strategies, measurement and performance, and business processes (Messier, 2003, pg. 98). Examples of possible business risks can be found in the Coca-Cola Corporation. Coca-Cola faces different regulatory practices since it has operations in countries outside of the United States. These operations include North America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Eurasia, and Middle East, and Latin America. Another business risk for Coca-Cola is that the nature of the business can be seasonal. The demand for the product can fluctuate from one location to another and may fluctuate over time within a single location. Coca-Cola also acquired ownership or licensing rights to products in Croatia, Argentina, Mexico, and Bahrain in 2004, which create new business risks. The company also uses two different units of measurement to figure sales. The measurements are gallons and cases of finished products. The difference in measurement can cause errors in measurement, therefore possibly creating another business risk (Coca-Cola, March 4, 2005, pg. 2, 4). Applying the Model The use of the audit risk model should be applied at the account balance or class of transaction level. There are three steps to applying the model, the steps include setting a planned level of audit risk, determining inherent and control risk, and solving the risk equation in order to determine the appropriate level of detection risk (Messier, 2003, pg.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Do the Press Have Too Much Freedom Essay
Freedom of expression has always been emphasized as an essential basis for the democratic functioning of a society. The reasons for this are: the right of an individual to self-fulfillment, which right requires the communication of thought and an attempt which is frustrated if information is suppressed or comment blocked. For this we need press and it has to be free for being unbiased. Newspapers is an important source of information spreads news in an unlimited way. Furthermore, newspapers spread appropriate information to the readers and motivate them to think and to be aware about current events that affect society; additionally they can undermine important people’s public image by spreading biased information. They do so, in order to provide exclusive stories with the objective of selling more. What is more, distortion of information, invasion of privacy and the dissemination of unfounded news are only a part of a long list of felonies that the written media commits in order to be read all over the world. For instance, many artist are victims of newspaper’s harassment and slander on their good names. In this sense, journalists invade actors or actresses’ privacy or invent stories that affect their integrity and self-image with the aim of getting the scoop. Nevertheless, how is it to be a newsman? My understanding of a reporter is that it is their job to report the news. That doesn’t mean anything beyond telling exactly what happened. The opinions and the slants put on the news by every network, cable and broadcast, are not reporting. They are television. They are looking for advertisers and ratings. They are looking for the best story instead of the truth. They are reality TV – scripted shows pretending to be spontaneous. Now, I do understand that a news reporter has to pre-write the story so they are not sitting there grumping trying to find the words. So, do newspapers have too much freedom? This question lead us to think about how powerful newspapers are and their real incidence in our lives. Moreover, how much freedom is too much? All of this needs to be looked into and needs to be answered. In addition, the media needs to be held much more accountable for the way they cover the news. Otherwise, history is going to show that our democracy fell apart because it was taken advantage of.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Osmosis lab Essay
The Measurement of the Rate of Osmosis by using â€Å"Deshelled†Chicken Eggs (Effect of Solute Concentration upon Rate/Degree of Osmosis in Chicken Eggs) Introduction Every cell needs a mechanism that it uses in the maintenance of a constant internal environment. This is important in the control of the ever changing external environment to the cell. The transfer of materials to and from the cell thus needs a very stable mechanism to achieve this status. Cells are therefore bound a membrane that acts the selective controller of the movement of different substances to and from the cell. This is especially when dealing with the solutes both to and from the cell. Some solutes must be allowed to move into and out of the cell depending on the need and urgency of the very solutes. This membrane is considered to selectively permeable to different solutes and thus will only allow the passage of specific solutes to and from the cell. This implies that the membrane to most cells is selectively permeable or has a differential permeability to different solutes. Both the internal and the external environment to the cell are composed an aqueous solution that is made of dissolved organic and inorganic substances. The gradual or spontaneous movement of these substances in and out the cell are guided by a mechanism called diffusion. This is a movement by molecules to a region of lower concentration from that of higher concentration. A good number of studies have been used in the biology field that are related to the use and importance of such passive movements in the cells and the entire organisms. There exist a number of passive movements that are vital to the functioning of several organisms. These include movements like