Monday, September 30, 2019
Current evidence based approaches for children’s behaviour Essay
Identify and explain current evidence based approaches to understanding children and young people’s behaviour Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the integration of best research evidence with practice expertise and the values of service users and carers. Firstly, when looking at best practice strategies in our setting it is evident that a number of theorists have had much impact on how we interact and engage children in their learning and development. Theorists focused on cognitive development such as Piaget and Vygotsky stressed the importance of the social environment in helping children realise their potential. Whilst behaviourists like Skinner believed that children learn/develop through consequences and reinforcements after an initial behaviour. Other theorists, like Freud and Maslow, examined the influence of personality and motivation as factors that influence our behaviour. Bandura further highlighted the value of social interactions. These studies and research have helped shape and model much of how we operate in the support we give children in their development and learning. EBP in infant, toddler, and early childhood psychology has the potential to improve the health of an increasingly diverse community by focusing on the needs of the youngest, most vulnerable members of society and the families charged with their care and nurturance. Although infant and early childhood psychology may seem like a narrow and specific area, evidence-based practice with young children and their families is vitally important, considering the broad implications for future long and short-term developmental outcomes There are many specific reasons for school psychologists’ current interest in infants, toddlers, and young children. For example, Premature and low birth weight (LBW) infants, especially very low birth weight (< 1500 grams), present unique challenges for early intervention since LBW is often a precursor for a myriad of developmental, medical, sensory, and learning difficulties. We use observations and next steps within my setting as evidence based approach to understanding a child’s behaviour. Using evidence seen such as – a child gets unsettled with transitions during the daily routine – how can we use this evidence to best plan for the child. I.e. – in future give advance warning to any changes in the routine and offer support and comfort at times they find difficult thus the child growing in confidence. As a practitioner we apply knowledge to a situation that has been previously researched which allows us to make a well informed decision about future actions. Every day practise can be influenced by what we have learnt or found out from research, media, and colleagues. Professional practise is keeping up to date with these findings and using them to deliver best practise (using evidence and findings). Within my setting we also understand and respect the importance of all agencies communicating and sharing information and evidence to see the ‘whole child’ using this evidence to shape our practise and how we plan between each other for the best of the child.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Stenden Hots Part C
SCM HOTEL| MODULE ASSIGNMENT PDO PART C| SCM HOTEL| MODULE ASSIGNMENT PDO PART C| Other Operating Expenses at the company which makes a high turnover and a bad staff satibout . e in the HOTS game. Year: 2011-2012 Module: 3 Team 8 Other Operating Expenses at the company which makes a high turnover and a bad staff satibout . e in the HOTS game. Year: 2011-2012 Module: 3 Class: 2PDOd Team 8 Inhalt 1 Performance dashboard year 2 & 3:3 Total turnover4 Figure 1; Total revenue. 4 Figure 2; Net income5 Figure 3; Total rooms sold6 Figure 4; Room occupancy %7 Figure 5; The average room rate (ARR)8Figure 6; Revenue per available room (RevPAR)9 Figure; 7 Public awareness10 Figure 8; Staff turnover (annual %)11 Benchmark Internal year 2 & 3 using variance analysis12 Sales13 Cost of sales13 Payroll and Related13 Gross profit less wages13 Other direct costs13 Total fixed costs14 Income before taxes IT14 3. 3 Benchmark Internal year 2&3 using DuPont analysis15 3. 4 Benchmark Best in comp etitive set:17 3. 5 Benchmark with the industry19 Conclusion21 Performance dashboard year 2 & 3: In the chapter performance dashboard of year 2 & 3 an analysis of important figures in relation to the business SMC will be given.The figures entail every month from every year this means 4 years are shown, year 0 until year 3. A total of 9 figures is used and will be individually explained. Total turnover Figure 1; Total revenue. The total revenue of hotel SCM can be found in figure 1 which is shown above. The last two years the hotel made a lot more revenue than previous years, this can be explained by the investment of the entrepreneurs. In the last two year more revenue can be made because of the investment in year zero and one. Due to investment the facilities and comfort of hotel SCM expanded which results in higher revenue.Figure 2; Net income The net income over the 4 years that SCM exists are shown in figure 2. There is a lot fluctuation within one year especially when l ooking at January and December year one. In year one and a little less in year two the tables shows that the figures are low and even negative. Year 2 and 3 are a bit more constant but with a remarkable negative figure in September year 2. These negative figures is due to the investments that are made. Implementation of services, refurbishment and investing in marketing makes the total direct costs high which influences the net income negatively.After year one the average net income increased enormously. There were no big investments anymore and therefore no high cost which would influence the net income in a negative way. Figure 3; Total rooms sold In figure 3 an overview of the total rooms sold is shown. The hotel opened in year zero and from that moment on the line is progressive which means on average a growth in total rooms sold can be concluded. In year 1 on average 2797 rooms were sold on monthly basis, in year 2 this number was 4196. The last year the total rooms sols increa sed again to 4699 rooms average sold on monthly basis.On average hotel still improved itself every year with number of rooms sold because the total increased every year. Figure 4; Room occupancy % In figure 4 the room occupancy in percentages is shown for the 4 years that hotel SCM exists. In year zero the occupancy percentage was the lowest and the highest for year three because of the progressive line which was also shown in total rooms sold. On yearly basis a stable line is shown with in April a high percentage and a decrease in occupancy percentage at the end of the year, this is related to the high and low season so is totally understandable.The low occupancy percentage in year zero can be explained due to the fact that the rooms weren`t done so couldn`t be sold. Figure 5; The average room rate (ARR) The average room rate of hotel SCM is related to figure 5. The average room rate is pretty stable and is close to the line of 100. Year one is on average around 10 $ dollars lower and year 2 shows relatively unstable line . The average room rate for year zero was 100. 10,for year one this is the lowest with a rate of 95. 38, year two shows an average room rate of 98. 32 and for the last year which is year three it is the highest with 103. 5. Figure 6; Revenue per available room (RevPAR) Figure 6 gives an inside in the revenue per available room (RevPAR) of hotel SCM. The figure shows the influence of the high and low season again January and December are low season and show a lower RevPAR, where July, August and September which are high season show the highest RevPAR. When comparing January year 3 40. 74 to August year 3 93. 92 this is a difference of 53. 18 in RevPAR all due to the influence of the high and low season. The RevPAR increased every year of existents of hotel SCM. Figure; 7 Public awarenessPublic arwareness which can be found in figure 7 was something that was very important for hotel SCM that’s why a lot investments were made in marketin g. It shows how aware the public is of the existents of hotel SCM. In Year zero the hotel started with a very high public awareness, in Year 3 the public awareness was the highest which is very positive because after 4 years people are still aware of the hotel. The high public awareness can be explained by the high investment in marketing, but is shows that its contributing and has a positive effect. The average public awareness for year zero 37. 65, for year 1 28. 65, for year 2 38. 07 and for the last year which is year 3 it was 48. 08. Figure 8; Staff turnover (annual %) Figure 8 shows the staff turnover in annual % over the 4 years. The figure shows that only year 1 is relatively stable year 1 and 3 are very unstable and fluctuated every month. In year zero the staff turnover was the lowest with an average of 27. 53%, in year 1 it increased to the percentage of 43. 44%, in year 2 it increased again while the average was 64. 13% and in year 3 this was the highest with an average of 70. 34%. Benchmark Internal year 2 & 3 using variance analysisIn this chapter the differences between the budget and the actual results from year 2 and 3 will be given. A table with the estimated budget which were made in HOTS assignment part B will be shown and explanation for the actual results will be given. The budget in assignment B was based on the results of year 1. | Year 1| Budget y2| Budget y3| Sales|  |  |  | Rooms| 3. 834. 606,00| 6. 820. 937,50| 9. 695. 312,50| Food| 1. 943. 338,00| 2. 332. 005,60| 2. 681. 806,44| Beverage| 887. 156,00| 505. 689,20| 581. 542,58| Other| 328. 258,00| 393. 909,60| 452. 996,04| | 6. 993. 358,00| 10. 052. 541,90| 13. 411. 57,56| |  |  |  | Cost of Sales|  |  |  | Room| 18. 321,00| 32. 589,11| 82. 397,41| Food & Bev| 1. 182. 670,00| 1. 185. 678,72| 1. 366. 999,36| Other| 62. 957,00| 75. 548,40| 104. 256,79| | 1. 263. 948,00| 1. 293. 816,23| 1. 553. 653,57| |  |  |  | Payroll & Related|  |  |  | Front office| 203. 371,00| 166. 799,36| 208. 499,20| House keeping| 289. 856,00| 166. 799,36| 208. 499,20| Food & Bev| 423. 309,00| 416. 998,40| 500. 398,08| Other| 52. 594,00| 109. 527,60| 153. 338,64| | 969. 130,00| 860. 124,72| 1. 070. 735,12| |  |  |  | Gross Profit less Wages|  |  |  | Room| 3. 323. 058,00| 6. 54. 749,67| 9. 195. 916,69| Food & Bev| 1. 224. 515,00| 1. 235. 017,68| 1. 395. 951,58| Other| 212. 707,00| 208. 833,60| 195. 400,61| | 4. 760. 280,00| 7. 898. 600,95| 10. 787. 268,87| |  |  |  | central adm. Payroll| 320. 224,00| 250. 000,00| 240. 000,00| Total Other Direct Costs| 2. 347. 026,00| 1. 200. 000,00| 1. 150. 000,00| Income before FC| 2. 093. 030,00| 6. 448. 600,95| 9. 397. 268,87|  |  |  |  | Total Fixed Costs| 1. 180. 850,00| 750. 000,00| 850. 000,00|  |  |  |  | Income before IT| 912. 180,00| 5. 698. 600,95| 8. 547. 268,87| | | | | Table 1; estimated budget year 2 +3 SalesFor sales in ye ar one the total amount 6. 993. 358,00 the hotel expected an amount of 10. 052. 541,90 based on the findings in table 1 out of assignment b. The actual sales income for year 2 is 12. 504. 685,00 so the actual result is better than expected. In year 3 the entrepreneurs expected an amount of 13. 411. 657,56 which was actually 14. 227. 255,00 again the result is better than expected. These result can be explained because of the ARR that increased where in year 1 the figure ARR was around 90 in the 3 year it is around the 105/110. Cost of sales In year 2 hotel SCM expected a total of 1. 293. 16,2 in cost of sales but results in 2. 428. 178,00 which is almost 2 times that high. For year the 2 estimated amount was1. 553. 653,57 this was actually 2. 631. 055,00. The big difference in the estimated budget and the actual figures can be explained due to the high marketing costs which were made as mentioned in chapter 1 figure 7. High costs in marketing resulted in a high public awareness whic h was good for the company.Payroll and Related 1. 362. 446,00 is the actual total amount for year 2 for payroll and related while the estimated amount was 860. 124,72, for year 3 the expectations were an amount of 1. 70. 735,12 which was finally 1. 556. 499,00. These amounts are a lot higher due to the trainings and employee costs which are made, hotel SCM had a high occupancy so all employees were needed and training was necessary to remain customer satisfaction and quality. Of course the training and salaries influence employee satisfaction and the entrepreneurs believe that happy employees do their job better. Gross profit less wages In year 2 a decrease in gross profit less wages is estimated to the amount of 7. 