Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Paper 2 - Essay Example For instance, Lauren Slater’s Metaphorical Memoir ‘Lying’, she chronicles her youth, how she struggled with epilepsy until she was cured through psychotherapy and medication; however, Slater also narrates how, when after being diagnosed with epilepsy, she developed the irresistible compulsion to lie. On the other hand, in her Autobiographical Memoir titled â€Å"The Kiss†, Kathryn Harrison reveals how, due toan unhealthy relationship with her mother, she became a victim of an incestuous relationship with her father. In this respect, we can posit that both Slater and Harrison had devised alternative ways of seeking attention to fill the emptiness from being neglected while growing up- compulsive lying and incestuous relationship respectively. Lauren Slater’s metaphorical memoir ‘Lying’ is an outright lie right from the title where she boldly and loudly announces that the contents of the book do not represent a true account of her life. As if that is not enough, Lauren Slater advertently imposes upon the reader a need to redraw the lines between factual truth and metaphorical truths; she achieves this by cunningly confusing facts and fiction throughout the book thus undermining the very essence of a memoir, which naturally is supposed to be a true account of events in one’s life. ... uring her adolescence, Lauren too begins lying, stealing and faking seizures as alternative ways of seeking attention from the people around her; this shows how neglected she was and how desperately she craved for the much needed attention. Later in her life, Slater begins an affair with a married man who was much older than she was but the relationship ends badly; Slater resorts to attending Alcoholics Anonymous sessions even though she was not alcoholic. However, Slater tells her story with so much conviction that even when she later confesses that she was not an alcoholic, everyone dismisses her true story as denial (Slater 207). The interplay between literal/factual with the Metaphorical/fictional is heightened even further when Slater suggests that epilepsy affects the memory thus, by confusing her emotional memory and factual memory, Slater raises concerns about the fundamental assumptions of the Memoir genre and all narrative self-disclosure. Kathryn Harrison develops an inces tuous relationship with her father as a way of courting the much needed attention due to her being neglected by her mother while growing up. In her autobiographical novel, â€Å"The Kiss†, Harrison reveals how her distant father figure coupled with the unhealthy relationship with her mother translates into a four-year incestuous affair; growing up, Harrison had close to no clue of her father until she recreates him in her own mind as someone bigger, faster and stronger than all other dads do. Harrison is raised by her grandparents because her parents divorced when she was only six months old (Harrison 5); her father appears ghostly, almost mythical because she is not allowed to discuss or talk about him. This causes the young Harrison to become extremely curious about her absent father, the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Effect of Nutritional Deficiencies Occurring During Pregnancy
Effect of Nutritional Deficiencies Occurring During Pregnancy The type of nutrition that a mother gets during pregnancy, both qualitatively and quantitatively, can be the deciding factor in a childs well-being. A study1 showed that there was a small (70 g) but significant increase in birthweight among infants of mothers receiving multiple micronutrients as compared with infants of mothers receiving iron-folic acid supplements hence signifying the importance of giving not just the traditional supplements. It is essential that the mother intake a very healthy diet: according to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant women should increase their usual servings of a variety of foods from five basic food groups to include the following: Three to four servings of fruits and vegetables Nine servings of whole-grain or enriched bread, cereal, rice, or pasta for energy Three servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese for calcium Three servings of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, dried beans, and peas for protein Separate and specific supplements for the nutrients found in the above foods should only be taken to make sure all the requirements are being met, not as a replacement for a healthy diet. The specific nutrients required by women in the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy state have already been discussed. This section talks more about the effects that malnutrition (lack of specific essential nutrients) during pregnancy state will have on the health of a child. The effects being studied in this report focus more on cognition, language, social and emotional behavior. In order to properly identify the specific effects of malnutrition, it would be beneficial to first allocate a time-period during which development is most sensitive. This period is termed the critical period and extends from gestation to first 2 years of life. However this may vary study to study and also with reference to different aspects of development being studied. A Broad Perspective Maternal malnutrition, which amounts to a BMI of
Friday, October 25, 2019
D.H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers Essay -- Lawrence Sons and Lovers Essa
D. H. Lawrence is considered one of the Twentieth Century's greatest and most visionary English novelists. He was born in 1885 in Eastwood, a mining community in Nottinghamshire, England (DeMott iii). His father was an uneducated miner and his mother had been a schoolteacher before she married. According to England's rigid class system, his mother's marriage to his father was considered a step down, since she came from a well-educated middle-class family. Thus the vast differences between his parents was cause for "the fabric of his parents' marriage [to be] ripped by bitterness, violence and hate" (DeMott vii). Lawrence's first great novel, Sons and Lovers, is clearly autobiographical: "there's no denying the closeness of the resemblance between Paul Morel's life and that of his creator" (DeMott vii). The novel tells the story of Gertrude Morel, a mother whose possessive love for her sons hinders their ability to establish fulfilling relationships with other women. Lawrence himself had an unusually close attachment to his mother. The novel also depicts the working class of England at the turn of the century, when industrialism was rearing its ugly head and was creeping upon the English countryside. Set in a town similar to the one where he was born, Sons and Lovers gives a detailed and realistic portrayal of the hardships and conflicts of the Morels, a mining family. Gertrude Morel, the character based on Lawrence's mother, has married below her station; she is a religious woman who is serious and believes in hard work and adherence to a strict code of morals (3). She is unhappy and disillusioned with the lower-class mining-family lifestyle and is "sick of it, the struggle with ... ...ious that Lawrence preferred the agrarian England as opposed to the dehumanizing and mechanized modern world. Lawrence addresses "the human costs" of an industrialized society in Sons and Lovers and many of his other works, including his infamous Lady Chatterly's Lover (DeMott viii). Industrial British society has turned away from its agrarian roots and is destroying England, and the old way of life is seen as much more vibrant and complete. Lawrence, a genius in his own time, prophesied "that the West is on a disaster course and that all of us must change our lives" before we destroy the beauty of our world, and in the process destroy our own souls (DeMott viii). Works Cited DeMott, Benjamin. Introduction. Sons and Lovers. By D.H. Lawrence. New York: Penguin Books, 1985. Lawrence, D.H. Sons and Lovers. New York: Penguin Books, 1985.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Destructive Growth of Alcoholism in America
Drinking alcohol has become a past-time for teenagers and adults during weekends. People drink to relax, feel more confident or to forget temporarily any worries that they currently have. Everyone knows that alcohol in moderation do not harm one's body or society at large. The problem lies when drinking becomes uncontrollable and excessive. The social, health and mortality problems associated with alcohol have been perceived as early as 1920's, which was when the Temperance Movement started.The consumption of alcohol began in 1600-1700. People drank alcohol because they had no other alternative. The milk was unpasteurized and the water was unsanitary. In addition, the price of tea and coffee did not fit the budget of most people. According to the article What in American's history could lead to prohibition, â€Å"the average American was drinking 7 gallons of pure alcohol. †During the early years of the American colony, drunkenness was not viewed as offensive.The History of A lcohol article enumerated how people in the colonies â€Å"showed little concern over drunkenness, [in fact] spirituous liquors had become the greatest factors in colonial commerce. †Later on, the demand for alcohol created Saloons where people could drink and take part in different form of vices. The History of Alcohol article stated that â€Å"[i]t was not uncommon to find one saloon for every 150 or 200 Americans, including those who did not drink.Hard-pressed to earn profits, saloon keepers sometimes introduced vices such as gambling and prostitution into their establishments in an attempt to earn profits. †However, people soon realized that alcohol drinkers acted differently and far worse after they have consumed liquor. Prohibition or temperance, which simply meant a â€Å"reduction or elimination of the use of alcoholic beverages,†was enacted to combat these â€Å"social ills†that were developing due to the effects of alcohol.Hence, according t o the History of Alcohol, â€Å"[i]n 1920 America saw prohibition in an effort to prevent the social problems caused by alcohol abuse. †Thornton, an economics professor, expressed that during 1920-1933, â€Å"national prohibition of alcohol [in the US was a] ‘noble experiment'- undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America. †Supporters of the Temperance Movement firmly believed that alcohol had â€Å" addictive properties.