diffusion, osmosis and others. However, the paper will be pegged onto the factors related to osmosis. The experiment will try to underscore the importance of osmosis using the shelled eggs cells. This will also encompass the effects of several salt concentrations to the egg cells. Research Questions The paper tires to answer a number of questions related to osmosis. First, it seeks to understand and illustrate the importance of osmosis to the cellular life of an organism. It will also seek to underscore the vitality of the osmosis process to the mode of transport in the egg cells. It will go ahead to explain the relevance of different solutions to the eggs cells. It then explains the role and importance of osmosis to the tissues and cells in the body. When dealing with osmosis, we use several terms. These are the hypertonic, hypotonic and the isotonic. These are used in relation to the relative concentrations of such solutions to the cell sap being investigated. Curtis defined these terms as illustrated below. Hypotonic is the solution that contains a low concentration of the solutes particles. Water will always move away from the hypotonic solution. In a typical cell, the hypotonic solution becomes the reference point or the control in the experiment just like in this experiment. This implies that the solution has lesser particles in comparison to that of intracellular space. The hypertonic solution on the other hand, refers to the solution that contains higher concentration of particles. It refers to the solution that has a higher concentration s compared to that of the intracellular space. Water will always move across the semi permeable membrane into the hypertonic solution in the cellular setting. This simply implies that the hypertonic solution has more concentration of the particles than the intracellular space. Finally, the isotonic solution contains the solutes with the same concentration as those of the other solution in comparison. When these two isotonic solutions are separated by a semi permeable membrane, then there will be a net flow of water across the membranes. Research Hypothesis It is right to pre-empt that the eggs cells will react to the different solutions used in the experiment. This will be in the three different ways discussed above as hypotonic, hypertonic or isotonic solutions. The solutions will have a relative concentration in comparison to that of the eggs cells sap. Materials and Methods Part I: Effect of the Solute Concentration Each group of students were given 2 chicken eggs from which the shell had been dissolved away. The remaining membrane that was the shell membrane was considered to be differentially permeable. Each egg was assumed to have approximately the same concentration of solute in the membrane. Based on the rate of osmosis, the experiment attempted to determine what the concentration must have been. Each egg was then weighed separately to the nearest 0.1g and results recorded the weights in a Table at time â€Å"0.†Each egg was again placed into separate beakers containing solutions of either distilled water (0%), 10% sucrose, 20% sucrose, 30% sucrose, 40% sucrose and an unknown sucrose solution. At 15 minute intervals that is after 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 minutes, the eggs were removed from the beakers. They were then carefully wiped off all excess water; and again each egg weighed separately. Record the weights or masses were then recorded and weight changes placed in the Tables. Plot the changes in weight of each of the eggs were then plotted against time in a graph as shown in the results section. Several questions were then answered based on the results obtained. Which solutions would you say were hypotonic to that of the eggs? Which of them were hypertonic? Isotonic if there were any? What would you expect to happen if an egg was put into a sixth beaker containing a 50% sucrose solution? Results Graph 1: Weight of Eggs versus Time Graph 2: Change in weight of eggs versus Time Graph 3: Last Minute versus Sucrose Concentration The osmotic pressure in the cells and tissues usually take the same function and illustration as those in vivo tests. This process is usually attained through the use of some controls in the experiment with known concentrations. The relativity of the solutions could then be detected using a very simple comparison exercise just like illustrated above. Both the vitro and the vivo tests take the same parameters in such experiments. This implies that the same results will be viewed if such experiments are carried out on mammalian cells like the shelled eggs cells used in this experiment. The fluid under test could be hypertonic, hypotonic or isotonic to the cell sap of the eggs cells used in this experiment in one way or the other. Just as illustrated in the introductory part of this paper, the hypotonic is the solution that contains a low concentration of the solutes particles. Water will always move away from the hypotonic solution. In a typical cell, the hypotonic solution becomes the reference point or the control in the experiment just like in this experiment. This implies that the solution has lesser particles in comparison to that of intracellular space. The hypertonic solution on the other hand, refers to the solution that contains higher concentration of particles. It refers to the solution that has a higher concentration s compared to that of the intracellular space. Water will always move across the semi permeable membrane into the hypertonic solution in the cellular setting. This simply implies that the hypertonic solution has more concentration of the particles