898. 600,95 and resulted in 8. 797. 635,00 which is a bit higher, for year 3 10. 787. 68,87 was expected where 10. 134. 228,00 which is a bit lower. The budget is very close to the estimated budget in year 2 the gross profit is 70,4% and in year 3 even 71,2% on the incom e statement. Other direct costs 3. 692. 438,00 instead of 1. 200. 000,00 for other direct costs in year 2, 4. 687. 714,00 instead of 1. 150. 000,00. These figures are tremendously higher than were estimated, this is due to investment in facilities. The strategy of hotel SCM was not to spend that much on refurbishment but to remain quality the hotel had to do it to be able to compete with the other hotels.Therefore no hotel shop was built because otherwise the other direct costs would be even higher. Total fixed costs In year 1 the Total fixed costs percentage was 16. 9% which meant 1. 180. 850,00$, for year 2 and estimation of 750. 000,00 was made and resulted in 1. 159. 593,00 (9,3%). In year 3 estimated budget was 850. 000,00 which was finally 1. 053. 443,00 (7,4%). The estimated budget was actually very low when looking at the percentage. The percentage for the fixed costs has decreased which is good and are relatively low, which is positive for hotel SCM. |Income before taxes IT The income before IT year 2 was 3. 509. 143,00 which is lower than the expected amount of 5. 698. 600,95. 3. 913. 793,00 was the income before taxes in year 3 which is a lot lower than the estimated amount of 8. 547. 268,87. The income before taxes are a lot lower than expected which is unfortunate. 3. 3 Benchmark Internal year 2&3 using DuPont analysis In the following Text is explained which progress the Hotel SCM did based on the DuPont analysis. As one can see in the DuPont analysis year 2 related to year 3 the net profit and total revenue increased.That is positive but looking at the ratios like net profit margin, asset turnover, return on asset, financial leverage multiplier and return on equity it can be considered that SMC performed in year 2 better even the net profit is lower. The Profit margin is an indicator for profitability in a company. It shows how much money is made out of the total revenue in percentage. In both years it was made around 20% which Is very good but in year 3 it was a bit lower. The reason was more costs which lowered the net profit. In both years is the asset turnover around 0. 9.That is all right because when the profit margin is high then in the most cases the asset turnover is low. That doesn? t mean that SCM performed bad, is just a unspoken rule in finance, because of that you have to take more than one ration in consideration to decide which company is healthy or not. Return on assets is in year 3 17,03% and in year 2 18,07%. It can be conclude that the ROA decreased just 1%. It is interesting for new investors. A high ROA means that the company generates a lot of money out of a lower investment. So actually it can be assumed that investing more money can generate more profit.Furthermore the financial leverage multiplier is very important. In both years it is 1,21, that is for investors a good indicator to judge on the healthiness of an company. A high leverage means that a Company covers the investments with foreign money. A low number means that the company uses the gained money to reinvest. The reason because SMC has a low leverage is because it was no need to invest a higher amount of money like to build more rooms so SMC had not taken a higher loan or need to sale mire share which is not possible in the HOTS game.Moreover the last and one of the most important ratios is Return on equity. A high ROE is necessary for a company to attract more shareholders which invest in the company. It decreased in year 3 but it is still more than 20 %. SMC performed in both years very good just in year 3 it was worse. 3. 4 Benchmark Best in competitive set: SMC had an end ranking of the 3rd place. We are going to compare ourselves to Lilihotel which won the game. Operations SMC had the highest RevPar so it is not necessary to compare it. The gross operating Profit was 34,91 % and lilihotel had 43,79%.That means lilihotel gained more money with less costs. Moreover lilihotel had a higher rooms market share. The reason is that lilihotel built more rooms so it could be sold more as well and it was sold 7 more in average compared to SMC. Owner SMC had 29,35% ROCE and lilihotel 40. 85%. That ratio shows how much the companies gained back out of the investment. The Hotel SMC did not invest so much in year 2 and 3 so the performing was worse. It was no Hotel shop and no more rooms were built even that SMC had no loan anymore. Looked at the balance sheet of the company SCM, there were more the 3 million $ on the ccount. On one hand it is positive to have saved money but so much is wrong to safe because the money could be invested to generated more. Guest SMC is better than lilihotel so it should not be compared. But SMC was not as good as Team 7 which reached 100% guest satisfaction. It can be explained because the company’s image index was 109,81 compared to SMC which just had 74,76. The reason can be the missing Hotel shop. Staff Of both Hotels is the Staff satisfaction the same wit h 70%. SMC got the lower ranking because the staff turnover was lower than at lilihotel.The winner in that part was Team 7. They had the lowest staff turnover. That mean the company had a better planning in staff hiring in busy times. Overall it can be concluded that in every part were little differences, so it cannot be told that SMC performed so much less than lilihotel. 3. 5 Benchmark with the industry | Hotel SMC Year 3| Hosta 2011>250 rooms| Differences| Revenue| | | | Rooms| 50,7%| 58%| -7,3%| Food| 30,67%| 24%| 6,67%| Beverage| 12,33%| 8%| 4,33%| Other income| 6,3%| 10%| -3,7%| Total Revenues| 100%| 100%| | Cost of Sales| | | |Food| 12,1%| 7%| 5,1%| Beverage| 5,0%| 2%| 3,0%| Other Departments| 0,7%| 1%| -0,3%| Total Cost of Sales| 17,8%| 10%| 7,8%| Payroll & Related| | | | Rooms| 5,3%| 10%| -4,7%| Food & Beverage| 5,0%| 14%| -9,0%| Central Administration| 2,7%| 4%| -1,3%| Other departments| 0,7%| 3%| -2,3%| Total Payroll & Related| 13,7| 31%| -17,3%| Other Oper ating Expenses| | | | Rooms| 6,9%| 5%| 1,9%| Food & Beverage| 1,3%| 2%| -0,7%| Other departments| 0,6%| 2%| -1,4%| Total Other Operating Expenses| 8,8%| 9%| -0,2%| Undistributed Operating Expenses| | | |Administration & General| 2,6%| 3%| -0,4%| Marketing| 13,5%| 3%| 10,5%| Energy Cost| 0,3%| 3%| -2,7%| Property Operating| 1,9%| 2%| -0,1%| Total Undistributed Expenses| 18,3%| 11%| 7,3%| Total Expenses| 58,6%| 61,2%| -2,6%| Income Before Fixed Charges| 34,9%| 38,8%| -3,9%| In the following the company SMC is compared to the Hosta report 2011 which is a report about the industrial averages in the hospitality industry. In that case we are just focusing on hotels with more than 250 rooms. Revenue In Food & Beverage the Hotel SMC performed better than the industrial average.In Food 6,67% better and in Beverage 4,33% better. Moreover the company is worse in rooms and in the account other income that can be because it was not implemented a Hotel shop. As well SMC did not build more rooms. It can be concluded that SMC need more time to run the business properly to reach the industrial average in Rooms to gain more revenue. Cost of Sales In total SMC had 7,8% more cost of sales than the average. That shows that a lot of improvement is necessary. The right balance between marketing, suppliers, extra services and the total revenue.Sometimes should SMC lower the standard to gain more net profit because the cost a lower than as well. Payroll & Related Take the Hosta report in consideration than it shows that the hotel SCM is 17,3% lower in Payrolls as the average. First it looks positive because that means less costs on the other hand when the employees now that there are underpaid related to the average then the will not work anymore at the company which makes a high turnover and a bad staff satisfaction. Other Operating Expenses The company SCM had 1,9% more expenses the in the hosta report. Moreover the total is 0,2% lower than the average.It can be conc lude that the expenses a relative high because the hosta report is for hotels with more than 250 rooms. SMC has exactly 250 rooms which means that the expenses are to high. In the next year It should be figured out how to lower it. Undistributed Operating Expenses SMC is spending too much on marketing, 10,5% more than the average. But overall the total expenses are 2. 6 lower the industrial average which means that SMC do a good performance in that part. But on the long term the Hotel has to increase the income because it is 3,9% lower than in the hosta report mentioned. ConclusionFinancial Based on the findings showed in chapter 3. 3 the conclusion is drawn that the hotel is very healthy. The ROA decreased 1% which basically means when there will be more investment, the profit will increase and the financial leverage multiplier staid the same with 1,21. Operations What we have seen before, the operations on building new facilities was not that important in year 2 & 3. The hotel did not build extra rooms or hotel show, but did, again, a lot of refurbishments. Technology and maintenance Like said before, there were some refurbishments done in rooms, front office and restaurant.This was done because of the lower guest ranking. HRM The costs of staff training was very high. This caused mayor ‘other costs’ and the company did not really create a very constant amount of staff turnover. Marketing SCM hotel spent a lot of money on marketing, far more than its competitors. This resulted in very high costs, but also in a very high, constant public awareness. Next year Next year the hotel should try to sell more rooms. This cannot be done with spending more money on advertising, but in positive experiences and mouth to mouth.In addition the staff need to be well trained, although it would be recommended not to higher the staff training costs. This needs to be done with improved planning skills and a better schedule In addition, because of the opportunit ies in the Return on Assets, it would be wise to make some investments during year 4. There is no loan to take care of, so it could be a very big one which requires a lot of money. Moreover there should be a good guest and staff survey, what they think about the company and what needs some attention, so the hotel can provide better service to the needs of its employees and the guests. Appendixa
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Toxicology and terrorism (the threat of chemical wepons and there Essay
Toxicology and terrorism (the threat of chemical wepons and there effects) - Essay Example This essay will therefore, explore the health impacts of the September 11 attack on the US in relation to toxic exposure. Dust that resulted from the collapse of the two buildings was heavily toxic according to experts. After the collapse of the two buildings, hundreds of tons of debris were introduced into the atmosphere through dust and smoke. Of the toxic substances resulting from the site, more than 50% consisted of non-fibrous material, 40% consisted of glass fibers that are known to be highly toxic. In addition, large quantities of heavy metals such as mercury and lead were also produced from the site of explosion. The toxic dust emanating from the site also contained high asbestos, polycyclic, aromatic hydrocarbons and cadmium. All the toxic materials produced from the site have diverse and long-lasting health effects on the victims. Majority of the people affected by the toxic materials are the rescue workers and security personnel who stayed around the explosion site for a long time. The toxic substances also affected people who were rescued from the site after being trapped in the rabbles for long time. Toxic materials such as crystalline silica, asbestos, and lead are believed to cause cancer due to their carcinogenic effects. Some of these materials can also cause terminal illness such as heart disease and kidney failure (Timbrell, 2002). Studies carried out on rescue and recovery officers at ground zero indicate a strong correlation between their level of exposure to the toxic debris and their health. Of all rescue officers who in action at ground zero, 75 have been diagnosed with different types of cancer including blood cancer. Respiratory diseases are also common among people who were exposed to t oxic debris (Gupta, 2009). Following these attacks, and the knowledge I have acquired from studying toxicology, I feel adequately prepared to manage toxicological threats. The September 11