†In addition, the History of Alcohol stated that â€Å"the Temperance movement swept across the United States preaching that alcohol was immoral and destroyed family life. †The same article also says that the benevolent intentions of the Temperance Movement finally materialized when the government included the ban on alcohol in the 18th Amendment, which took away the business licenses of â€Å"brewers, distill ers, vintners, and the wholesale and retail sellers,†of the Constitution. Despite genuine concern about the negative effects of alcohol, liquor cannot be eliminated from the market.The History of Alcohol states that people started to bootleg alcohol from Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean- since Americans were prohibited from producing liquor- to cater to their growing customers. Organized crime was established to meet the increasing demand of the public for the prohibited product. According to the What in American's history could lead to prohibition article, the illegal nature of alcohol led â€Å"criminal organizations [to] resort to real crimes in defense of sales territories, brand names, and labor contracts. †Eventually, the government realized that their efforts only increased the reliance on alcohol and made the social ills imposed by it more severe. Therefore, they repealed prohibition in 1933. Even though the Temperance Movement was dissolved, the criminal group s that were formed out of it still remained intact. These groups â€Å"branched out into narcotics, gambling, prostitution, loan sharking and extortion, concerns they still control today,†according to The History of Alcohol article. Moreover, societal problems incurred from alcohol also affect family dynamics.Parents who constantly drink might end up spending more time outside the house and neglect their responsibilities to their children and spouse. Thus, the article entitled Scientific Facts on Alcohol brought up the point that â€Å"[d]rinking can impair how a person performs as a parent, [and] a partner as well. †Likewise, the Scientific Facts on Alcoholic indicated that â€Å"[t]he financial costs of alcohol purchase†¦ can leave other family members destitute. †This is because parents may end up using their salary to sustain their habit to the extent that their children become hungry in the process.Children of alcoholics may not be adequately taken care of as well because their basic needs, such as clothing and shelter, are not provided for because indulgence in the habit makes their parents lose focus on what is important in their lives. The detrimental effects of alcohol become exacerbated to the point that it manifests itself in physical violence or abuse towards other people. A relationship might be jeopardized because the man, as is usually the case, beats up his wife or girlfriend after consuming immense amount of liquor. The wife or girlfriend has a toleration limit in allowing this kind of dismal treatment.After awhile, she is bound to leave him if the behavior does not stop or improve. Information contained in the Alcohol and Women article provided by Loyola Marymount University states that â€Å"57% of female victims [experience] intimate violence (i. e. , current or former spouses, boyfriends, etc. ) [and] reported that the offender had been drinking at the time of the offense. [While] 62% of female victims of alco hol-related violence reported experiencing some form of injury. †Unfortunately, these victimized women have a high likelihood of sticking by their man.As a result, they may end up drinking as well to deal with the abuse that they experience. Furthermore, the article entitled Alcohol, Violence, and Aggression notes that aggressive behavior of alcohol drinkers’ result in â€Å"86 percent of homicide offenders, 37 percent of assault offenders, 60 percent of sexual offenders, up to 57 percent of men and 27 percent of women involved in marital violence, and 13 percent of child abusers. †Excessive alcohol drinkers engage in such actions because according to the Alcohol, Violence, and Aggression article, alcohol has been known toweake[n] brain mechanisms that normally restrain impulsive behaviors, including inappropriate aggression. By impairing information processing, alcohol can also lead a person to misjudge social cues, thereby overreacting to a perceived threat. Simultaneously, a narrowing of attention may lead to an inaccurate assessment of the future risks of acting on an immediate violent impulse. Besides aggressive behavior that is exhibited due to the lessening of inhibition, ease of interaction amongst a group of people also ensues.Thus, men usually drink with acquaintances or colleagues at work to develop rapport and comradeship. Hence, the Alcohol and the Workplace article indicate that â€Å"[s]tudies of male-dominated occupations have described heavy drinking cultures in which workers use drinking to build solidarity and show conformity to the group. †On the contrary, alcohol can be harmful in the workplace when an individual's job performance suffers. Limitless alcohol consumption can result in people suffering from a hangover the following day, which affects and hampers concentration, memory and motor skill.Thus, the Alcohol and the Workplace article state that hangover has a positive correlation between â€Å"the frequ ency of feeling sick at work, sleeping on the job, and having problems with job tasks or co-workers. †The same article also mentions that productivity losses are attributed to alcohol. Performance at work may be affected both by the volume and pattern of drinking. Co-workers perceive that heavy drinkers have lower performance, problems in personal relationships and lack of self-direction, though drinkers themselves do not necessarily perceive effects on their work performance.In addition, the aforementioned article also explains that There is ample evidence that people with alcohol dependence and drinking problems are on sick leave more frequently than other employees, with a significant cost to employees, employers, and social security systems†¦. Therefore, constant and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect work performance. Persistent pattern of alcohol drinking becomes a problem because it does not enable the employee to finish tasks, has a drastic effec t on one's output at work and will hurt the company in the long-run if an employee repeatedly accumulates absences.Nevertheless, the negative impact of alcohol on someone’s means of livelihood is still not enough to detract people from taking it. Writer Caroline Ryan of BBC News says that the reason being is alcohol triggers the internal composition of our body. Alcohol releases dopamine which â€Å"which produces feelings of satisfaction. It also increases the production of the brain's natural painkiller – endorphin – which scientists think could be the means by which the brain becomes trained to crave†¦. Scientists believe this effect is part of the development of tolerance to, and dependence on, alcohol.†Also, excessive alcohol drinking can contribute to health issues. According to Dr. Berman, alcohol can either directly or indirectly cause: cancers of the mouth, throat, liver, larynx, and esophagus; stomach ulcers and bleeding in the upper gastr ointestinal tract; pancreatitis; cirrhosis of the liver; hypertension; cardiac arrhythmias; congestive heart failure; peripheral nerve problems; increased susceptibility to infections. Nissl, author of Alcohol and Drug Problems, also indicates that â€Å"[l]ong-term heavy drinking damages the nervous system, heart, and brain.It also can lead to stomach problems, medicine interactions, sexual problems, osteoporosis†¦ †While an article entitled Alcohol Myth says that sparse drinking will still result in the â€Å"slow[ing] down [of] the heart rate, lower[ing] [of] your blood pressure, and slow[ing] [of] your breathing rate. †Also, food digestion is inhibited from fully functioning. The Alcohol and Nutrition article exhibits that alcohol interferes with the nutritional process by affecting digestion, storage, utilization, and excretion of nutrients†¦ Alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable molecules†¦Alcohol impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines and disabling transport of some nutrients into the blood†¦ Even if nutrients are digested and absorbed, alcohol can prevent them from being fully utilized by altering their transport, storage, and excretion†¦ alcohol can impair the mechanisms by which the body controls blood glucose levels, resulting in either increased or decreased blood glucose. Again, the said article also explains that lack of nutrients can result in deficiencies that can lead to â€Å"severe and permanent effects on brain function.Specifically, thiamine deficiencies, often seen in alcoholics, [which] can cause severe neurological problems such as impaired movement and memory loss. †It is also a fact that mental and emotionally faculties can also be affected. According to Green Facts, anxiety, fear and depression are common problems encountered by family members of an alcoholic and the alcoholic himself. For alcoholics, the Why Do People Drin k Alcohol article discusses that alcohol intake actually causes depression since alcohol is a depressant.While feelings of a depressed person is magnified two-folds when depression medicine stays in the system at the same time that alcohol is in one’s body. Despite the health risks involve with excessive alcohol consumption, some women may still engage in the act even when they are pregnant. According to Nemours Foundation, â€Å"[i]t's estimated that each year in the United States, 1 in every 750 infants is born with a pattern of physical, developmental, and functional problems referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), while another 40,000 are born with fetal alcohol effects (FAE).†Fetal Alcohol Syndrome results in birth defects in infants that can debilitate or permanently damage one's normal capabilities and functioning. Indeed, alcohol can become toxic when there is too much of it. Infinite amount of liquor can be the cause of death for a relatively few people. This unfortunate incident is known as alcohol poisoning, also called acute alcohol intoxication. The Alcohol Myth article explains that in this specific instance, alcohol acts as a poison that attacks the body and results in death.On a lighter note, a mild form of sleep disturbance can be induced by alcohol especially among college students who usually have the notion that â€Å"alcohol is not as bad as what people claim it to be. †The Alcohol and Sleep article points out that â€Å"[t]he more one drinks, the faster the person will fall asleep, but the likelihood of sleep disturbances increases. Alcohol consumed up to 6 hours before bedtime can affect sleep patterns. †And we are all aware that lack of sleep can make a person feel easily irritated and unfocused on the tasks at hand.Also, we should not exclude the fact that financial costs can dampen one's available resources. According to Estimating the Economic Cost of Alcohol Abuse article, the health cost of alcoh ol dependence behavior which include medical, alcohol abuse and dependence treatment does not come cheap. Furthermore, hospital bills and medical inconvenience does not end there. Accidents caused by drunk driving, which endanger public safety, can accrue more damages to the physical and financial well-being of a person. Also, mental irregularities can happen when an alcoholic attempts to commit suicide.According to Women and Alcohol article, â€Å"40% of alcoholic women attempted to commit suicide, compared to 8. 8% of non-alcoholic women. [While] [y]ounger women who are alcoholics are nearly twice as likely to attempt to commit suicide (50. 5%) than older women who are alcoholics (25. 5%). †Tendencies like this transpire because a person is emotionally unstable. The main reason why alcoholics turn to alcohol for comfort is to numb their feelings or to forget their problems. They fail to realize that trying to forget about their unpleasant situation is only fleeting and doe s not solve anything in the long-run.For instance, the Why Do People Drink Alcohol article explains that drinking alcohol to deal with a break up or death in one’s family â€Å"delays the healing process because the people aren’t giving themselves a chance to heal. †This is because they are not confronting their problem and letting themselves experience emotions that naturally surface in this kind of circumstance. Hence, the behavior that they are engaging in-regularly drinking loads of alcohol-does not help them at all even though they will like to think so otherwise.Thus, immense alcohol consumption may unfortunately lead to death. According to Dr. Berman, the â€Å"third leading cause of mortality in the United States, and is responsible for approximately 100,000 preventable deaths per year,†is alcohol. Hence, premature death due to excessive alcohol consumption is within our ability to control and avoid from happening. Also, if death does not occur due to reckless driving, diseases that take over the body gradually-as was mentioned earlier- can also take away one's life.If an alcoholic somehow manages to stay out of harm's way, alcohol can contribute to risky behaviors like unprotected sexual activity, use of tobacco and illegal drugs. The article entitled Alcohol: An Addictive Drug tackles the fact that alcohol â€Å"is frequently the entry-level drug that leads to harder drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. †These acts that may seem â€Å"harmless†-especially to those actively taking part in the habit- cost the government money because they shoulder any expense that is brought up. This is because effective law enforcement has to be increased and strengthened via mandatory regular training to deal with misdemeanors.Also, according to Estimating the Economic Cost of Alcohol Abuse article, other