than the intracellular space. Finally, the isotonic solution contains the solutes with the same concentration as those of the other solution in comparison. When these two isotonic solutions are separated by a semi permeable membrane, then there will be a net flow of water across the membranes. Discussion From the results in the section above, it is important to underscore the vitality of the biological membranes in the system of most organisms. It is clear that all biological membranes are indeed semi permeable to specific solutes. This implies that they are selectively permeable to water molecules and other important solutes in the functioning of such organisms. However, their great importance comes in when they are impermeable to several other solutes in the body that are neither important to the cells nor the tissues of the body. These solutes that are impermeable to the biological membranes include solutes like the charged molecules that include ions of Na, K, Ca and Cl. The isotonic solution used in this experiment contained 30 % sucrose and this acted as the control to the experiment. The concentrations below this concentration of the isotonic solution were considered as hypotonic and these incl.ude the 10 and the 20 % sucrose solutions in the experiment. The other concentrations that were above this isotonic value gave the hypertonic solutions and this was the 40 % sucrose solution. Water molecules moved from the hypotonic solution to the inside of the eggs cells to make them swell and become larger and even a god number of these cells were burst due to the excess osmotic pressure built by the effect of the hypotonic solution. The eggs cells that were placed in the isotonic solution never gave any visible change in their form and structure as the concentrations for the solution and that of the cell sap were similar and equal. Those eggs cells that were placed in the hypertonic solution became flaccid. This was due to the movement of water molecules out of the cell into the hypertonic solution. Indeed, the solution in this case increased in volume as opposed to the hypotonic solution that reduced in volume. Conclusion In a nut shell, the experiment proved successful as the objectives of the practical were met to the letter. The hypothesis also proved valid and in line with the objectives. It implies that the different concentrations of sucrose used in the experiment gave varied effects to the cell sap of the eggs cells. The practical clearly demonstrated the effects and process of osmosis to the eggs cells. It also demonstrated the importance of different solutions to the functioning of the cells and tissues in the body of mammals. This was in response to the process of osmosis in the body.
Ernest J. Gaines: a Lesson Before Dying Essay
After reading the†lesson before dying â€Å"by Ernest J. Gaines the two characters that Really peeked my interest was Grant Wiggins and Tane Lou. These two are in relation by blood. this is very surprising being they are the total opposites when it comes to their characters. So I will be comparing these 2 characters. Tante Lou is the aunt of Grant and tante Lou are the total opposites of each other. Grant is so serious all the time and there’s something on his mind constantly. But he chooses to just stay silent about whatever he is thinking or going through. Whereas Tante Lou is the opposite she’s really free spirited. She takes him and really cares for him even through his flaws. Even through all his obstacles she’s able to change him for the better. He becomes a hero in this story he’s the protagonist in this story. He comes off as being so arrogant and wants freedom, respect but doesn’t do anything about it. But however great aunt tante i s anything but shy she will step up. She’s a role model in his life and the black community. Her actions throughout the story show that she has a big heart that loves but also is bossy. She accepts grant for who he is but says hey don’t put your people down. Stand up and use that education your smart let people see that side of you make an impact. Tante Lou is a unique and beautiful person she finds the good things in life through anything. She has a strong belief in god and his good works. Grant goes to church and is religious as well but he seems lost. He’s there but not really and needs direction. So these two characters kind of balance each other out. Grant carries himself as being protagonists throughout the story because he is the narrator in the story. He comes off as being arrogant because he feels that there is no hope for his community. Unlike the others he actually got away and went to college and earned a degree. He wants equality treatment and we see this without this he feels enslaved. Based on his personality he is quiet on the inside but has something to say. There is a part that of him that hasn’t really been exposed His demeanor is that he has used his formal education as a way of distinguishing himself from the others. The fact that he feels this way he doesn’t feel the need to try and make a change or impact at all for his people. Grant feels like nothing will ever change and that he’s an African american stuck in a white racist world. Grant was the only one to leave for a temporarily short period when he went to get a college education and that was rare for the newly freed slaves. Even after the emancipation and getting and education without the barriers they had before. He sticks around but has no reason to stay which is strange he feels enslaved even when he isn’t His overall demeanor is that he seems conflicted with himself and he’s looking for a fight to win. His