Friday, September 27, 2019
Development of Rural Economy Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8250 words
Development of Rural Economy - Thesis Example Economic growth is believed to be evenly distributed when it helps both the rural and urban areas of a country. In this, the economy of USA is taken as model for development that could be used by Australia and Iraq to develop their rural side. It is believed that although Australia and Iraq are among the richest nations of the world but they have failed to develop their rural areas and there is large disparity of income and standard of living between people of rural and urban areas. The paper does not only talk about economic issues related to the lack of growth of rural areas in the countries mentioned above but also talks about the social issues and social changes that are needed to be imposed by the governments of respective nations in their search of achieving balanced economic growth. This paper has also suggested a new theory of rural vs. urban trade-off to explain how investment could result in growing both the rural and urban areas of any economy. Economic growth is a field of Development Economics that shows the growth in GDP or annual out of a economy over a period of time which is usually taken as a year. An economy is said to be growing if the output in the current year is greater than the previous year. For example, if the GDP in current is $120, whereas in the previous year it was $100, then one can safely that the economy is growing by 20%. Economists usually prefer diffused growth in the economy rather regional growth. The reason behind this is that region growth leads to disparity between different region of a country and can lead to urbanization and problems that coincide with it. Economic growth is usually brought about by following factors or by the following conditions: Output is growing: This implies that output in the current year should be greater than the output produced in the previous year. Output should be greater than inflation and population growth: Some times price increases also tend to move up the value of output. However, any value increase of GDP due to inflation is not considered as an economic growth of a country. Economic growth occurs when there is physical increase in the quantity of goods and this increase should also be greater than increase in population growth for an economy to grow. United States of America meets these conditions better than Iraq and Australia and that is why American economy has grown so much relative to these economies. Labor Productivity increases: If Labor productivity increase, they will be able to produce more output in the given production hours. This will result in economic growth of an economy and the United States of America is a prime example of this. Investment in Capital Goods: More capital means that the economy
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Project deliverable 1&2 & PowerPoint Assignment
Project deliverable 1 & PowerPoint - Assignment Example 7 1.3. 7 Definition of terms 7 Web analytics 8 References 9 1.0 Business Requirements 1.1 Project overview In the current constantly advancing technological world, web analytics are a set of very vital tools for promoting businesses. This project entails design and implementation of an upgrade of the current Information System. This is to aid the company in becoming very competitive and enable smooth expansion of its Information Technology Infrastructure. This project is aimed at providing the company with an advanced Information Technology Infrastructure that will leverage the data collected in Web analytics to promote company’s essential marketing plans. It entails coming up with a real time web analytic software tool. The tool will be used for capturing web logs, examine them and generate reports. It further focuses on provision of reports for measurements of web traffic parameters such as page views, visits unique visitors and other customizable features. The project is de signed and built to re-engineer the current system used in the company. This project is considered to be very important in solving problems that exist in the current system which include lack of scalability to adapt to the changes and expansions that the company undergoes. 1.2 Background including current process Currently, the company’s has a well designed and operational information system. The system entails a Web Analytics module interacting with operating systems data to provide the company with necessary information such as its current market value. Essentially, the current system provides a significant amount of data. However, due to the speedy growth the company undergoes, and the inability of scaling up the current system it necessitates upgrading of the whole Information System. The main goal for its implementation is to support the expected growth that the company is anticipating. That is, to ensure that the Information Technology is expanded to meet current over g rowing web data that is very vital for optimal business Performance. The Information Technology role for this project is to promote business data capturing and processing at the company. It further aims to ensure that the company’s Information System guarantees business data confidentiality, integrity and availability. 1.3 Scope 1.3.1 Scope of project In order to ensure that the project provides the targeted or expected deliverables within the set out time frame, the project scope entails coverage of the following very essential areas. A well designed and integrated web analytic software application will be developed. Due to time constraints, only the following modules will be focused on. A dashboard module will be tasked on provision of a bird’s eye of all data captured, processed and those under processing. A visitor’s module will deliver variables of all those visitors of a web page. Thirdly, an action module will be used at adding a web page, deleting it or doing modification as specified in the module itself. A management module is a key functional feature that will be used at controlling user login, new system user registration and other essential features. A distributed relational database system will further be integrated to the software application to aid in smooth expansion of the company’s Inf
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve & Monopoly Essay
Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve & Monopoly - Essay Example For the electricity industry, increase in business can greatly reduce unit/average costs and that is why natural monopoly is popular in this industry. In most cases, government might want to regulate natural monopolies such as this one. The regulations to be employed are direct legislation and administrative regulations of prices and entry into the industry (Joskow & Rose, 1989). Several reasons exist on why the government might do this. The two major ones are to prevent consumer exploitation and increase in the unit/average cost of production. Since, in natural monopoly there is absolutely no competition, the monopoly can sell its products at any price. This could result to consumer exploitation hence attracting the interest of the government to regulate monopoly. Moreover, since such industries have no competition, other investors might venture into it to break the monopoly. By doing this, they would increase the cost per unit hence rendering production uneconomical. The government will therefore step in to regulate their operations with an interest of saving the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Organic Foods Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organic Foods - Annotated Bibliography Example 1. Derk Jan Stobbelaar, Gerda Casimir, Josine Borghuis, Inge Marks, Laurens Meijer & Simone Zebeda. (2008) Adolescent’s attitudes towards Organic food: A survey on 15 to 16 year old school children. International Journal of Consumer Studies. In this article the authors, have touched upon the need for aiming at organic policies keeping in mind the adolescents. As adolescents are going to be the consumers of tomorrow, the authors conducted a survey among school children in the ages of 15-16 years which tested their knowledge about organic food. The survey conducted among 700 students also examined their attitudes towards organic food, whether they bought organic food and their influence upon their parents to buy the same. The findings of the survey revealed that the adolescent children had a positive attitude towards organic food. Even though their attitude was positive, they had little knowledge about it and were not too willing to buy it. The authors suggested that the campaigns aimed at the target group should be designed, keeping in mind their preferences and ethical values. 2. Sylvette Monier et al. (2009) Organic Food Consumption Patterns. Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization. The authors Monier et al., conducted a research on two different issues relating to the consumption of organic food in France. Since it was aimed to increase the consumption of organic food the issue that was first researched was whether the choice for organic food was permanent or not.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Human resources - Essay Example It is a continuous process of methodical design to achieve optimum use of organization’s human resources (Ree & French, 2010, p. 121). The aim of this study is to examine the implementation of human resource planning by the organizations. In order to achieve the organizational goals of labour requirements, the organization requires effective human resource planning. However, most of the organizations lack effective programmes on human resource planning to determine their recruitment and hiring practices. Therefore, human resource planning ensures the success of the organization by helping it to acquire the right labour force in the right numbers to match available jobs. However, some organizations fail to implement human resource planning for the following reasons; In order for the organization to have effective manpower planning, they must forecast the future demand for workforce. They can achieve this through trends analysis by studying the demand of some previous years and project the same in the future (Ree & French, 2010). However, the demand and supply of labour is affected by economic conditions such as recession and boom periods. Such unpredictable economic conditions affect the capacity of the organizations to conduct effective resource planning (Kew & Stredwick, 2010, p. 113). Organizations incur much expense to conduct human resource planning (Kew & Stredwick, 2010). This is because almost all personnel must be involved in making a projection in order to achieve the reliable result. However, considering most organizations are small in size they cannot afford the cost of carrying out market research to obtain data for effective market trend analysis and predict the future demand for workforce. Instead of matching present and future labour requirements of organization, they acquire workers whenever the need arises and will downsize the workforce in case of fall in demand due to changes in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
New Museum of Contemporary Art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
New Museum of Contemporary Art - Research Paper Example In the article, Holland describes the new works of art under exhibition assembled by Ryan Inouye. The works of art described are a clear indication that the traditional and appealing work that was adorned in the museum were slowly being replaced by modern and young artworks which neglect most of the art principles. The assembly is mainly centered at attracting human megaphone through formal gestures, social engagements and conveys an emphatic tone. This has been associated with the global reach target that has resulted in most of the artists to come from outside the United States. Only four of the fifty artists in this exercise came from the United States. This was evident before the ‘American Whitney Biennial’ when the lobby gallery of the museum had two collections; one from the Middle East and the other from Africa. The occasion also had only one artist and was from Colombia, Gabriel Sierra. Thus ‘The Ungovernables’ article by Holland supports the argumen t that the ‘New Museum’ has been transformed and is now characterized by political commentary coming from young artists below the age of 30 years(Holland 120). On the emerging survey trends and the artists recognized by the media, the article by Vogel Carol, titled ‘Whitney Museum’s Survey of Contemporary Art’ published on February 17, 2002, featured the climax of this trend that had never been witnessed before. Vogel argues that contemporary art planet in New York had never witnessed any alignment like this and this will take some years before it is witnessed again.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Security Strategies in Web Applications Essay Example for Free