parts of society are involved like the â€Å"criminal justice system, social welfare administration-†just to name a few- to ensure that society is not greatly troubled by the reckless behavior that alcoholics enact. Overall, limitation and prohibition of alcohol will never be successful as demonstrated by the Temperance Movement. This is because people find ways to get around the system and defy laws that go against what they want to do with their personal lives.The key to the problems that alcohol presents is not to eliminate the source of the problem, in this case alcohol itself, but to educate young people about the adverse effects that alcohol places on them and on society as a whole. Also, tough enforcement of established laws regarding alcohol should be done. In addition, assistance should be available and given to alcoholics so that violence, alcohol craving and health issues that they have are addressed in a timely manner. Finally, people should keep in mind that alcohol does not solve anything.It only creates or increases the existing problems that one faces. Additionally, people have the power to change the glamorized notions about alcohol consumption-how it is the â€Å"in†thing to do because all the â€Å"cool†kids are doing it- and its supposed positive effects which mostly deals with a smoother social interaction with other people. The media plays a crucial role in changing this persistent view. The media should stress-via their print publication, billboard ads, television and radio programs- that the negative impact of alcohol outweighs any positive impact that may be derived from it.Also, it is essential that alcoholics are aided in finding ways to control their urges and direct it to an outlet that will be more beneficial for them. It will also be important to make people aware that proper and moderate alcohol consumption is an obligation that they should perform and abide by at all times because it is for their best interest. Hence, alcohol regulations serve people by protecting their well-being. References â€Å"Alcohol and Sleep. â₠¬ (2006). Loyola Marymount University. â€Å"Alcohol and the Nutrition. †October 1993. Alcohol Alert.22. 29 January 2008. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. â€Å"Alcohol and the Workplace. †July 1999. Alcohol Alert. 44. 29 January 2008. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. â€Å"Alcohol Myths. †(2006). Loyola Marymount University. 30 January 2008. â€Å"Alcohol, Violence, and Aggression. †October 1997. Alcohol Alert. 38. 29 January 2008. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Berman, James. January 2003. â€Å"Alcohol and drug addiction†. University of Pennsylvania Health System. 29 January 2008 â€Å"Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. †2008. Nemours Foundation. 30 January 2008. â€Å"History of Alcohol. †(n. d). 30 January 2008 Nissl, Ian. 23 February 2007. â€Å"Alcohol and Drug Problems. †Peace Health. 29 January 2008. Ryan, Caroline. Why alcohol is addictive. 15 March 200 4. BBC News. 30 January 2008. http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/health/3537387. stm â€Å"Scientific Facts on Alcohol. †(2008). Green Facts. 29 January 2008. â€Å"The History of Alcohol. †(2005). Drug-Rehabs. org 30 January 2008. Thornton, M. (1991). â€Å"Alcohol prohibition was a failure. †CATO institute. 30 January 2008. Walters, G. D. (2002).The heritability of alcohol abuse and dependence: a meta-analysis of behavior genetic research. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 28(3), 557- 584. â€Å"What in American's history could lead to prohibition? †(n. d). 30 January 2008. Why Do People Drink Alcohol? (n. d) 30 January 2008. Women and Alcohol. (2006). Loyola Marymount University. 30 January 2008. Alcoholism in America I. History of Alcohol A.lack of other drink alternatives B. American Revolution C. Emergence of Saloons D. Temperance Movement 1. Definition of Temperance 2. Reasons for the movement 3. Problem with Temperance II. Personal Problem with Alcohol now A. Family problem 1. ineffective parent 2. money spent on alcohol instead B. Violence 1. between partners a. statistical information b. victimized women 2. statistics of criminal offenses C. Alcohol at the workplace 1. reason to bond especially with men 2. negative effect on work performance a. productivity b. absence D. Alcohol Cravings E. health problem 1. damages parts of the body2. slows down bodily functions 3. interferes with digestion process 4. nutritional deficiencies 5. mental health problem 6. fetal alcohol syndrome 7. alcohol poisoning 8. sleep disturbances 9. health related costs F. Accidents 1. different damages accrued 2. suicide statistical evidence G. Deaths 1. statistical evidence III. Other negative effects of alcohol A. Vices associated with alcohol B. Government expenditures Note cards page â€Å"Alcohol, like nicotine and marijuana, is frequently the entry-level drug that leads to harder drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. ††Å"Alcohol: An Addictive Drug.†(2006). Covenant Health. 30 January 2008. The nutrients from digested food are absorbed from the intestines into the blood and carried to the liver. The liver prepares nutrients either for immediate use or for storage and future use. Alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable molecules by decreasing secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas (2). Alcohol impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines and disabling transport of some nutrients into the blood (3).In addition, nutritional deficiencies themselves may lead to further absorption problems. For example, folate deficiency alters the cells lining the small intestine, which in turn impairs absorption of water and nutrients including glucose, sodium, and additional folate (3). Even if nutrients are digested and absorbed, alcohol can prevent them from being fully utilized by altering their transport, storage, and excretion†¦ Even wh en food intake is adequate, alcohol can impair the mechanisms by which the body controls blood glucose levels, resulting in either increased or decreased blood glucose (glucose is the body's principal sugar)†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Alcohol and the Nutrition. †October 1993. Alcohol Alert. 22. 29 January 2008. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. â€Å"Disturbances of sleep lead to fatigue and sleepiness during the day. The more one drinks, the faster the person will fall asleep, but the likelihood of sleep disturbances increases. Alcohol consumed up to 6 hours before bedtime can affect sleep patterns, increasingthe longevity of disturbances alcohol causes in the body’s sleep cycles. †â€Å"Alcohol and Sleep. †(2006). Loyola Marymount University. â€Å"Studies of male-dominated occupations have described heavy drinking cultures in which workers use drinking to build solidarity and show conformity to the group (4,5). Some male-dominated occupations therefore tend to have high rates of heavy drinking and alcohol-related problems. †â€Å"Alcohol and the Workplace. †July 1999. Alcohol Alert. 44. 29 January 2008. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Myth: â€Å"The worst thing that can happen is that I’ll pass out and have a hangover tomorrow. â€Å"The fact is that death can and does occur from drinking too much alcohol. This is known as alcohol poisoning or acute alcohol intoxication and occurs when the level of alcohol in the body acts as a poison, causing death from the drug overdose. Another way that alcohol can cause death is due to alcohol related accidents, such as drunk driving, falls, and suicide. Myth: â€Å"People pass out from drinking all the time. It’s nothing to worry about. â€Å"†¦ Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that works to slow down the heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and slow your breathing rate.Once your brain has been depressed eno ugh by the alcohol, you pass out. â€Å"Alcohol Myths. †(2006). Loyola Marymount University. 30 January 2008. â€Å"Based on published studies, Roizen (3) summarized the percentages of violent offenders who were drinking at the time of the offense as follows: up to 86 percent of homicide offenders, 37 percent of assault offenders, 60 percent of sexual offenders, up to 57 percent of men and 27 percent of women involved in marital violence, and 13 percent of child abusers†¦. Direct Effects of Alcohol.Alcohol may encourage aggression or violence by disrupting normal brain function. According to the disinhibition hypothesis, for example, alcohol weakens brain mechanisms that normally restrain impulsive behaviors, including inappropriate aggression (5). By impairing information processing, alcohol can also lead a person to misjudge social cues, thereby overreacting to a perceived threat (6). Simultaneously, a narrowing of attention may lead to an inaccurate assessment of t he future risks of acting on an immediate violent impulse (7)†â€Å"Alcohol, Violence, and Aggression. †October 1997. Alcohol Alert. 38. 29 January 2008.National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The Dangers of Alcohol Alcohol is the third leading cause of mortality in the United States, and is responsible for approximately 100,000 preventable deaths per year†¦. alcohol abuse can cause long term problems in virtually every organ system in your body including: 4. Cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus 5. Stomach ulcers and bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract 6. Pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and liver cancer 7. Hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure8. Sexual dysfunction, including loss of libido and impotence 9. Peripheral nerve problems 10. Increased susceptibility to infections Berman, James. January 2003. â€Å"Alcohol and drug addiction†. University of Pennsylvania Health System. 29 January 2008 Alcohol (wine, beer, or liquor) is the leading known preventable cause of mental and physical birth defects in the United States. When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, she risks giving birth to a child who will pay the price  in mental and physical deficiencies  for his or her entire life.Yet many pregnant women do drink alcohol. It's estimated that each year in the United States, 1 in every 750 infants is born with a pattern of physical, developmental, and functional problems referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), while another 40,000 are born with fetal alcohol effects (FAE). â€Å"Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. †2008. Nemours Foundation. 30 January 2008. In the 1890 the Temperance movement swept across the United States preaching that alcohol was immoral and destroyed family life. This movement radically altered peoples views†¦In 1920 America saw prohibition in an effort to prevent the social problems caused by alcohol abuse. This cause d a surge in gangster brawls as gangs fought to take control of distributing alcohol on the black market†¦. However, this trend slowly started to alter as physicians started to link alcohol to a number of diseases and social problems. By the early 1900 Dr Rush documented the addictive behaviour of alcohol and in 1935 Alcoholic Anonymous was set up. â€Å"History of Alcohol. †(n. d). 30 January 2008 Alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in teenagers. People who drink alcohol are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behavior, have poor grades or job performance, use tobacco products, and experiment with illegal drugs. Long-term heavy drinking damages the liver, nervous system, heart, and brain. It also can lead to high blood pressure, stomach problems, medicine interactions, sexual problems, osteoporosis, and cancer. Nissl, Ian. 23 February 2007. â€Å"Alcohol and Drug Problems. †Peace Health. 29 January 2008. â€Å"Alcohol triggers the release of dopamine – a chemical which produces feelings of satisfaction. It also increases the production of the brain's natural painkiller – endorphin – which scientists think could be the means by which the brain becomes trained to crave. †Ryan, Caroline. Why alcohol is addictive. 