moods vary depending on how he feels in the story he is very mysterious. He changes from being afraid when first helping Jefferson to being proud. Then when he is with Vivian and his aunt tante he’s kind and caring. When it’s just him he’s is very standoffish and he is very reserved. His character dresses just as his personality is he wears bow ties, white collared shirt and trousers and dress shoes. This is what he wears pretty when it comes to clothes. He wants to make a statement by dressing like this and who he is. Tante is the Aunt of Grant and all we have to go on is her remarks throughout the story. She has what grant lacks which is hope and resilience in this story. The facts that grant has a cynical branded of atheism makes her disapprove it. She is a very spiritual person and is highly motivated by god. Tante constantly is trying to see the good in people and change them for the better. She dresses respectably in society and insists on being chauffeured in the back seat to the pichots. This goes to show you that even though they were regarded as the lower and poor class she didn’t let that affect her. She regarded the way she dressed as the way of saying just because we don’t have money and education doesn’t make us different. She isn’t going to give in to the concept that blacks in the south are the bottom rung. Tante not only is a leader in the community but also in grants life. People look at her to step up and take action and she does by telling grant to be compassionate and helpful. She forces his hand to help Jefferson who was convicted of a crime which he never did. Her faith in god and good works makes her whats good especially for grant in every way. Although physically free, Grant lives in a mental prison of his own making created by his hatred of whites, his arrogance, and his detachment from the black community. As an educated man, he sees himself as superior to people like Jefferson and Rev. Instead of preparing him to contribute to his community, his formal education has taught him to despise his own people. Consequently, he uses his role as a teacher not to inspire and uplift his students but to humiliate and ridicule them, much as his own teacher. Matthew Antoine humiliated and ridiculed him. Thus, instead of using his skills and talents to change the cycle of poverty and violence, Grant perpetuates the cycle by failing to challenge the system.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
â€Å"Of Studies†by Francis Bacon An analysis The purpose of this work is to analyze Sixteen Century Francis Bacon’s essay â€Å"Of Studies†by summarizing its main points and the relevance of its statements to this day. Francis Bacon was an English Philosopher and writer best known as a founder of the modern empirical tradition based on the rational analysis of data obtained by observation and experimentation of the physical world. The main focus of Bacon’s essay rests on explaining to the reader the importance of study knowledge in terms of its practical application towards the individual and its society.His first analysis is an exposition on the purposes or uses that different individuals can have by approaching Study –â€Å"†¦for delight, ornament, and for ability†- And how certain professions are better served by individuals with study knowledge. As he mentions the virtues of Study he also points out its vices: –â€Å"To sp end too much time in study is sloth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Also, how Study influences our understanding of Nature, and in opposition, how our experience of Nature bounds our acquired knowledge.After that, the Author presents the concept of how different individuals with different mental abilities and interests in life, approach the idea of studying –â€Å"Crafty men contemn studies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ - and offers advice on how study should be applied: –â€Å"†¦but to weight and consider†- Then Bacon goes into expressing his ideas in how the means to acquire study knowledge, books, can be categorized and read according to their content and value to the individual. The benefits of studying are Bacon’s final approach.Benefits in terms of defining a â€Å"Man†by its ability to read, write or confer, and in terms of being the medicine for any â€Å"impediment in the wit†and by giving â€Å"receipts†to â€Å"every defect of the mind†. Cert ainly, some of Francis Bacon’s insights in this subject are of value after 400 years of societal evolution. We can ascertain this when we read the phrase â€Å"They perfect Nature, and are perfected by experience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Nevertheless some of the concepts expressed in his Essay have to be understood through the glass of time.By this I mean Society values and concepts were different altogethers to what we know today. By that time Society was strongly influenced by the idea of literacy and illiteracy (relatively few were educated and could read and write). Only educated people had access to knowledge and by that, to social status and opportunity. Nowadays would be difficult to accept ideas which relate skills or professions towards an attitude to approach studying. Today, a skilled machinist or carpenter can certainly be a studied person.Nowadays most people in our Society have the possibility to read and by that, to obtain knowledge independently of what our personal cho ices are in terms of profession. Also we must consider how today we value the specialization of knowledge which in the past, characterized by a more generic and limited access to knowledge, wasn’t a major factor into the conceptualization and understanding of study knowledge as to the extent we see it today. Finally, it is doubtful that the benefits of studying can be approached as a recipe for any â€Å"intellectual illness†.We now know that the real illnesses are related to mental conditions and not necessarily to our mental skills, abilities or lack of them and by that I mean that Bacon’s solutions to those conditions are substantially naive under the actual understanding of Human Psychology. Concepts and ideas evolve at the same time as the Human condition changes in all social, scientific, political and economic aspects. By looking through the glass of time and comparing the past to the present we come to the realization of the universality and endurance of some concepts and the fragility and impermanence of some others.