Security Strategies in Web Applications Essay Web application design and coding defects are the main reasons to create a secure coding policy and guidelines. The policy/guidelines are to provide awareness and ensure security when developing code. Techniques to secure code review: Generally, IT analyst can divide the secure code review process into two different techniques: 1. Automated tool based/ Black Box: In this approach, the secure code review is done using different open source/commercial tools. Mostly developers use them while they are coding, but a security analyst may also take help of them. Tools are very useful while doing code review when we implement the secure SDLC process in the organization and provide the tool to developers themselves to do a â€Å"self-code†review while they are coding. Also, the tools are useful in analyzing large codebase (millions of lines). They can quickly identify potential insecure pieces of code in the code base, which may be analyzed by the developer or a security analyst (Infosec). 2. Manual/ White Box: In this technique, a thorough code review is performed over the whole code, which may become a very tedious and tiresome process. But in this process, logical flaws may be identified which may not be possible using automated tools, such as business logic problems. Automated tools are mostly capable of finding technical flaws such as injection attacks but may miss flaws like authorization problems. In this process, instead of going line by line through whole code base, we can concentrate on potential problems in the code. Those potential vulnerabilities can be given a high priority. For example, in C/C++, if we try to find any copying function in the code and check whether it’s using functions such as, strcpy() for performing copy function. As we know, strcpy() is known to be vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks. We may also want to check if any customized encryption is being used in the application, which automated tools may miss as they can identify standard algorithms only (Infosec). Introducing security into NIST’s Five SDLC Phases: Initiation Phase Consists of all activities used to identify the different requirements from all stakeholders. This includes defining stakeholders, conducting stakeholder interviews and possibly some basic prototyping. It is also important to identify security requirements (Harwood, 2011). Development Acquisition Phase Transition functional and technical requirements into detailed plans for an actual information system. Results from interviews, use cases, and mock ups are developed into sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, state diagrams, and other artifacts that can be interpreted by software developers. User interfaces are also defined in greater detail (Harwood, 2011). Implementation Assessment Phase Actual coding of an information system. All of the analysis and design artifacts previously created are transformed into application code by developers/programmers. This phase also includes testing and debugging (Harwood, 2011). Operations Maintenance Phase Encompasses all activities required to keep the system working as intended (monitoring, patch management, application fault remediation and audits). Disposition Phase Ensures that information is retained, as necessary, to conform to current legal requirements and to accommodate future technology changes that may render the retrieval method obsolete (Harwood, 2011). Summarization: The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process to help ensure the successful development, operation and retirement of information systems. The SDLC has numerous methodologies including: Waterfall, Fountain, Spiral, Build and Fix, Rapid Prototyping, Incremental, and Synchronization and Stabilize. While they share common processes such as Design, Implementation, and testing, one of the most promising methodologies is Waterfall. It has several advantages: It is one of the most widely used and accepted methodologies and nearly all other methodologies derive from Waterfall. Its linear approach makes it easy to demonstrate where security fits into each phase. A crucial part of the SDLC is the source code review. The purpose of source code review is to discuss, exchange information, and explain the code. Explaining the code will help identify problems and may provide new solutions in the troubleshooting process. Effective code reviews can include automated reviews. It is vital to implement security controls at each phase of the SDLC (Harwood, 2011). Best practices should include policies and guidelines that explain that software should be free from exploitable code vulnerabilities to meet the level of confidence. The code should provide security functionality as intended. Review and maintain Best Practices and guidelines annually. Including security early in the information system development life cycle (SDLC) will usually result in less expensive and more effective security than adding it to an operational system (Harwood, 2011). Works Cited Harwood, M. (2011). In Security Strategies in Web Applications and Social Networking. Burlington: Jones Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company. Infosec. (n.d.). Retrieved from Infosec:
Friday, September 20, 2019
Case Study: Narcotics Withdrawal Impact on Health
Case Study: Narcotics Withdrawal Impact on Health Arlena Davis Based on the clinical scenario is Mrs. X’s altered mental status due to a focal neurologic deficit or is it related to a more global etiology? Why? Mrs. X altered mental status is not due to focal neurologic deficit as she does not show focal neurologic signs. Some of the signs of focal neurologic deficit are impairment of the spinal cord, nerves and brain activities impairment of the nerves, spinal cord and brain affects certain areas of the body and causes weakness in the right leg and left arm. Mrs. X does not have impaired of the spinal cord, nerves and the brain according to the medical examination. Mrs. X does not have weakness in the left arm and right leg. The neurologic examination shows Mrs. X has no problem. Mrs. X has grip strength of 5/5 bilaterally. The Dorsi and plantar flexion is 5/5 bilaterally. Mrs. X has no focal spinal and costovertebral angle tenderness. Thus, the altered mental status is linked to a more comprehensive etiology. The altered mental status can be due to overdose of Percocet and use of narcotics. Mrs. X took 80 tablets of 10mg Percocet within 72 hours before she started experiencing the symptom s. In addition, Mrs. X has misused narcotics as evidenced by the family’s reaction. Overuse of narcotics and withdrawal can change the mental status of a patient. McCance, K. L., Huether, S. E. (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis of Disease in Adults and Children (7th ed.). Maryland, MO: Mosby Elsevier. 2. Based on the available information what differentials can the NP absolutely rule out? Give a rationale as to why you are ruling out each differential. Differential diagnosis is conducted to rule out certain diseases and hence ensure the diagnosis is accurate. The NP should rule out some differential diagnoses. The NP should rule out a focal neurologic deficit diagnosis as Mrs. X does not show signs and symptoms of focal neurologic deficit according to the historical and examination data. Additionally, the NP should rule out influenza DFA diagnosis as the patient does not show signs of DFA influenza. They can rule out diarrhea as a result of influenza according to the examination done by the doctor the diarrhea is not be due to influenza, but narcotic withdrawal. Mrs. X has been misusing narcotics and she has not used the drugs since she became sick and this might have contributed to the diarrhea. Further, the NP should rule out narcotic overdose diagnosis as the patient does not show signs of narcotic overdose. McCance, K. L., Huether, S. E. (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis of Disease in Adults and Children (7th ed.). Maryland, MO: Mosby Elsevier. 3. What differential diagnoses still need to be ruled out? Other differential diagnosis that still need to be eliminated is serotonin syndrome and encephalitis. She could be dehydrated, her urine is dirty she could have a UTI, she has not eaten since onset of symptoms so the Hydroxycut could be causing her to metabolic alkalosis. Loss of fluid through diarrhea and not eating and drink are related to metabolic alkalosis. Boyer EW. Serotonin syndrome. Accessed June. 12, 2014. Gasper,M.L.,Dillon,P.M.(2011).Clinical Simulations for Nursing Education Learner Volume. Philadephia, PA: F.A Davis 4. What are the signs of narcotic overdose? Is Mrs. X’s condition consistent with a narcotic overdose? There are different signs of narcotic overdose. The first sign of narcotic overdose is respiratory depression. The respiratory rate is low and apnea is evidenced in serious cases. The patient can have a respiratory arrest if the overdose is significant. Hypoxia can cause pulmonary edema as it impairs the permeability of the pulmonary capillary. Pupil constriction is common expect in severe hypoxia when dilation can be seen. The formation of urine is decreased because of the reduction in the flow of renal blood. Other signs of narcotic overdose are hypotension, cold clammy skin and bradycardia. Moreover, patients presenting narcotic overdose show other symptoms. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, constipation and slurred speech, confusion, poor judgment and decreased level of consciousness. Mrs. X’s condition is not consistent with narcotic overdose. Mrs. X. does not have a reparatory depression which is the main sign of narcotic overdose. Mrs. X has an elevated respiratory rate and a heart rate of 22 and 97 respectively. Mrs. X does not have constricted pupils as they are reactive to light. However, Mrs. X has decreased level of consciousness and she is confused. Goldberg, R.(2013).Drugs Across the Spectrum. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning 5. What are the signs of narcotic withdrawal? Is Mrs X’s condition consistent with a narcotic withdrawal? Patients using narcotics show different signs after withdrawal depending on the dosage and how long they have used the drug. The patients can be restless and have insomnia. Also, patients can be anxious, long for the drug and have a flu. Patients can have abdominal cramps, body aches, loss of appetite, Rhinorrhea, fever, confusion, irritability and loss of appetite. Also, patients can have increased respiratory rate, pulse rate and blood pressure in late withdrawal. Patients have gastrointestinal problems including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of weight. Mrs. X’s condition is in line with the signs of narcotic withdrawal. Mrs. X has an increased heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate. Mrs. X heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure are 97, 22 and 135/55 respectively. Also, Mrs. X has fever and flu- like disease. She has decreased appetite as she has not eaten anything since she became sick. Also, she has lost 25lb in the past 2 months after taking hydrox ycut. In addition, Mrs. X has diarrhea and she has been restless and confused. Gasper,M.L.,Dillon,P.M.(2011).Clinical Simulations for Nursing Education Learner Volume. Philadephia, PA: F.A Davis Munjal,Y.P.,Sharma,S.K.,Agarwal,A.K.,Gupta,P.