15 March 2004. BBC News. 30 January 2008. http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/health/3537387. stm 73% reported feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression†¦ Heavy drinking at the workplace may potentially lower productivity.Sickness absences associated with harmful use of alcohol and alcohol dependence entails a substantial cost to employees and social security systems. There is ample evidence that people with alcohol dependence and problem drinkers have higher rates of sickness absence than other employees†¦. lower performance, lack of self-direction and problems in personal relations were found to be related to heavy drinking, particularly when collateral re ports were used. †¦ alcoholism has had adverse impacts on productivity in the workplace and increased absenteeism†¦.It is estimated that drinking and alcoholism have reduced labor productivity by some 10%†¦ Drinking can impair performance as a parent, as spouse or partner, and as a contributor to household functioning†¦. In many societies, drinking may be carried out primarily outside the family and the home†¦. Drinking also costs money and can impact upon resources particularly of a poor family, leaving other family members destitute. Scientific Facts on Alcohol. †(2008). Green Facts. 29 January 2008. Americans during the time of the American Revolution, for the most part showed little concern over drunkenness, and spiritous liquors had become the greatest factors in colonial commerce†¦. To expand the sale of beer, brewers expanded the number of saloons. Saloons proliferated. It was not uncommon to find one saloon for every 150 or 200 Americans, including those who did not drink. Hard-pressed to earn profits, saloonkeepers sometimes introduced vices such as gambling and prostitution into their establishments in an attempt to earn profits. Many Americans considered saloons offensive, noxious institutions†¦Prohibition in the United States was a measure designed to reduce drinking by eliminating the businesses that manufactured, distributed, and sold alcoholic beverages. The Eighteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution took away license to do business from the brewers, distillers, vintners, and the wholesale and retail sellers of alcoholic beverages†¦. The bootleggers (named after the practice adopted by travelers in the Midwest in the 1880's, who concealed liquor in their boots when trading with Indians) began by importing booze over the Mexican and Canadian borders, and from the Caribbean†¦When Prohibition was repealed in 1933, an elaborate syndicate of organized crime, built on the multi-million dollar boo tlegging industry, had survived. The American Mafia branched out into narcotics, gambling, prostitution, loan sharking and extortion, concerns they still control today. â€Å"The History of Alcohol. †(2005). Drug-Rehabs. org 30 January 2008. â€Å"National prohibition of alcohol (1920-33)–the â€Å"noble experiment†–was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America.The results of that experiment clearly indicate that it was a miserable failure on all counts. †Thornton, M. (1991). â€Å"Alcohol prohibition was a failure. †CATO institute. 30 January 2008. â€Å"In the 1600 and 1700's, there were very few things available to drink. One did not want to take a lot of chances with the water and the unpasteurized milk of the time. Also, coffee and tea were expensive items, which left people of the time with one alternative, a lcohol†¦.By the 1820's the average American was drinking 7 gallons of pure alcohol†¦. Criminal groups organize around the steady source of income provided by laws against victimless crimes such as consuming alcohol or drugs, gambling and prostitution. In the process of providing goods and services those criminal organizations resort to real crimes in defense of sales terrorities, brand names, and labor contracts†â€Å"What in American's history could lead to prohibition? †(n. d). 30 January 2008. â€Å"It is impossible to treat depression whilst someone is drinking as the alcohol has the opposite action to the drugs prescribed for depression and of course alcohol itself being a depressant may actually be causing the symptoms rather than treating them†¦. If people find they are frequently using alcohol to cope with stressful and worrying situations in their lives then they may need to consider finding another way of dealing with stress or to face the p roblem and deal with it rather than avoiding it.Alcohol cannot solve these problems and will always cause more problems of its own in terms of health and money etc. In situations such as bereavement or relationship break ups, it actually delays the healing process because the people aren’t giving themselves a chance to heal†¦. †Why Do People Drink Alcohol? (n. d) 30 January 2008. Suicide 3. One study showed that 40% of alcoholic women attempted to commit suicide, compared to 8. 8% of non-alcoholic women. 10 4.Younger women who are alcoholics are nearly twice as likely to attempt to commit suicide (50. 5%) than older women who are alcoholics (25. 5%). 10 Victimization13 2. 57% of female victims of intimate violence (i. e. , current or former spouses, boyfriends, etc. ) reported that the offender had been drinking at the time of the offense. 3. 62% of female victims of alcohol-related violence reported experiencing some form of injury. Women and Alcohol. (2006). Lo yola Marymount University. 30 January 2008.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Social Policy on Healthcare: A Comparative Analysis of Germany, Sweden and USA
Introduction This essay aims to examine healthcare policies in the countries of Germany, Sweden and USA. A discussion on how these countries differ in access to healthcare services, funding and how they address health inequalities will be done. The perspectives of convergence and path dependence will be used to examine the healthcare policies. The first part of this brief presents a brief overview of the healthcare policies present in the three countries. The second part will discuss the key concepts and models of social policy on healthcare in these countries. In the third part, the perspective of path dependency and convergence will be used to analyse healthcare policies of the three countries. A conclusion that will summarise the key concepts and issues raised in this essay will be presented at the end. Overview of the Healthcare Policies in Germany, Sweden and USA Healthcare policies in these three countries have significant differences. The World Health Organization (2014) has stressed that access to healthcare services should be equitable. This means that all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background, religious beliefs, gender and race should receive the same type of care. Equitable distribution of healthcare services ensures that health inequality is addressed. The latter relates to the unfair distribution of healthcare services and health status between different socio-economic groups (Figueras et al., 2008). Those with higher socio-economic status tend to enjoy better health, have lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other chronic and acute conditions (Figueras et al., 2008). In contrast, those in the lower socio-economic status tend to have poorer health status and are more vulnerable to chronic diseases (World Health Organization, 2014). This disparity explains the differences in access to healthcare services in both groups (Blank and Burau, 2007). These observations should be a cause of concern since good health is viewed as a fundamental right for all individuals (Reibling, 2010). Amongst the three countries, the healthcare industry in the US is regarded as the most expensive when compared to the rest of the highly developed capitalist countries (Moody, 2011). However, in terms of child mortality, life expectancy and death due to medical errors, US fares the worst (OECD, 2011, 2009; HDR, 2011). The percent of public funding for healthcare is also the lowest in the US compared to Germany and Sweden. In recent surveys (OECD, 2009, 2008; Adema et al., 2011) public funding for healthcare in the US is only 47.7%. In contrast, the government of Germany spends 76.9% on healthcare while Sweden spends 81.5% (OECD, 2009). Amongst the three countries, the US spends the highest percent of its gross domestic product (GD) as of 2010 for healthcare (OECD, 2011). In 2010, the US spent 17.9% of its GDP on healthcare while Germany allocated 11 .6% and Sweden, 9.6% (OECD, 2011). All these countries exceeded the recommended allocation for healthcare from the country’s GDP (Adema et al., 2011). Access to healthcare service also varies in the three countries. Access to healthcare is universal in Sweden while Germany exemplifies the quasi-universal with compulsory insurance (Baldock, 2011). In contrast to these two countries, there is a low degree of universality in the US and funding is mostly through employers of individuals (Glyn, 2006). There is also a debate on the coverage of healthcare policies in the US especially during the 2008 financial crisis where the government was forced to support healthcare of many poor, unemployed individuals (Moody, 2011). Funding of healthcare service in the US is also employer-based while insurance companies fund health service in Germany (Moody, 2011). In Sweden, taxation supports healthcare service regardless of the socioeconomic background of the individuals. Hence, most hospitals are publicly funded in Sweden while Germany enjoys a private-public partnership. In the US, private hospitals and clinics mostly provide for healthcare servi ce in the country (Greve, 2013). With focus on reducing health inequalities, the US places more importance on the healthcare needs of the poor (Glyn, 2006). Using the gatekeeping model (Greve, 2013), primary healthcare practitioners in the US screen individuals before they could gain access to publicly funded healthcare services. Only those with income levels in the poverty level, have disabilities, have very young children are allowed to access Medicaid (Greve, 2013). In contrast, patients in Sweden are referred to specialists by their general practitioners (GPs) regardless of their socio-economic background (Anell, 2012). However, there is very little gatekeeping in Germany, explaining the rich supply of doctors and specialists (Reibling, 2010). This means that there is no cost-sharing between the patients and the government when accessing healthcare specialists. Social health insurance in Germany follows the concepts of shared responsibility between the individuals and the state in funding and accessing healthcare services (Wahl, 2011). For example, Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) covers majority of the population. Employers and employees share in paying for the SHI (Reibling, 2010). When patients visit GPs and specialists, they also have to pay 10 euros for each doctor visit (Reibling, 2010). Only 10% of the population pays for private health insurance. Since patients have freedom of choice when selecting their providers, this tends to create high expectations for the quality of service offered by doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. However, this create dissatisfaction amongst doctors since their fees are regulated, unlike in the US where doctor fees vary from one state to the other. There is also an observation that doctors in most European countries earn less than their counterparts in the US, fueling dissatisfaction amon gst this group (Rechel et al., 2006). While both countries have rich supply of doctors, the payment scheme for healthcare professionals greatly varies. Similar to Germany, the US has also little gatekeeping for individuals who do not belong to the lower socio-economic status. The latter could choose healthcare providers and specialists according to their preference. Sweden also has a mix of private and publicly owned healthcare facilities. However, the government fund for most healthcare expenditures (Greve, 2011). This means that even when individuals seek care in privately owned facilities, the government pays for healthcare costs. This scheme also benefits the government since this will ease the volume of patients seen