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Asian Cultural Heritage
ASIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE The popular and widely known Asian â€Å"Migration Theory†of professor H. Otley Beyer about the prehistoric peopling of the Philippines is now considered untenable by modern scholars. They questione the manner by which the theory was formulated because of the absence of historical or archeological proofs to support it. The Asian texture of Filipino culture from the prehistoric Spanish times, therefore, could be traced to evolutionary factors, the continous migrations of people and the early contacts with other Asian civilizations. INDIAN INFLUENCESIndian influences were traceable in the languages, religious belief, literature, customs and traditions of early Filipinos. The Supreme God of the ancient Tagalog was Bathala, which came from the Sanskrit word B’hattara (great Lord) Among the pre-Islamic natives of Sulu, Indra Battara was the most prominent deity, Indra, being the sky god. The other gods the natives believed were of Indian or Vedic in origin such as Agni (fire god) and Surya (sun god). The epics of the early Filipinos such as the Biag ni Lam-Ang of the ilocanos, Mahabharata, the Indian epic.Some Filipino superstitious beliefs that originated from India were: 1. A comet is a bad sign; it brings war, famine and other calamities. 2. A pregnant woman must not eat twin bananas for she will give birth to twins. The putong (headgear) of the early Filipino male was Indian origin. So was the sarong (Indian sari), the lower part of the clothing of pre-Spanish women. Indian influences on Filipino culture are clearly manifested by the presence of Sanskrit words in Tagalog language. Dr. T. H. Pardo de Tavera mentions 340 Sanskrit words. Examples are: SanskritTagalog . Atawaasawa (spouse) 2. Amaama (father) 3. Raharaha (king) 4. Harihari (king) 5. Kottakuta (fort) 6. Gandaganda (beauty) 7. Bhattarabathala (god) 8. Mutyamutya (pearl) 9. Inaina (mother) MALAYAN INFLUENCES The Maragtas For lack of historical or archeological data , the Maragtas or the great tale about the Ten Bornean Datus who came to Panay may be part-history and part-fiction. According to this great story, at around 1250 AD, ten datus and their families left Borneo to escape the repressive rule of Sultan Makatunaw and to establish new homes across the seas.Led by Datu Puti, the Malays landed in Panay Island where they negotiated with Marikudo, the Negrito king for the barter of the lowlands. The agreed price was one golden salakot for the Ati king and one gold necklace for Maniwangtiwang, Marikudo’s wife. The barter of Panay was sealed by an agreement of friendship between the Atis and the Malays. The Negritos, after performing their merry songs and dances, retreated to the mountains. There are some interesting coincidences, however, between the legend of Maragtas and Panay customs and traditions.To this day, the ati-atihan, a colorful song and dance festival is celebrated in Aklan. This is to re-enact the warm welcome accorded to t he Malays by the Atis, which resulted to the purchase of Panay. W. H. Scott, the American missionary, in his doctoral dissertation (1968) comments: â€Å"There is no reason to doubt that this legend (Maragtas) preserves the memory of an actual event, but it is not possible to date the event itself, or to decide which of the details ar historical facts, and which are the embellishments of generations of oral transmission. CHINESE INFLUENCES The Chinese, who came to the Philippines, whether as traders or settlers, were primarily interested in trade, so their influences on Filipino life were mainly economic and social. The early Filipinos learned from the Chinese the art of metallurgy, the manufacture of gunpowder, mining methods and the use of porcelain, gongs, umbrellas, lead and kites. From the Chinese originated the dishes lumpia, mami, okoy, pansit, bihon, chop suey and siopao. Sauces like toyo, and tawsi also came from the Chinese.Some Chinese customs were eventually adopted by the Filipinos. The arrangement of marriage of children by parents, the use of go-between in negotiating marriage, the use of white clothes or dress during the period of mourning and the filial respect for elders accorded by the children were examples of practices borrowed from the Chinese. About a thousand words are found in the Filipino language. Among them are the following: ChineseFilipino 1 Inkongingkong 2 Hebihibi 3 A-chiate 4 Bi-koebiko 5 Dikiamdikiam Pin-topinto 7 Sosisusi 8 Mikimiki 9 Bakkiahbakya 10 Pansitpansit JAPANESE RELATIONS The Filipinos had been trading with the Japanese long before the coming of the Spaniards. Japanese bahan (merchants) and wakos (pirates) sailed the South China Sea seeking for Sung and Yuan wares buried in Philippines graves, iron and woolens for Filipino gold