(2012).Api Textbook of Medicine. New Delhi, India: JP Medical Ltd 6. There are 2 clues which are related to one another in the HP and both suggest the same potential differential diagnosis. The admitting physician did not pick up on the clues and consequently did not consider this in their differentials. What are the two clues? What additional historical information is missing from the HP which should be obtained from the husband based on the 2 clues? The two clues are the patient takes Ultram and Percocet, this combination of drugs cause serotonin syndrome. The physician noted that Mrs. X had excessively used narcotics, but did not put this two together with this outcome. In addition, the physician found she had not utilized narcotics for the last three to four days. The overuse of narcotics and withdrawal of narcotics could have led to altered mental status or decreased level of consciousness. As a result, the doctor encouraged Mrs. X to continue using her medications. The physician should have done a narcotic overdose or withdrawal differential diagnosis. Additional historical information includes mental health history, smoking history and OTC and narcotic drug history. The physician should ensure the husband gives a detailed description of OTC and narcotic drugs used. The husband should identify the type of drug used, dosage, dosing schedule and reasons for using the drug. A detailed drug history enables the physician identify drug interaction cases and overdose. The family members have expressed concern over the misuse of narcotics as they believe Mrs. X is misusing narcotics. Nevertheless, they do not state the narcotics used and dosage. Dietary supplements can interact with other drugs and have an adverse impact on the patient. Further, the doctor should ensure the husband gives a comprehensive description of tobacco smoking history. The husband should state the number of packets she smokes in a day. Additionally, the doctor should obtained information regarding the mental status of the patient. Elderly people are prone to mental disorders and they negatively affect their functioning. Some of the mental illnesses are depression, focal neurologic deficit, delirium, dementia among others. Mental health problems affect cognitive functioning. Understanding the mental health history helps in determining the causes of symptoms elderly patients present with. In this case, Mrs. X is unable to speak and has altered mental status. The physician needs information about Mrs. X’s mental health history to determine the cause of the decreased level of consciousness. Mental disorders such as delirium, dementia and focal neurological deficit change the mental status of the patient. 7. Based on the available information what do you think the most likely diagnosis is for Mrs. X’s altered mental status? Narcotic withdrawal has led to altered mental status. Mrs. X shows different symptoms of narcotic withdrawal including increased heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, diarrhea, and confusion. Other symptoms are fever and flu-like disease. Thus, Mrs. X has experienced the symptoms as she has not used narcotics for the last 4 days. References Gasper, M.L., Dillon, P.M. (2011). Clinical Simulations for Nursing Education Learner Volume. Philadephia, PA: F.A Davis Goldberg, R. (2013). Drugs Across the Spectrum. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning Woods, A., Spratto, G. (2011). Delmar Nurses Drug Handbook 2012 Edition. Stamford,CT: Cengage Learning McCance, K. L., Huether, S. E. (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis of Disease in Adults and Children (7th ed.). Maryland, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Boyer EW. Serotonin syndrome. Accessed June. 12, 2014. Gasper, M.L., Dillon, P.M.(2011). Clinical Simulations for Nursing Education Learner Volume. Philadephia, PA: F.A Davis Goldberg, R. (2013). Drugs Across the Spectrum. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning McCance, K. L., Huether, S. E. (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis of Disease in Adults and Children (7th ed.). Maryland, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Munjal, Y.P., Sharma, S.K., Agarwal, A.K., Gupta, P. (2012). Api Textbook of Medicine. New Delhi, India: JP Medical Ltd Woods, A., Spratto, G. (2011). Delmar Nurses Drug Handbook 2012 Edition. Stamford,CT: Cengage Learning Zerwekh, J. (2012). Illustrated Study Guide for the NCLEX-RNÂ ® Exam8: Illustrated Study Guide for the NCLEX-RNÂ ® Exam. Saunders: Elsiever Health Sciences
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Philosophy: Bertrand Russell vs William James Essay -- essays research
Bertrand Russell discussed certain problems he found with philosophy. Russell was concerned about how much did we really know. There is the stuff we know with our mind when we have a particular idea, and stuff we know through actually experiencing it which would justify it. But how do we know if it is real, or even there, for that matter? Russell says, â€Å"For if we cannot be sure of the independent existence of object, we cannot be sure of the independent existence of other people’s bodies, and therefore still less of other peoples minds, since we have no grounds for believing in their minds except such as are derived from observing their bodies†(Russell, 47). How can Farmer Brown be sure that the dairyman just didn’t have an idea that the cow was there. Farmer Brown wants more than just an idea in order to feel safe that his prize cow is still there. Another problem Russell would have with the cow in the field is the nature of the matter. Russell says we have knowledge of truth and knowledge of things. Knowledge of truth is propositional knowledge or what we’re most certain in through direct experience. Russell says, â€Å"But we cannot hope to be acquainted directly with the quality in the physical objects which makes it blue or red. Science tells us this quality is a certain sort of wave motion, and this sounds familiar, because we think of wave motions in the space we see†(Russell, 52). What he is saying that the dairy man has had direct experience with the cow, he know... Philosophy: Bertrand Russell vs William James Essay -- essays research Bertrand Russell discussed certain problems he found with philosophy. Russell was concerned about how much did we really know. There is the stuff we know with our mind when we have a particular idea, and stuff we know through actually experiencing it which would justify it. But how do we know if it is real, or even there, for that matter? Russell says, â€Å"For if we cannot be sure of the independent existence of object, we cannot be sure of the independent existence of other people’s bodies, and therefore still less of other peoples minds, since we have no grounds for believing in their minds except such as are derived from observing their bodies†(Russell, 47). How can Farmer Brown be sure that the dairyman just didn’t have an idea that the cow was there. Farmer Brown wants more than just an idea in order to feel safe that his prize cow is still there. Another problem Russell would have with the cow in the field is the nature of the matter. Russell says we have knowledge of truth and knowledge of things. Knowledge of truth is propositional knowledge or what we’re most certain in through direct experience. Russell says, â€Å"But we cannot hope to be acquainted directly with the quality in the physical objects which makes it blue or red. Science tells us this quality is a certain sort of wave motion, and this sounds familiar, because we think of wave motions in the space we see†(Russell, 52). What he is saying that the dairy man has had direct experience with the cow, he know...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Teacher Ethics Essay -- moral code ethics ethical educators
Teacher Ethics â€Å"Ethics are defined as a set of principles of right conducts; the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession†( Dictionary of the Human Language, 2000). Teachers are often put in situations that require more than just knowing the basic school rules. It is within these situations, that the ethical dilemmas occur. There is not always a right way to deal with many daily problems that face educators, but there are ways to handle situations that are better then others. Teachers should follow and refer to a code of ethics to help teach in the most appropriate and ethical way; as well as a guide to help deal with dilemmas. It is important that teachers give children a fair chance to show their knowledge when assessing. â€Å"The purpose of assessment is to provide feedback that can be used to improve student performance†( Orange 2000). Teachers assess children to ensure that they are understanding the material, and to make sure they are learning. For young children especially tests should never be the only criteria of assessment. Instructors should always make sure that their assessment is fair. When testing a child, make sure that the testing method used is appropriate for that child. For example, if giving a test that relies on visual aids to administer the test it is important that the teacher is certain that all the children have good enough vision to clearly see the aids. When assessing young children in particular it is important to look for more then simply right or wrong. An in depth look is necessary to see what the children really know before giving them a poor grade. Children’s work needs to critiqued in more then one way to be sure that they really do ... ...o put a leash on teachers' pets. Retrieved November 2, 2002 from . Dictionary of the human language. (2000). Retrieved November 5, 2002 from Goodlad, J. I., Sirotnik, K. A., & Soder, R. (1990). The moral dimensions of teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Gushee, M. (1984). Student discipline policies, 12. 5. Retrieved November 4, 2002. ERIC Digest. Hanson K., & Shwartz W. (1992). Equal mathematics education for female students, 78. 4. Retrieved November 4, 2002. ERIC Digest. Isenberg, J. P., & Jalongo, M. R. (2000). Exploring your role: A practitioner’s introduction to early childhood education. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Orange, C. (2000). 25 biggest mistakes teachers make and how to avoid them. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press. Teacher Ethics Essay -- moral code ethics ethical educators Teacher Ethics â€Å"Ethics are defined as a set of principles of right conducts; the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession†( Dictionary of the Human Language, 2000). Teachers are often put in situations that require more than just knowing the basic school rules. It is within these situations, that the ethical dilemmas occur. There is not always a right way to deal with many daily problems that face educators, but there are ways to handle situations that are better then others. Teachers should follow and refer to a code of ethics to help teach in the most appropriate and ethical way; as well as a guide to help deal with dilemmas. It is important that teachers give children a fair chance to show their knowledge when assessing. â€Å"The purpose of assessment is to provide feedback that can be used to improve student performance†( Orange 2000). Teachers assess children to ensure that they are understanding the material, and to make sure they are learning. For young children especially tests should never be the only criteria of assessment. Instructors should always make sure that their assessment is fair. When testing a child, make sure that the testing method used is appropriate for that child. For example, if giving a test that relies on visual aids to administer the test it is important that the teacher is certain that all the children have good enough vision to clearly see the aids. When assessing young children in particular it is important to look for more then simply right or wrong. An in depth look is necessary to see what the children really know before giving them a poor grade. Children’s work needs to critiqued in more then one way to be sure that they really do ... ...o put a leash on teachers' pets. Retrieved November 2, 2002 from . Dictionary of the human language. (2000). Retrieved November 5, 2002 from Goodlad, J. I., Sirotnik, K. A., & Soder, R. (1990). The moral dimensions of teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Gushee, M. (1984). Student discipline policies, 12. 5. Retrieved November 4, 2002. ERIC Digest. Hanson K., & Shwartz W. (1992). Equal mathematics education for female students, 78. 4. Retrieved November 4, 2002. ERIC Digest. Isenberg, J. P., & Jalongo, M. R. (2000). Exploring your role: A practitioner’s introduction to early childhood education. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Orange, C. (2000). 25 biggest mistakes teachers make and how to avoid them. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Organisational Behaviour Essay -- Business Management