in publicly owned healthcare facilities. Since there is competition for healthcare, patients have more choice on the type of healthcare provider they want to access (Kangas and Palme, 2009). All healthcare employees in both public and private-owned healthcare facilities receive salaries while patients share in the healthcare costs (Kangas and Palme, 2009). There is also a ceiling on the costs of medications. Due to the minimal user fee and healthcare cost, healthcare is suggested to be equitable (Kangas and Palme, 2009). However, there is evidence (Brown, 2008) that the long waiting list and disparity in supply and demand derai l timely access to healthcare services in Sweden. Key Concepts and Models of Social Policy in the Three Countries The impact of health and social care policies in countries are often measured by health outcomes. These include incidence of diseases, daily adjusted life years (DALYs) for burden of disease and human development index (HDI) (World Health Organization, 2014). The HDI is a critical measurement of a country’s health status since it has been shown that positive measure of health is intricately linked with human development and economic productivity (OECD, 2011). Amongst the three countries reviewed in this essay, USA ranked the highest in terms of human development followed by Germany and Sweden. The succeeding table summarises the HDI, life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling, gross national income (GNI), GNI per capital rank minus HDI rank and nonincome HDI value in 2011: HDI Rank Human Development Index Value Life expectancy at birth (years) Mean years of schooling (years) Expected years of schooling (years) Gross national income (GNI) per capita (Constant 2005 PPP $) GNI per capita minus HDI rank Nonincome HDI Value United States (rank 4) 0.910 78.5 12.4 16.0 43,017 6 0.931 Germany (rank 9) 0.905 80.4 12.2 15.9 34,854 8 0.940 Sweden (rank 10) 0.904 81.4 11.7 15.7 35,837 4 0.936 Source: OECD, 2011 As shown in the table above, the life expectancy at birth is lowest in the US but high in Germany and Sweden. Better life expectancy in the latter two countries could be due to earlier treatment of childhood diseases (Mackenback and Bakker, 2003). The funding scheme in the US might also account for disparities in healthcare (Mackenback and Bakker, 2003). As opposed to Sweden and Germany, two-third of the population in the US either has private insurance or is covered by their employers. Employed individuals also make personal contributions in addition to employer contribution for their health coverage (Moody, 2011). The scheme employed in the US has important implications in healthcare access. It is shown that approximately 46 million people in the US do not have public or private insurance (Moody, 2011). The number of insured individuals decreases as income also decreases (Moody, 2011). It has been shown that those in higher income quintiles tend perceive better health status as com pared to those in the lower income quintile. The cost of healthcare is also regulated in Germany and Switzerland as opposed to the US where there is very little containment of cost (Blank and Burau, 2007). The concept of equity could be used to explain why there are significant differences in health status in the US. The OECD (2009) emphasise that measurement of equity in health status is focused on mortality and morbidity rate for the individuals. Currently, the OECD determines the health status of a state through its life expectancy at age 65 for the elderly and infant mortality rate for children (OECD, 2008). Both life expectancy and infant mortality rate is generally lower in the US compared to Germany and Sweden (OECD, 2009). This would show that despite having high human development index, the US is lagging behind Germany and Switzerland in terms of healthcare for the elderly and the very young. The OECD (2009) also notes that healthcare administration costs in the US is significantly greater than other OECD countries. Sometimes, the costs are twice as high compared to Sweden and Germany. While doctors in Sweden and Germany have ceiling rates for their healthcare services, doctors in the US charge higher (Moody, 2011). While competition for healthcare services is present in Sweden, the competition in the US has a negative impact since it inflates the cost instead of driving down the cost while maintaining quality of care (Moody, 2011). At present, Medicaid only covers those with disabilities, the elderly, families living in the poverty level and those with very young children (Rosenbaum, 2011). Meanwhile, Obamacare or the Patient Protection and Affordable Act mandate employers to provide for health coverage on their respective employees (Rosenbaum, 2011). Those who are eligible for subsidies would be given government subsidies to pay for their health insurances. Since Obamac are pushes those who are not covered by Medicaid to private insurers, it is expected that this will create competition amongst insurance companies (Rosenbaum, 2011). For instance, these companies might offer more health coverage for a wide range of health conditions at a lesser cost. Companies might also compete on the healthcare providers available to deliver healthcare for the insurers. Path Dependence and Convergence Path dependence suggests that history and institutional context play crucial roles in the development of healthcare policies (Kennett, 2001). Once a healthcare policy, however, is established, it tends to be resistant to changes or when reforms are inevitable, it stays within the boundaries of the original policy. On the other hand, socio-economic changes greatly influence the direction of healthcare policies in the ‘convergence’ perspective (Starke et al., 2008). To illustrate, a number of countries in the European Union tend to follow similar paths in healthcare policies and integrate best practices from each nation. The convergence of healthcare policies is described as ‘positive integration’ (Starke et al., 2008). Since market competition for healthcare services are introduced in the welfare states in Europe, this creates ‘negative integration’ of healthcare policies (Starke et al., 2008). Germany’s healthcare policy tends to follow the path dependence amongst the countries in Europe. Healthcare policies in this country were established as early as the 19th century (Arts and Gelissen, 2010) beginning with the introduction of the social health insurance. Although the complexities of healthcare have increased, little have change on how healthcare service is funded and delivered. The long- standing tradition of corporatism still exists. For instance, governing boards that make decisions or negotiate terms with health care practitioners, the insurers and pharmaceutical industry are all composed of representative employers and employees (Starke et al., 2008). All those sitting in these boards are elected through democratic means. This has been practised for many years and little have changed on how governing boards are convened. On the other hand, subsidiarity is still practiced today Arts and Gelissen, 2002). This means that legislative framework is created or refor med by the government alone. Meanwhile, Sweden also follows the path dependency perspective. Similar to Germany, universal access to healthcare service has been practiced since the post-war period (Arts and Gelissen, 2002). The public through the city councils continue to provide funds for healthcare (Arts and Gelissen, 2010). It should be noted that this practice has been existence since the 19th century. However, there have been criticisms on the healthcare system in Sweden. Foremost amongst this is its struggle to cope up with the increasing demands for healthcare with low supply of healthcare providers (Van Kersbergen and Hemerijck, 2012). The ageing of the population coupled with the complexity of healthcare also pushes the national health services system of Sweden to look for innovations to deliver healthcare at a lesser cost (Van Kersbergen and Hemerijck, 2012). The challenge of meeting all healthcare demands with tighter financial resources might drive the country to look for alternative ways in funding healthcare of the people. Finally, the US exemplifies the ‘convergence’ perspective. Healthcare reforms have increased in the last 20 years with the culmination of Obamacare in recent years. This suggests that healthcare policies in the country are subject to change, depending on the political, economic and social context of healthcare. To illustrate this point, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare is currently driving more individuals in the country to purchase private insurance. This is a source of conflict in the country since coverage of Medicaid is very restrictive (Rosenbaum, 2011). Medicaid will continue to expand coverage in the succeeding years to include those with mean annual income of 40,000 USD. This suggests that healthcare policies could continue to change until a consensus is reached between the government and healthcare consumers. The perspective of convergence would suggest that countries tend to follow best practices and create policies that co uld respond to current needs. Basing on this perspective, the US is a good example of how it changes its healthcare policy to meet the increasing demands for healthcare. Conclusion Variations in healthcare policies are noted in the countries of Germany, Sweden and the US. While all countries have high HDI, they differ in the life expectancy at age 65 and infant mortality rate. These two indicators are cited by the OECD as measures of how a country exercises equity in healthcare. Sweden and Germany almost have similar life expectancy for the elderly. These countries also differ in public spending for healthcare and access to healthcare services. Sweden has been practicing universal health care since the post-war period while Germany has shifted to quasi-universal in the last decades. The US, through its Medicaid, provides universal access to healthcare services only for those with disabilities, families with very young children or based on need. Those not covered with Medicaid have to purchase their own healthcare insurance or are provided with insurance by their employers. Hence, the US only practices very low universal access to healthcare. Finally, the perspe ctives of ‘path dependence’ and ‘convergence’ are discussed in this essay. Sweden and Germany follow the path dependence perspective while the US demonstrates the convergence perspective. Finally, this brief shows that path dependence healthcare systems are faced with the challenge of providing universal access in the face of tightening budgets. Further, the US has to further expand its Medicaid or make reforms to make healthcare more equitable. References Adema, W. , Fron, P. & Ladaique, M. (2011). Is the European Welfare State really more expensive?: indicators on social spending, 1980-2012; and a manual of the OECD Social expenditure Database (SOCX). Paris: OECD. Arts, W. & Gelissen, J. (2010). ‘Models of the welfare state’. In Casttles, F. (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Arts, W. & Gelissen, J. (2002). ‘3 worlds or more?’., Journal of European Social Policy, 12(2), pp. 137-158. Anell, A. (2012). ‘Sweden: Health system review’. Health Systems in transition, 14(5), pp. 1-159. Baldock, J. (2011). Social policy, social welfare and the welfare state. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Blank, R. & Burau, V. (2007). Comparative health policy. London: Palgrave. Brown, A. (2008). Fishing in Utopia: Sweden and the Future that Disappeared. Sweden: Grant. Figueras, J., McKee, M., Lessof, S., Duran, A. & Menabde, N. (2008). Health systems, health and wealth: Assessing the case for investing in health systems. Denmark: World Health Organization. Glyn, A. (2006). Capitalism unleashed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Greve, B. (2013). Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State. London: Routledge. Greve, B. (2011). ‘The Nordic welfare states-revisited’., Social Policy Administration, 45(2), pp. 111-113. HDR (2011). Human Development and its components [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 25th March, 2014). Kangas, O. & Palme, J. (2009). ‘The Nordic Experience’. International Journal of Social Welfare, 18(Suppl 1), pp. S62-S72. Kennett, P. (2001). Comparative Social Policy. Open University: Open University Press. Mackenback, J. & Bakker, M. 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Should We Live Together