and wax. The Japanese immigrants who came to the Philippines during the pre-Spanish times settled at the mouth of the Cagayan River, the Lingayen Gulf area, and Manila.The first recorded enc ounter between the Japanese and the Spaniards was in 1572 when Juan de Salcedo, while sailing from Manila to Ilocos, fought off three Japanese junks off the coast of Pangasinan. The Japanese pirates sailed away, after fierce fighting. In 1582, an expedition led by Captain Juan Pablo Carreon assaulted a Japanese colony founded by the pirate Tayfusa at the mouth of Cagayan River. The Japanese were forced to leave the place. The early Japanese merchants also traded with Agoo, a town in the Lingayen Gulf area.They brought with them utensils, assorted weapons, salted meats and other Japanese were better treated and nodiscrimatory decrees were made against them. The Spaniards respected and feared them. ARABIC INFLUENCES Arabia’s most enduring legacy to the peoples of Sulu and Mindanao is Islam. The Arabs also introduced the sultanate form of government, Arabic art and literature; the Arabic alphabet; the Koranic Law; the mosque; the art of warfare- lantaka(cannon), vinta(warboat) a nd the kuta(fort).The Luwaran, a code of laws and compilation of the customs and traditions of the early Muslims, was written in Arabic. The Maranao’s Darangan (epic poetry), Maguindanao’s Indarapatra and Sulayman and Sulu’s Parang Sabil were deeply inspired by Islam. Arabic influence is also clearly seen in the decorative and ornamental art of the maranaos, who are the best –known wood carvers and painters of the region. Arabic words are also found in the Filipino language. Examples are: surat(letter), apu(old man), akma (appropriate), arak (wine), alamat (legend), maalem (knowing), pirate (scar) and salam (thanks).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Public health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Public health - Essay Example It is important for the public to continuously be sensitized on the impact that some of the common lifestyle choices such as physical activity, smoking, nutrition and diet can have on their health resulting in a higher risk of developing medical conditions such as cancer and obesity (Sattar and Lean, 2007). This paper will present a report analysis on the prevalence and impact Smoking, Obesity, Cancer and Physical activity across the United Kingdom. The immense benefits of a physically active lifestyle have been relatively well document and there currently exists a large amount of evidence that suggests that regular activity is closely related to significantly reduced risk of an individual developing a number of chronic conditions. Physical activity has repeatedly been shown to contribute to a wide range of health benefits and engaging in regular physical activity can have the effect of improving the health outcomes of an individual regardless of whether the individual is able to achieve weight loss (Dugdill, Crone and Murphy, 2009). According to statistics released by the UK Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC, 2014), a study conducted in the UK in 2012 found that an estimated 55% of women and 67% of men aged 16 years and over were able to meet the prescribed recommendations of aerobic activity while 26% of women and 19% of men were classified as being largely inactive. These figures are seen to be similar to those presented by in a 2013 press release by the UK Public Health Minister Anna Soubry. In the press release, pointed out that a quarter of the population are not doing even 30 min of physical activity a week and as such, these individuals are putting their health at risk (Department of Health, 2013). The survey by the HSCIC (2014) also showed that for both sexes the actual proportion of individuals that are able to meet the aerobic activity guidelines tends to generally decrease with age. The
Monday, August 12, 2019
Ecological Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Ecological Economics - Essay Example Hanley et al. (1996) argues that it is only when people satisfy their financial needs that they remember the non-renewable characteristic of natural resources. The problem in the Niger Delta escalates as a result of humans focusing on the economic gains derived from exploitation of the oil reserves, disregarding the consequences on environment. The petro-business is a significant source of government revenue. Oil extraction largely affects the environment through oil spills from the high pressure pipelines that cross through the villages. The inhabitants of these villages are aware of the dangers posed to their health by the oil spills and also know that the companies involved reap huge benefits from the oil business (Ibeanu, 2000). They are aggrieved by the fact that they do not get a share of what they believe are their own resources. Environmental pollution and injuries on the community members result from the activities of the petroleum companies, which emphasize on their right t o extract the resources without disturbance especially considering the industry’s contribution to government revenue. People use natural resources the way they do because of varied reasons especially if the goods serve the interests of more than one group. Unless there are rules to curtail the overuse of the resources, there is usually a high risk of depletion (Acheson et al. 2006). The owners of the oil companies believe that they have a right to extract oil because they contribute a great deal to the economy.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Language as dialect, language and gender in the classroom Essay