â€Å"The study of the structure, functioning and performance of organisations, and the behaviour of groups and individuals within them†Derek Pugh’s (1971) This influential definition of organisational behaviour was by Derek Pugh in 1971. Human behaviour is the way people act and react to situations and circumstances, each individual is different, therefore it is essential for an organisation to study human behaviour in order to understand the workforce. By observing and understanding each individual the organisation would improve performance; organisational behaviour can be considered as the key area of management. Organisations study organisational behaviour within by; investigating individuals, social perception, attitudes and emotions. By doing so they are able to determine whether motivation is existent and if so, is it successful. How individuals work in groups and teams is important for unity within organisations therefore it is crucial to know how people communicate amongst their group/teams and how well is the outcome when they do. Employees can become stressed which would affect them a great deal because an employee stressed would not be able to work to his/her potential. However this would be the least of the organisations worry because stress affects an employee’s psychological well-being a great deal, this is dire for both the organisation and the individual. We know how these factors fit into the reason behind studying organisational behaviour however its relevance in today’s organisations is still a question, I’m going to discuss two of the factors in more det ail and relate to whether they are relevant or not in today’s organisations. †¢ Personality Human Behaviour in an organisation needs to ... ...line Etymology Dictionary. Source location: Douglas Harper, Historian. Available: Accessed: December 08, 2010. (book reference) pg 249, 2000 Organisational Behaviour Essay -- Business Management â€Å"The study of the structure, functioning and performance of organisations, and the behaviour of groups and individuals within them†Derek Pugh’s (1971) This influential definition of organisational behaviour was by Derek Pugh in 1971. Human behaviour is the way people act and react to situations and circumstances, each individual is different, therefore it is essential for an organisation to study human behaviour in order to understand the workforce. By observing and understanding each individual the organisation would improve performance; organisational behaviour can be considered as the key area of management. Organisations study organisational behaviour within by; investigating individuals, social perception, attitudes and emotions. By doing so they are able to determine whether motivation is existent and if so, is it successful. How individuals work in groups and teams is important for unity within organisations therefore it is crucial to know how people communicate amongst their group/teams and how well is the outcome when they do. Employees can become stressed which would affect them a great deal because an employee stressed would not be able to work to his/her potential. However this would be the least of the organisations worry because stress affects an employee’s psychological well-being a great deal, this is dire for both the organisation and the individual. We know how these factors fit into the reason behind studying organisational behaviour however its relevance in today’s organisations is still a question, I’m going to discuss two of the factors in more det ail and relate to whether they are relevant or not in today’s organisations. †¢ Personality Human Behaviour in an organisation needs to ... ...line Etymology Dictionary. Source location: Douglas Harper, Historian. Available: Accessed: December 08, 2010. (book reference) pg 249, 2000
Marketing and B2b Internet Car
Motrada Handels GmbH, an internet/software service company in Austria, generally provides business-to-business remarketing car trading service with an online application. The company is founded by Guillaume Hebrard- a professional sales person in car sales. While working in the automobile industry, Guillaume realized the inefficiency and difficulty in second-hand car trading industry, he came up with the idea of establishing an online trading platform. The idea was taken into action in 2002 and the company was finally founded in Vienna/Austria by G Hebrard and a financial partner in 2005. Case Analysis I.Opportunities for Motrada Ltd. The Motrada platform, as a first B2B internet car transaction marketplace, is completely a new idea to the electronic commerce market. As the founder of Motrada, Guillaume thought of the opportunity of cars transactions online, he defined this type of business as a gap in the market, which meant he would be the first to own the most chances. Prospects o f B2B There are many reasons for Guillaume to choose B2B rather than B2C as the only method for Motrada platform. The B2B e-commerce environment is much more promising Tthan B2C. First, the B2B mode is more professional than B2C.Being registered by professional business sellers and buyers, this type of platform is easier to manage. Most of registered customers have been working in the industry for years, so know the general situation about the industry. The website for B2B car trading can not only looks more professional but also more targeted. Secondly, by purchasing in large quantities and shortening the production cycle, the business can earn much more profits based on expenses minimization. Third, B2B mode occupies the absolute advantage and more market shares than other modes in e-commerce. B2B must be the main force in future e-commerce marketpla
Monday, September 16, 2019
Positive Thinking
Positive thinking leads a man to success. One who thinks that he can achieve the things, will put his best to achieve, will not fetter by the problems in the path of success and one day he will win positively. Self confidence, determination, perseverance, and hard work are the key factors of success. Every small or big, easy or complex problem have its solution. There is a way out of every labyrinth, there is an answer to every enigma. The only requirements are the confidence, hard work and determination and you get the answer. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you find any problem, a typical one, don’t lose heart, go ahead and devote yourself fully, analyze each aspect, and get the problem solved. Every invention taken place so far, were riddled with many unfound answers, but the inventor’s zeal and perseverance found the solution and a new invention took place. For a confident person, the word ‘impossible’ is no where in his dictionary. A determined and dedicated person finds way in all complexities undaunted by the initial problems and failures he keeps on finding solution to every teaser and one day he achieves his cherished goal. Dedication, devotion to the task and positive thinking with determination have been the important factors of success of every successful celebrity. Take the recent example Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the widow of Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi, participated and campaigned in the Lok Sabha election 2004, undaunted by the criticism, personal attacks and all kinds of perversities she went alone campaigning alone without having any other ‘Star’ campaigner, covered almost the whole of the country against the BJP and showed the world that congress got the majority. She has shown her unflinching determination, unfettered self confidence, dedication and devotion to the cause without worrying for the results and she is the winner. Every Tom and dick had questioned her nationality, her foreign origin, but she cared a fig for all criticism and showed her caliber. Life is a battle, one has to fight it fearlessly. Fight with confidence, positive attitude, right aptitude, with determined and concentrated efforts, leads to the surest path of success. Fortune is said to favor the brave. God also help those who help themselves. A coward, a pessimist dare not even to fight in the race, it is an optimist and determined soul, who dares to fight, has the chance of success. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins shows that one who constantly tries to achieve something, one who endeavors hard incessantly to achieve something, he is the winner, later or sooner, but a quitter could never be a winner. When Vallabhbhai Patel told that’ Swaraj is my birth right’ so many people find it mere a slogan, but the incessant struggle put by all the freedom fighters supported the claim of Patel and we could win the freedom. Organizing the efforts properly, in right direction, striking at the opportune time, are essential for achieving a target. Optimism, determination, undaunted will power makes every impossible task possible. Confidence is the most important key to success. It boosts the morale and creates determination to attain a goal. The loss of confidence makes a man pessimist, coward or a dead man. The importance of ‘right deeds’ is well emphasized in Bhagwat Geeta: Lord Krishna tells Arjun to follow the path of righteousness, the path of dedication, Do Karma, don’t think about the result, the God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, the results as per your deeds will follow. It should also be remembered that the positive and constructive thoughts which aims for the betterment of mankind are met with success. It should not be riddled with self aggrandizement evil thoughts never bear good results. Your biggest assets are your enthusiasm that enriches with your positive thinking. Never lose hope, keep cheerful put the best possible efforts with your total involvement, have confidence in you and you are the winner. Through positive thinking one can overcome the mountains. One who always think positively even in adverse circumstances wins. Positive thinking always pays. Life belongs to the ambitions. Positive Thinking Positive thinking leads a man to success. One who thinks that he can achieve the things, will put his best to achieve, will not fetter by the problems in the path of success and one day he will win positively. Self confidence, determination, perseverance, and hard work are the key factors of success. Every small or big, easy or complex problem have its solution. There is a way out of every labyrinth, there is an answer to every enigma. The only requirements are the confidence, hard work and determination and you get the answer. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you find any problem, a typical one, don’t lose heart, go ahead and devote yourself fully, analyze each aspect, and get the problem solved. Every invention taken place so far, were riddled with many unfound answers, but the inventor’s zeal and perseverance found the solution and a new invention took place. For a confident person, the word ‘impossible’ is no where in his dictionary. A determined and dedicated person finds way in all complexities undaunted by the initial problems and failures he keeps on finding solution to every teaser and one day he achieves his cherished goal. Dedication, devotion to the task and positive thinking with determination have been the important factors of success of every successful celebrity. Take the recent example Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the widow of Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi, participated and campaigned in the Lok Sabha election 2004, undaunted by the criticism, personal attacks and all kinds of perversities she went alone campaigning alone without having any other ‘Star’ campaigner, covered almost the whole of the country against the BJP and showed the world that congress got the majority. She has shown her unflinching determination, unfettered self confidence, dedication and devotion to the cause without worrying for the results and she is the winner. Every Tom and dick had questioned her nationality, her foreign origin, but she cared a fig for all criticism and showed her caliber. Life is a battle, one has to fight it fearlessly. Fight with confidence, positive attitude, right aptitude, with determined and concentrated efforts, leads to the surest path of success. Fortune is said to favor the brave. God also help those who help themselves. A coward, a pessimist dare not even to fight in the race, it is an optimist and determined soul, who dares to fight, has the chance of success. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins shows that one who constantly tries to achieve something, one who endeavors hard incessantly to achieve something, he is the winner, later or sooner, but a quitter could never be a winner. When Vallabhbhai Patel told that’ Swaraj is my birth right’ so many people find it mere a slogan, but the incessant struggle put by all the freedom fighters supported the claim of Patel and we could win the freedom. Organizing the efforts properly, in right direction, striking at the opportune time, are essential for achieving a target. Optimism, determination, undaunted will power makes every impossible task possible. Confidence is the most important key to success. It boosts the morale and creates determination to attain a goal. The loss of confidence makes a man pessimist, coward or a dead man. The importance of ‘right deeds’ is well emphasized in Bhagwat Geeta: Lord Krishna tells Arjun to follow the path of righteousness, the path of dedication, Do Karma, don’t think about the result, the God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, the results as per your deeds will follow. It should also be remembered that the positive and constructive thoughts which aims for the betterment of mankind are met with success. It should not be riddled with self aggrandizement evil thoughts never bear good results. Your biggest assets are your enthusiasm that enriches with your positive thinking. Never lose hope, keep cheerful put the best possible efforts with your total involvement, have confidence in you and you are the winner. Through positive thinking one can overcome the mountains. One who always think positively even in adverse circumstances wins. Positive thinking always pays. Life belongs to the ambitions.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Homeland Security Essay