Should We Live Together? Cohabitation is replacing marriage as the first living together experience for young men and women today. More and more young adults favor cohabitation during this age of divorce revolution. For them, living together seems like a good way to achieve some of the benefits of marriage without the risk of divorce. Couples living together can share expenses and learn more about each other. They can find out whether their partner has what it takes to be married. If things don’t work out, breaking up is easy to do. Cohabiting couples do not have to seek legal permission to dissolve their union. However, I believe that couples should not cohabit before they are married. Social science evidence suggests that living together is not a good way to prepare for marriage or to avoid divorce. Cohabitation is also not a positive family trend and tends to weaken the institution of marriage. First of all, cohabitation actually increases the chance of divorce, contrary to the belief that practicing living with someone is preparing for marriage. People who are willing to live together are more unconventional than others and therefore tend to be less committed to marriage. Cohabiters choose to live together rather than marry because they fear permanent relationships and commitments. So it is easier for them to leave a marriage after they find it unsatisfying. Research shows that living together before marriage increases the risk of divorce by 46%. Moreover, the breakup of a cohabiting relationship is not necessarily cleaner or easier than divorce. Breakup involves breaking up a household and may lead to conflicts over property, leases, pastdue bills, etc. Next, cohabiters usually value independence more and thus are less likely to support or be financially responsible to their partners. This could be a great loss for the female since they are performing all the duties of a wife without receiving any financial security. Indiv... Free Essays on Should We Live Together Free Essays on Should We Live Together Should We Live Together? Cohabitation is replacing marriage as the first living together experience for young men and women today. More and more young adults favor cohabitation during this age of divorce revolution. For them, living together seems like a good way to achieve some of the benefits of marriage without the risk of divorce. Couples living together can share expenses and learn more about each other. They can find out whether their partner has what it takes to be married. If things don’t work out, breaking up is easy to do. Cohabiting couples do not have to seek legal permission to dissolve their union. However, I believe that couples should not cohabit before they are married. Social science evidence suggests that living together is not a good way to prepare for marriage or to avoid divorce. Cohabitation is also not a positive family trend and tends to weaken the institution of marriage. First of all, cohabitation actually increases the chance of divorce, contrary to the belief that practicing living with someone is preparing for marriage. People who are willing to live together are more unconventional than others and therefore tend to be less committed to marriage. Cohabiters choose to live together rather than marry because they fear permanent relationships and commitments. So it is easier for them to leave a marriage after they find it unsatisfying. Research shows that living together before marriage increases the risk of divorce by 46%. Moreover, the breakup of a cohabiting relationship is not necessarily cleaner or easier than divorce. Breakup involves breaking up a household and may lead to conflicts over property, leases, pastdue bills, etc. Next, cohabiters usually value independence more and thus are less likely to support or be financially responsible to their partners. This could be a great loss for the female since they are performing all the duties of a wife without receiving any financial security. Indiv...
Monday, October 21, 2019
An analysis of challenges faced by the banking sector The WritePass Journal
An analysis of challenges faced by the banking sector Introduction An analysis of challenges faced by the banking sector IntroductionChallenges for Survival based in different factors of Environment ConclusionRelated Introduction Developed and developing economies depend on banking sector for all the financial transactions, be it government or corporate or even citizen. Banking sectors of many developing countries was recently liberalised. One such country is India. The Indian liberalisation took place due to the ineffectiveness of the banking sector. The liberalisation leads to cut throat competition. India has a huge population and the massive development results in opportunity. In order to compete and survive in this competition there is a need for a strong concrete base with loyal customers. This group of customers can be gained through retention programs. Customer retention in Indian banking sector is proving vital with time. There are recent problems like the financial recession, where the banks can rely only on these customers. Many banks in the Indian sector have already experienced the importance of customer retention and are improving in the customer retention activities by increased investments. Ba nk of India was the 1st bank to introduce the 1st online banking facility to more than 100-Thousand customers. The most important factor of any firm is the customer. Without customers, a firm cannot do business, as they are the end users of the products. Peter Drucker in his book The Practice of Management has stated that, ‘the customer is the force who decides the business, the production, and the profitability of the firm (Parasuraman et al., 2006). In today’s world customers are regarded as the king with the status equal to The God. They are not just local but they are all over the world. Banking companies in this era do not just concentrate on the local or host country markets but also the cross border business. For instance ICICI has 25% of its investors who are NRI (ICICI Bank Ltd., 1999). This revolution is due to the major change and development in the field of communication, technologies, privatisation and deregulations in the economies. As a result of this there is a creation of new market and also rise to competition. The competition is intense even for the survival, and this can be met up by only having good customer relationship. The work does not stop at acquiring customers. The real efforts starts after the customer has been acquired, it is crucial for a company to offer them unique products and maintain a friendly relationship and proper communication channel with the customers in order to make sure that the business is not lost. A healthy and long term business relation will provide a great benefit to banks. It is less costly to maintain any relationship with any existing customer. At the same time, a loyal customer will also gain much more benefits in return such as low rate of interest on loans and credit cards. Businesses use the tool of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to retain their customers in today’s business. According to Bejou et al, CRM is a process in which companies identify its profitable customers and then shapes its interaction with the customers in a way that increases the current and future prospective of business. (Bejou et al., 2006). The Banking sector is facing rapid changes as a result of the economic reform brought about by the Government of India a decade ago (Kamath et al., 2003). This reform is a result of inefficient way of working in the banking systems (Turner and Arun, 2003). As a result of this everything in relation to banking is changing, right from the ownership patterns, the funding its cost and availability to the prospects of earning. There is a big change in the type of services offered. The reform program also includes the implementation of a prudential approach to bank regulation, which focuses on minimum capital adequacy requirements and supervisory control via on-site and offsite monitoring (Turner and Arun, 2003). Thus there is a feel of control of power, this is a post-modernist view. Apart from all these the banking regulators in India are struggling not because of the slow failure of Indian banks but also due to the rapid growth of the sector. As there is a rapid growth in the Indian ban ks lending pattern. Apart from this there is a continued increase in the consumer credit card sector. The growth of the Indian companies, their expansion and overseas acquisition is resulting in the rapid growth of corporate banking. The next section is the investment banking which is also increasing at a higher pace. These things are resulting in more and more demand for banking products. Banks like ICICI has been growing at very rapid face. Its profit growth in the year ended March 2007 is 22% (Bukoveczky, 2007). There is massive change in this sector in regards to the development caused due to the change or advancement of technology, which has also erased the traditional boundaries of banking and also increased the business geographically. For instance, due to the net banking facilities a customer can view and print its account statement at home and also transfer the money at the same time. There is no need to physically go at the bank. Not only the companies but also the governments are seeking better banking services for their organisational efficiency. SBI has the largest ATM machines; in 1994 it had 200 which rose to 3400 in 2004 (Joydeep and Renny, 2005). The change in the income levels and the cultural change, in regards to westernised lifestyle are increasing day by day. Indian consumers seek more and more finance and are generate more asset creation. This has lead to massive growth in the Indian retail-banking sector. The backbone to serve all these segment of customers is a strong b ack up of technologies. This offers the bank convenience in managing the retail, corporate and government clients efficiently and effectively (Kamath et al., 2003). In some Indian commercial banks like ICICI, Bank of India the stress is more on relationship building with the existing customers. Bank of India advertises as their main mission is to build relationship beyond banking (Bank of India, 2003). Thus in this excessive competition in the banking sector is seen increasing day by day with the advent of various foreign banks like the Duetche, Barclays have brought about a revolution in the customer service, since then not only creation of customer but also retention of customer through customer relationship models have taken pace (Sureshchander, Rajendran and Anantharaman, 2003). Customer retention is a structure of act ions carried out by a firm to augment their process, depending upon the positive position of the customers that result in success through customer purchase. Another definition for customer retentions stresses more on the firm’s commitment in case of customer retention. The companies’ processes should enhance, the constructive outline to shape the behaviour of the customers with the existing pat terns keeping the future objectives of the customers mind set of business with the firm. This is to establish the future relationship with the customer. The banking growth became the heart of the economical growth in India (Prasad, Bhide and Ghosh, 2002).These reform brought a massive growth in this sector and also increased the competition by two fold, this has also brought about a huge pressure to the Indian banking sector (Pauchant and Roux-Dufort, 1993). Challenges for Survival based in different factors of Environment Each bank need’s to provide something which is unique to its customer, so that the customer expectation can be full filled. It’s very important for a bank to