Language as dialect, language and gender in the classroom - Essay Example f gender is such a great component of the social and cultural existence of humans that it is almost impossible to talk, interrelate and make judgments on others in the society without first classifying them under a certain category of gender- either male or female (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (15). Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (10) in the definition of genders as a social construction reveal that this is the manner in which the society is able to carry out the sets of procedures that constitute the differentiation of the gender categories. Despite the fact that biological and physiological construction has a propensity to impact the male and female individuals in society, the perception of gender as a socially constructed phenomenon perceived such differences as being social in nature. Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (22) indicates that the cultural differences between boys and girls are enforced in different levels based on the societies from which they come. The children of different gende rs then indicate a preference for same-sex companies and circle. It is in these same-sex groupings that the boy and girl children begin to behave differently, acquire different perspectives of life and develop discrepant verbal cultures. The manner in which male and female individuals comprehend interrelations is very discrepant, and most times, they are ignorant of such differences. Moreover the males and females tend to suppose that the function from a similar understanding. It is such ignorance and presupposition that fuels gender- founded miscommunication (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet 24). The main point of concern for feminist linguistics is the depiction of language and gender as a social and cultural construction. Eckert and McConnell-Ginet (18) point out that voice is a very important component of language and gender. From the time, they are aged 4-5 years old, children from either sex start to make a distinction between the basic frequencies, which characterizes the voices they
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Ergonomics in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Ergonomics in the Workplace - Essay Example These decades have witnessed how managers shifted from using typewrites to using expensive computers, from using manual labour to highly specialised equipment and machinery and so on and so forth. In a nutshell, this development can be categorised as development in Information Technology. However, such developments have often resulted in increased complexity, pressures and strains, as well as various other issues, in the workplace. Specifically, the transformation to the wholesale adoption and implementation of computer technology has resulted in the domination of machines in the workplace, where employers typically expect employees to work on complex computer programs and technical equipment such as using barcodes instead of simple manual stock forms as a part of their work to improve their performance and targets in order to acquire bonuses and promotions. All of this has given rise to materialistic culture, even in the workforce, where every employee try to compete with his collea gue to win accolades and praise from his boss. This competition is rewarding for the business, but it has had certain bad effects on the health and psychology of individuals. This is due to a number of different reasons that are leading to an adverse impact on individuals in the workplace (Hartvigsen & Lings, 2004). . Conflict and Change in Workplace Environment: . Conflicts can be defined as stressors that individuals have to face sometimes in their lives and careers. The complexity of organisational structure and introduction of new technology into the business have increased the risk of conflicts between workers and their supervisors, workers and their colleagues and workers and managers. For example, there might be conflict of interest between workers and supervisors about the working hours, wages etc. This will create disruption in the work and put off workers' mind towards things that will create stress and in short it will be a disturbance to work. (Lazarus, 1999; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) An employment relation service in the Britain, ACAS (2007) have indicated that, despite the important role of ergonomics, a huge number of individuals confront various challenges at times of conflicts such as when they find that the decisions taken by the top management are against their personal value or change in their workplace environment against their wishes can range from physical and social to psychological and emotional adverse impacts (Hartvigsen & Lings, 2004). This subsequently results in the bad performance of the organisations and workers. Before analyzing the different mechanisms that individuals use to cope during times of conflict and change at work, it is imperative to identify and discuss the challenges and issues that will enable a better understanding of the topic. In particular, many agencies and psychologists (e.g., ACAS, 2007) have indicated that changing the workplace environment and avoiding disagreements among the top level management and workers is impossi ble, as they are a fundamental part of every healthy organization. In other words, it may be riskier to avoid conflict and change, since this could have a detrimental effect on different processes such as differing value judgements or priorities of the
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