Homeland Security is a cabinet level agency in the federal government. Its birth came after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Its main goals were to deter terrorism on U. S. soil and the safety of the American infrastructure. It has been reported many times the trouble this department is having getting off the ground. â€Å"Hardly a day goes by without some fresh report on a contract gone bad, a new technology that does not work, a new Coast Guard cutter that is not seaworthy, or more cargo that slips through port without inspection†(Light, 2007). Every year new assessments of the department including Congress, the 9/11 Commission and the departments own inspector general gives it low grades for job satisfaction, management, and leadership. Just some of the problems it is having are high turnover, internal bureaucratic struggles and structural problems. So with all that said it is having problems reaching many of its outlined goals. It still needs funding, authority, better strategy for protecting American soil, personnel, better screening at airports for passengers and employees, and better technology to find weapons such as explosives. Improved intelligence capabilities are probably the most important. Border security issues were the founding fathers main focus when he was with the agency and I am in agreement. Securing our countries boarders on a daily basis is the Homeland security’s main concern. The military that has done that job up until now but with the world being global we need to separate the two and give each their own set of ground rules to operate at an optimum level. The merging of immigration and customs enforcement can only help in making this department function at a level the American public can be proud of with the goals of this office being completed (Magleby, O’Brien, Light, Peltason, & Cronin, 2006). Even with all its imperfections I still believe that it is a needed department in our government. A somewhat more rigid department to handle military type action on homeland soil was needed and was realized on 9/11. We had been living in a glass house and it was just a matter of time. The partnership it is creating with state and local governments especially with intelligence from federal sources will build a safer America. After the disaster of Katrina in 2005 it was more obvious that this newly formed department would need some redesign in its structure. But I think with having Homeland Security it will help to build a better military. This would allow more forces to be deployed outside our borders when needed. I think now if Homeland Security had been up to par, would we still be in Iraq or would the troops the Republicans so desperately want to send be there and back by now? Reference: Light, P. (2007, Spring). The homeland security hash. Wilson Quarterly, 31(2). Magleby, D. B. , O’Brien, D. , Light, P. , Peltason, J. W. , & Cronin, T. E. (2006). Government by the People: National, State, and Local 21st. Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Kotler Principles of Marketing Essay
Objective 1: Define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process. Objective 2: Explain the importance of understanding the marketplace and customers and identify the five core marketplace concepts. Objective 3: Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy. Objective 4: Discuss customer relationship management and identify strategies for creating value for customers and capturing value from customers in return. Objective 5: Describe the major trends and forces that are changing the marketing landscape in this age of relationships. Objective 1: Define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process. Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. Or: Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. Steps in the marketing process: 1. Understanding customer needs 2. Designing customer-driven marketing strategies 3. Designing integrated marketing programs 4. Building customer relationships 5. Capturing value for the firm Figure 1.1 from page 27Create value for customers and build ‘’relationships final step Objective 2: Explain the importance of understanding the marketplace and customers and identify the five core marketplace concepts. Five core customer and marketplace concepts: 1. Needs, wants, and demands Needs: Physical need like food, clothing, warmth and safety Wants: Human needs shaped by culture: Americans need food (Big Mac) Demands: When wants are backed by buying power they become demands 2. Market offerings (products, services, and experiences) Consumers’ needs and wants are fulfilled through market offerings; Think of products, services or experiences (such as information) Marketing myopia is focusing too much on the specific products a company offers than to the benefits and experiences produced by these products. Example: Railroads assumed themselves to be in the railroad business rather than in the transportation business. Passengers and freight transportation in general grew, but they choose for cars, trucks, airplanes, etc. making railroad transportation declining. The reason they defined their industry incorrectly was that they were railroad oriented instead of transportation oriented; they were product oriented instead of customer oriented. 3. Value and satisfaction Customer value and satisfaction are key blocks for developing and managing customer relationships. The customer is looking for value and satisfaction and will buy accordingly to the company that offers the best. Expectations shouldn’t be too high or too low. 4. Exchanges and relationships Exchange is the act of OBTAINING a desired object from someone by OFFERING something IN RETURN. Examples are [Political candidate: votes] [Church: members] [orchestra: audience]. 5. Market A market is the set of all ACTUAL and POTENTIAL buyers of a product or service. All below are influenced by major environmental forces. Objective 3: Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy. –
Friday, September 13, 2019
Short story Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Short story Critique - Essay Example The effectiveness of the ending is reduced by the language which falls short of the easy flow of the earlier part of the story. However, Virula does succeed in arousing the readers’ curiosity as to why Freddie objects to his Aunt’s church. The weaknesses of the story are (1) there is a sudden change in tense: â€Å"He wipes his sweaty hands on his jeans and gently picked up Robocam†(2) There is a tendency to repeat words in a sentence: â€Å"with Willie in front of him and Tia Eva in front of both of them†(3) There are some glaring errors in punctuation (â€Å"Freddie held robocam in it’s camera form†). The story can be improved by editing the last paragraph, which does not measure up to the writing in the earlier part of the story and has grammatical errors. Inserting necessary commas and making the sentences shorter will add more clarity to the narration. Elizabeth Hall’s beginning is definitely a powerful hook as it leads the reader straight into a dramatic situation, tinged with the suggestion of violence. It also skillfully introduces the profession and personality of the protagonist. The ending is too â€Å"in-your-face†for me. It could be more subtle. Nick’s ranting is out of character with the dignity Hall has given him earlier. His position is already clear to the reader and does not have to be spelled out so explicitly. The weaknesses of the story are (1) Some glaring errors in logic: â€Å"he drove home to the same domesticity, cycling in guilt.†(2) Repetition: â€Å"bought a historic home in the historical Pinch District.†(3) Errors in punctuation, particularly in the use of commas. The story’s strengths are (1) Excellent, detailed descriptions and good similes: â€Å"yellow hair stuck to her head like a layer of enamel.†(2) A sophisticated story line (3) Great depiction of Valerie’s descent into hypochondria. The story can be improved by making drastic changes in the conclusion. The ending should be
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Social Thought and Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social Thought and Social Change - Essay Example 6). For Enlightened thinkers, the desirable direction and final destination they aim for is a place where everyone lives in â€Å"a perfectly happy existence,†free from religious control, aristocratic discrimination and monarchical oppression (Bury 1920, p. 6). This idea is oftentimes criticised by modern thinkers as a naive belief in man’s capability for achieving perfection (Israel 2001, p. 3). However, Israel (2001, pp. 3-4) argues that â€Å"Enlightenment progress breathed a vivid awareness of the great difficulty of spreading toleration, curbing religious fanaticism, and otherwise ameliorating human organization, orderliness, and the general state of health.†Concurrently, even though famous Enlightened thinkers have opposing ideas about how to go about achieving progress, it cannot be denied that they share the same principles and morals. For instance, while Voltaire did not believe in the notion of equality and moved to educate and enlighten aristocrats i nto bettering the world, Rousseau detested them and lobbied for equality through revolution. However, both detested the Church and absolute monarchy and sought to change the status quo (Brians 2000). It is unquestionable, then, that the Enlightenmentâ€â€though ripe with strife and conflicting ideasâ€â€moved towards the same destination; and that is, the achievement of progress through positive societal changes. The Enlightenment symbolizes civilisation’s actual forward movement towards a desirable direction. It is progress personified. Both supporters and critics of the Enlightenment and even opposing Enlightened thinkers show that its end-all and be-all is achieving progress through reasonâ€â€progress that aims to create a better society at a time when religious tyranny and absolute monarchy and aristocracy ruled the world. II. Stages of History and Revolution Karl Marx views human history as a series of stages wherein man struggles to deal with and control the e conomic benefits of the resources of the world in order to achieve power and position (Weiner 2008, p. 42; Cohen 2004, p. 23). â€Å"The growth of human power is the central process of history. The need for that growth explains why there is history†(p. 23). Hence, Marx evaluates history as the process of man’s struggle for control over the developing system of production (Shaw 1978, p. 152). Marx (1904, p. 28) states the first stage of history as primitive communism where goods and property are shared and the means of production include hunting and gathering; the second stage is slave society where a class society based on private ownership is established (pp. 285-286); third is feudalism (p. 216); fourth is capitalism (p. 19); fifth is socialism (p. 10); and the final stage is pure communism exhibited through a classless society and the abolition of private ownership (Marx and Engels 1858 qtd. in Schumaker 2010, p. 46). This is a history of class struggle, as â€Å" new forms of society arise appropriate to the new forms of production when the new classes win power†(McCarthy 1995). It can be seen here how each historical stage moves on to the next only with the destruction of a socio-economic system through the uprising of the lower classes. For instance, feudalism evolved into capitalism after the landed aristocrats was challenged by craftsmen and merchants (Bowen 2011).