keep a continues update in their technology. This will help to retain the old customer at the same time attract and upgrade new customers. With the help of new companies which deal in keeping a track and data base of customers, banks can always take advantages. They can use such technology to keep in touch with the customers and help them to achieve satisfaction. Finlay this is what a bank has to deal with. This will help the bank to retain the customer and achieve huge profit at the same time it helps to get new customers with the help of referring. With the use of technology such as Telecom and Internet Access the world is becoming a smaller place to live in, which results in tuff competition. Work done by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and berry between 1985 – 1988 gave us a new tool called SERVQUAL which giv es us an exact graph of what a customer expectation of performance and what has been delivered to them (Parasuraman, Berry and Zeithaml, 1991). Economic and Market plays a key role in making the profit for the bank. There is a direct pressure on the margin of profit due to ever increasing competitor in the market who may have a strong base in other country and strong brand name also. For instance HSBC and Barclays have strong base in Asia and Europe respectively, thus when they had entered in India they had kept very low margin of profit to cut out competition and enter the market. This move has helped them to grow the customer’s up to 120% from 2000 to 2010. This is causing a bad strain on tradition banks that are located within India’s geographical boundaries. To react this, now days Indian banks are opening their branches in abroad market like China, Japan, Hong Kong, UK, USA, Canada and other countries. These banks have now reengineered there way of process and have reduced the cost of operation with the use of technology (Howcroft and Durkin, 2003). A drastic reduction of transaction cost has press ured old traditional banks to undergo a change which also deals in ownership of the banks. (Prasad, Bhide and Ghosh, 2002). Economic deregulation in economy has caused free way for banks. Now the other main drawback in traditional Indian banking sector is due to the ownership Government of India owes the most part of banking sector. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1993) argues that government ownership of a bank has the potential to alter the strategies and objectives of the bank as well as the internal structure of governance (Basel Committe on Banking Supervision, 1999). It is suggested that the development of banks can be done by divestment practices in Indian banking sector. (Turner and Arun, 2003). Every bank’s need to always consider the important of market they dealing in. For instance, Indian customers always want to get higher interest rate in there saving account. As a result bank has to compete against each other in this. Whereas, westerners want better service management instead of higher interest rate. The Customer data collection plays a significant role in regards to privacy of the customer. International difference in legal framework are a great challenge and treat for global companies seeking to use CRM to tailor and alter the products as per each customer (McKenzie, 2002).The firms in India don’t feel comfortable in exchanging the customer data with other companies. Where as in US, firm have considerable latitude to collect, store and even exchange sell and buy data on individual customers. The use of direct marketing in USA sometime selling of data can cause a huge penalty (Petter and Rogers, 1993).According to most modernist authors, the legal framework has some limitation’s to the working of the society. Though Indian banking is subjective to sever criticism for its high amount of bad debts and low profit, against this is the glittering contribution to the development and diversification in Indian economy which is witness in the last 3 decade (Prasad, 1997). B anking is no longer regarded as a business dealing with money transactions alone, but it’s regarded as a business related to information on financial transaction (Padwal, 1995). Although the Reserve Bank of India, the country’s central regulatory is trying to ease the legal frame work and is moving towards liberalization and globalization thus helping the nationalized banks to compete against the new foreign banks in the country (Angur, Nataraajan and Jahera, 1997). Conclusion The role of society plays an important role in working of the firm. Different value system such as culture, language, religion plays a significant role in person’s life style and habit. For instance in Islam, excepting any type of interest in form of money is banned under the religious law. As a result bank, have to keep in mind such a strong point. In India, majority of the people believe in keeping money at their home, and if want to keep it in the banks they will always prefer nationalized banks. This could lead to strong competition and can cause a major failure also.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Top 5 Jobs in the Northeast
The Top 5 Jobs in the Northeast If you’re looking for a career change (or a change of scenery!), here are some of the fastest-growing jobs for 2016 in the northeastern part of the U.S. This includes Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. Sadly, â€Å"professional sports fan†isn’t on this list, despite the spirited fan bases for major league baseball, football, basketball, and hockey teams in this region.1. Tech Job Outlook: Software DeveloperSoftware developers are the unseen force behind every digital program you use. From apps on your phone to the fitness tracker on your wrist, software developers are the ones who devise, test, refine, and update the computer coding that makes our lives easier.Metro areas like New York, New Jersey, and Boston are becoming major tech hubs, and these skilled jobs are springing up accordingly. The median salary for a software developer is $93,350 per year, and the field is expected to grow a faster-tha n-average 22% per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.2. Administrative Job Outlook: Office ManagerIf software developers are the shadowy force behind our digital lives, office managers are often the unsung heroes of our workday. Office managers are typically responsible for ensuring that office logistics run smoothly. This can include keeping inventories of office supplies, managing facilities, keeping records, and taking on administrative tasks like human resources or payroll.The median salary for office managers is $81,080 per year, with growth of 12% expected.3. Logistics Job Outlook: Truck DriverTruck drivers keep the northeast moving. Companies like UPS and FedEx have large facilities in the northeast, and with companies like Amazon expanding into warehouses all over the country to shorten customer delivery times, this is a field that is growing fast.The median salary for truck drivers is $38,200, and the field is expected to grow by at least 11% by 2022. Projections for 2016 suggest that there may also be a shortage of drivers on the horizon, so now might be the best time to get on the road.4. Healthcare Job Outlook: Physician AssistantPhysician assistants (PAs) have become a major part of the healthcare industry of late, as the demand for healthcare grows with a growing and aging population and doctor and nurse populations struggle to keep up. PAs can practice medicine under doctors and surgeons and provide direct patient care (examinations, diagnosis, treatment, and education).The median salary for PAs is $90,930 per year, with astonishing projected growth of 38% by 2022.5. Service Job Outlook: Gaming and Sports Book Writers and RunnersIn recent elections, voters have authorized new casinos in New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. This means that in the next year and beyond, there will be a boom of casino openings- and with it, a large call for employees to work on the gaming floors.The median salary for this job is $20,850, with a massive 28% inc rease in job openings expected.Whether you’re already in the northeast and looking for a change of pace or you’re looking to trade your current town for the invigorating chill of a New England winter, opportunities are waiting- even if you’re not willing to swear undying loyalty to the Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Chpter 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Chpter 5 - Essay Example In this case, ACM’s code forms the basis of explaining ethical issues due to its big membership spread across most of the countries in the world. The code epitomizes the fundamental principles of TQM such as trustworthiness, integrity and honoring commitments. Overall, the ACM’s code has 24 principles that determine ethics in a situation. The rise of the internet has brought new forms of crimes such as cyber-bullying and identity theft. However, one approach of preventing issues such as identity theft includes awareness that allows an individual to monitor their online activities. In this case, it is important for an individual to be aware of issues such as online scams, spam emails that steal one’s identity, the right software to use online, and information to share over the internet. Security is pertinent in an issue that involves buying and selling products online. Businesses and customers should know that the failure to remain vigilant was expensive and ca used unanticipated losses. Apparently, web-based security attacks have been on the rise, and there is no sign of them ending soon. In this case, criminals create Trojans, malware, spywares, worms, adware, and botnets to steal information and compromise internet users. However, simple Antivirus software can help an individual ensure that they did not compromise their security while using any software they did not trust the source. Conversely, it is important to buy, or download, antivirus from trusted sources since the internet has antivirus programs that are compromised. Finally, it is important to ensure that an individual observed measures that enhanced the privacy of their data online. With the rise of the social networks, it is important for users to observe the amount of information they released to people in their network. In addition, users should also ensure that they effectively used the privacy setting on these sites to protect their data. On the other hand, an en cryption key is crucial to secure data mostly in institutions such as banks to ensure that data was not available to unauthorized people. While all these measures are useful, security issues remain an area of concern online with hackers devising innovative approaches to steal data. One such ingenious approach is phishing, which lures people to provide their credit card information to hackers and cyber thieves who use the information. Nonetheless, different approaches can prevent an individual from such activities although it is important for individuals to present such information to authorities who will investigate the phishing issue. To protect an individual from phishing, simple toolbars such as Netcraft Toolbar can protect a user from dangerous links. In addition, it is important for internet users to ensure that they visited secure sites by conducting a simple check on the address bar. Finally, creating a back up for all files will protect a user in case their systems were comp romised. Ex. 2: Recent Internet Scam In one of the latest internet scams, internet users are getting email messages purportedly from Microsoft. In this case, the email from the address is a design by a phisher to steal passwords of email users. In this case, the scam targets AOL, Gmail, Yahoo, and Windows Live email addresses with a view of stealing the usernames and passwords of users (Li). The subject of the
Issues in Learning and Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Issues in Learning and Teaching - Essay Example Looking at marginalized ideologies of knowledge and learning also creates a deeper understanding of what it means to receive an education. The main concept of recognition of education is one that is formed by perception of what it means to have information and knowledge. In the Western form of knowledge, there is a perception that knowledge comes from a textbook, school system and the ability to move through this system with points or grades. This one method for achieving knowledge in the culture is what determines what an individual does and how they associate with society. Furthermore, it changes the information that one decides to live their life from, as opposed to create their own career or belief system about knowledge. The consciousness that is given from the school system then becomes what forms an individual, their interpretations and the perceptions that they hold for a life time. The result is a sense of understanding and maintaining the environment according to the school system and the conscious beliefs that have formed from the information and knowledge one has received from this particular institution (Davis, Sumara, Kapler, 2007). The concept of perception for education and information becomes complex because of others that have not received the same format for education or which come from a different cultural context. For instance, indigenous cultures that aren’t brought through the system have a perception of the institution as one which limits the way in which one thinks. The natural beliefs that one has who has received a formal education, as opposed to a culture that believes and lives in an alternative way then transforms and changes the approach which one has in relation to information. The basis of this comes from contextuality, which is what shapes the individual’s life, specifically through mental and social beliefs as well as assumptions and desires that are formed from this. The context created with cultural affiliation s, school systems and information is what leads one to believe that something is normal or expected. Outside of this is a transformation that has to occur to create the right approach. This belief then forms the state of nature. For one that has been through a school system is a state of nature that comes from the ideas learned in this format. For one who has experienced the indigenous culture is a different state of nature that forms and creates the necessary perceptions. The importance of this concept is based on the gap which forms between the two cultures in relating to the informational aspects when working with a specific group (Henderson, 2000). There is an important notice in the concept of information and learning that occurs between the systems and cultural differences which occur. When looking at this perspective from a specific viewpoint, one can note that there is the inability to relate to different cultures and not to understand what the other is going through. The pe rsonal experience of going through a school system causes definitions and beliefs to form around an indigenous culture. If there is an unawareness that this is occurring, then it may lead to other problems with how one interacts with
Issues in Learning and Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Issues in Learning and Teaching - Essay Example Looking at marginalized ideologies of knowledge and learning also creates a deeper understanding of what it means to receive an education. The main concept of recognition of education is one that is formed by perception of what it means to have information and knowledge. In the Western form of knowledge, there is a perception that knowledge comes from a textbook, school system and the ability to move through this system with points or grades. This one method for achieving knowledge in the culture is what determines what an individual does and how they associate with society. Furthermore, it changes the information that one decides to live their life from, as opposed to create their own career or belief system about knowledge. The consciousness that is given from the school system then becomes what forms an individual, their interpretations and the perceptions that they hold for a life time. The result is a sense of understanding and maintaining the environment according to the school system and the conscious beliefs that have formed from the information and knowledge one has received from this particular institution (Davis, Sumara, Kapler, 2007). The concept of perception for education and information becomes complex because of others that have not received the same format for education or which come from a different cultural context. For instance, indigenous cultures that aren’t brought through the system have a perception of the institution as one which limits the way in which one thinks. The natural beliefs that one has who has received a formal education, as opposed to a culture that believes and lives in an alternative way then transforms and changes the approach which one has in relation to information. The basis of this comes from contextuality, which is what shapes the individual’s life, specifically through mental and social beliefs as well as assumptions and desires that are formed from this. The context created with cultural affiliation s, school systems and information is what leads one to believe that something is normal or expected. Outside of this is a transformation that has to occur to create the right approach. This belief then forms the state of nature. For one that has been through a school system is a state of nature that comes from the ideas learned in this format. For one who has experienced the indigenous culture is a different state of nature that forms and creates the necessary perceptions. The importance of this concept is based on the gap which forms between the two cultures in relating to the informational aspects when working with a specific group (Henderson, 2000). There is an important notice in the concept of information and learning that occurs between the systems and cultural differences which occur. When looking at this perspective from a specific viewpoint, one can note that there is the inability to relate to different cultures and not to understand what the other is going through. The pe rsonal experience of going through a school system causes definitions and beliefs to form around an indigenous culture. If there is an unawareness that this is occurring, then it may lead to other problems with how one interacts with
Friday, October 18, 2019
Ethnographic Claim Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ethnographic Claim Paper - Essay Example By doing this, they display a fluidity as far as identity is concerned and they test the traditional understanding of space. I chose this ethnographic study with regards to Italian culture at the Angelo’s and Vinci’s restaurant. The restaurant is in California and boasts of a total Italian ambience. What made it interesting as a research target was my swish to see how the people, including staff members and customers, performed within their cultural settings. Among the staff members at the restaurant and customers, I sought to study how the use of space in the restaurant becomes a performative site for Italian culture in their everyday lives. This led me to ask how the staff members and customers perform the Italian culture at Angelo’s and Vinci’s. The people at Angelo’s and Vinci’s demonstrate authentic Italian cultural practices using language and food. Theory Review Migration, especially in the contemporary period, challenges the tradition al comprehension of attachment of identity and place. Different observers have called for a re-examination of the uses and meanings of space as a concept during the discourse of identity (Appadurai 300). The process by which migrants create belonging among themselves shows a new conceptualization and organization of space, also referred to as re-territorialiazation of culture, as well as a redefinition of the collective identities that have undergone de- territorialization. Basch et al (28) frame the re- territorialization as a manner in which there is a reconfiguration of space by various practices, which migrants who migrate between different countries carry out. Anderson (83) deals with the discourses of resistance that are employed, by native or indigenous people, to negotiate for fixed notions of place or race. Just like subjective identity is produced form the performance, so also are localities created by the subjects who represent, perceive, and construct them, over time. Fo rtier (42) investigates the manner in which performance of one collective body utilizes terrains of belonging. He contends that belonging may be inclusive of physical places, although they are not limited to them. While they may utilize these physical places and these places do become belongings, they are more historical and cultural belongings that are reconstructed from cultural practices. Via the expansion of the theory by Butler on performativity, renegotiating space and identity can be seen as the way in which both space and bodies are invested to become representative of cultural identity. Therefore, belonging can be seen as a struggle that seeks to reconcile representation of groups in the way they are viewed by the rest comes close to the way that they view themselves (Basch et al 59). The struggle or negotiation concerning representation deals with simultaneous shifts in subjective identity, as well as its belonging. Concern over place could be especially potent in the cont ext of minority and immigrant communities that have little or no development of institutions. Racial stereotyping and racism could act as a hindrance to the ability of
Chapter 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chapter 2 - Essay Example o is expected to do promotional activities or fieldwork that may necessitate stamina or to be on toes all the time, than the best fit would be a good ability-job fit (Robbins, Judge and Campbell). 3) Working with older people helps one to learn better since one can learn from the experience they have gained over the years to which in turn would be of great benefit. One is better able to analyze the organizational situations that may otherwise have taken longer to reach any decisions (Robbins, Judge and Campbell). 4) I have been given the opportunity to choose for myself. Similarly, I will give a chance to my children to choose for themselves too. The reason behind this is that it allows people to be satisfied with what they are doing and this job satisfaction is important for an employee in order to perform well (Robbins, Judge and Campbell). 5). One of the important factors for job satisfaction is to have a job that is secure. Similarly, it is also important that the flow of communication with senior management is satisfying. The job benefits and contingency to use the abilities and skills that I have developed adds to job satisfaction (Robbins, Judge and Campbell
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Endoscopy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Endoscopy - Essay Example Recent studies have come up with various technologies in the endoscopic world. Here is the summery of few. Self propelled endoscopy- It is a wireless technology wherein a small capsule is swallowed or inserted through anus. This capsule is less than half an inch in diameter and 2inches in length. This capsule swims into digestive tract so has been nicknamed as ‘Mermaid’. Capsule movements are controlled by remote. It works on magnetic propulsion mechanism. It can be directed wherever it is needed by its gear system. It has extensive battery life for better performance. Infrared based endoscopy- This endoscope is equipped with an infra red laser and a tiny mirror this is capable of taking pictures up to 2 mm beneath the tissue surface. Unlike conventional endoscopes which focus only on the surface area, this latest endoscopy technique will take you deep down to detect very early stages of cancer and will also be helpful during the cancer surgery as this will demonstrate the extent of the cancer tissue. High definition endoscopes- These high definition endoscopes with the help of wide screen sensor offer great imaging of the tissues. It also provides the physician better clarity and visibility during surgical procedures
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