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Law of Evidence for Forensic Scientists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Law of Evidence for Forensic Scientists - Essay Example Based on this research the defendant insured the plaintiff against loss and damage to his jewellery and property. In the insurance agreement, two notable exceptions were given by the defendant in the insurance contract: loss of jewellery to employees [or servants who worked in his premises] through dishonesty and breakage of antiques and chinas. The agreement made it clear that if any of these two incidents were to occur, the defendant would be free from any insurance payments. A robbery occurred at the plaintiff's premises and a safe was broken into and valuable jewels were stolen. The plaintiff had two employees, Mason and Brown. Mason had a group of friends who were members of a gang that was skilled in breaking into any safe. With knowledge of Mason's acquaintances, the defendant refused to pay the claims for insurance. They argued that Mason was a suspect and there was a big chance that he was involved in the robbery. The plaintiff argued against this position of the defendant. He stated that the burden of proof was on the defendant. This is because the defendant was alleging that Mason was part of the robbery and due to that, it was his responsibility to proof how he knew Mason was part of the theft. The defendant also argued that it is logical and obvious that Mason was involved in the robbery because his associates had insider information and could easily break into the plaintiff's premises and steal the jewels. ... The defendant also argued that it is logical and obvious that Mason was involved in the robbery because his associates had insider information and could easily break into the plaintiff's premises and steal the jewels. They went far to turn in evidence of Mason's character of a deviant. The circumstances showed clearly that the defendant had a strong point because Mason was likely to have brought in third parties to steal from his employers. Thus, both parties had a good case. The argument was who had the onus probandi to determine the facts of the situation at hand. The judge held that it was impossible to place the onus on the defendant. This is because the defendant is not the one who brought the case to court. It is the defendant who has been accused. There is therefore the need for some kind of evidence to be presented to show that he was liable to prosecution. The judge rendered the evidence presented by the defendant inadmissible and stated that in a criminal proceeding, such e vidence of the character of a party would lead to prejudice on the part of the judge. Thus, the plaintiff presented the contract for the insurance. The terms were read as the first form of evidence. The judge went through the case and identified the terms of the insurance contract and identified that there was a legal relationship between the defendant and the plaintiff. However, the plaintiff presented the contract for the insurance and indicated that the defendant was responsible to indemnify the loss. The judge insisted that the plaintiff showed evidence that the theft was of the nature that made the defendant liable to pay the insurance claims. In other words, the plaintiff had to turn
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Frosted Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Frosted Plc - Essay Example 135). To be understandable, the company has to distinguish between basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share. Basic earnings per share should be calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding should be adjusted of the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. If the number of ordinary or potential ordinary shares increases as a result of capitalisation, bonus issue, share split or other reasons, the calculation of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share should be re-calculated retrospectively (Tiffin 2004, p. 137). Materiality means that insignificant amounts should be ignored. ... To do so, it should be able to (a) help them assess past, present, or future events and to (b) confirm or amend past assessments they have made (IASB framework n.d.). Disclosure of relevant information is closely related to the concept of materiality - what is material is likely to be relevant. Relevant information also includes changes in number of shares in issue during the year and the dilution of earnings per share caused by the conversion of potential ordinary shares to ordinary shares (Tiffin 2004, p. 138). Reliability is influenced by the use of estimates and by uncertainties in the recognition and measurement of items. These uncertainties are dealt with by disclosure and by practicing prudence in preparing financial statements (IASB framework n.d.). An enterprise should disclose (a) the amounts used as the numerators for any earnings per share figures and a reconciliation of the amounts to the reported net profit or loss for the period and (b) the weighted average numbers of ordinary shares used as the denominator of any earnings per share figure. A reconciliation among the differing numbers of ordinary shares should be given where appropriate. Basic and diluted earnings per share should be presented, with equal prominence, on the face of the income statement. If an enterprise discloses additional earnings per share figures, example excluding a one off, exceptional cost, then the calculations should be as for basic or diluted earnings per share figures. All earnings per share figures should be disclosed with equal prominence (Tiffin 2004, p. 137). Substance over form means that the underlying business position matters rather than the legal form. For example, equipment may be leased over 5 years-60 monthly installments being paid;
Monday, September 9, 2019
Paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Paraphrase - Essay Example This extends sources of the practitioners’ knowledge to available historical data through existing publications (Hoffmann, Bennett and De Mar, 2010; Akobeng, 2005). Systematic review is also important to knowledge development for new research. Its analytical approach that plays the same role as formal literature review allows researchers to consolidate existing knowledge on a subject and to identify knowledge gaps for possible new studies. The reviews, with this respect, contribute to new research through informing research objectives, research questions, and research hypotheses. In addition, results of systematic reviews identify theories from related research that can be used in proposed or future studies. Effects of the reviews also extend to influence on research methodologies of new studies through elements such as selection of research methods and design, sampling strategy, and data collection strategy and tools. Ability of systematic reviews to identify weaknesses of pr evious studies also offer a basis for corrective measures and therefore helps to resolve such problems like bias in studies (Booth, Rees and Beecroft, 2010). Data extraction is a process by which data is collected from their sources and is organized into desired form for presentation to the audience. Examples of forms in which extracted data can be communicated are tables and graphs that facilitate understanding. Data extraction is a fundamental process in systematic reviews and helps in identification of elements of a research such as a study’s methods and design, sample and population, and applied treatment and mode of application. The process of data extraction is however largely subjective to a researcher’s interest and opinion and therefore susceptible to bias (Cochrane Handbook, 2011; Petticrew & Roberts, 2006). Summary of studies’ findings is important to any form of analysis and
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Analysis of P&G 2010 Annual Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analysis of P&G 2010 Annual Report - Term Paper Example They were encouraged by their father-in-law to do a business together which they finally pursued and agreed to a joint venture after some years. Procter brought with him, his candle-making expertise while Gamble who was an experienced soap-maker offered his services. The company started off by selling candles and soap in the Ohio area. It became more of a family business when Procter’s eldest son went on to become the president of the corporation in 1890. Gamble’s eldest son, inducted the first ever laboratory in the company’s history giving it its first ever Ivory soap. As of 2010, the company is manufacturing and selling 81 different brands. They range from budget and household items for instance detergents and pampers to designer lines for instance Dolce and Gabbana and Burberry 5. As of 2009, the company garnered $79 billion in revenue. Of this $13 billion was in net earnings and this gave the company an earning margin of 14.3%. In 2008, the net revenues were 81.7 billion dollars. Procter and Gamble had also been in the news recently for their acquisition of Ambi Pur from the Sar Lee corporation for 320 million Euros. Procter and Gamble provides consumer packaged goods. Its products are sold in more than 180 countries through mass merchandisers, grocery stores, drug stores, high frequency stores, neighborhood stores and membership club stores. These stores different consumer in developing marketings. P & G conducts on-ground operations in approximately 80 countries. As of June 30, 2010, the company had three Global Business Units: Beauty and Grooming, Health and Well Being and Household care. 16% of its total revenue comes from sales to Wal-Mart. The company takes pride in focusing on strategies that they believe are right for the long-term health of the Company. They plan on increasing their organic sales from 1% to 2% faster than the market growth in categories in which they compete.
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