Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of Richard Wright s Man Of All Work
â€Å"Man of All Work†by Richard Wright takes place in the 1950’s in the rural south right before the events of the Civil Rights Movement that further shaped America for all races. We follow one man named Carl who takes his wife’s name and clothing for a day to interview for a domestic job meant for woman for the Fairchild family. This short story further displays the difficult race relations in the South during this time, as well as the lack of respect that the whites had for African Americans. Through the Fairchilds’ oblivion of Lucy’s true gender in ‘Man of All Work†, Wright demonstrates the lack of compassion had by the White Supremacists toward African-Americans via a lack of observation of characteristics and through their lack of†¦show more content†¦Though the Civil Rights Movement will eventually end segregation, for the most part, this racism expressed in â€Å"Man of All Work†still exists in today’s so ciety when you look at maldistribution of wealth and opportunity to those of color. What is also observed in this novel is the lack of boundaries that the whites are willing to take in order protect their own innocence, at the African American’s expense. Another important aspect of this story is the lack of boundaries had by white people in regards to their self-protection. Wright states, â€Å"I’ve got it solved. It’s simple. This nigger put on a dress to worm his was into my house to rape my wife! Ha! See?... Any jury’ll free me on that. Anne, that’s our case.†(147). What’s striking in this passage was the fact that instead of trying to blame the shooting on someone else, they automatically try and make Carl responsible by saying that he was trying to rape his wife. This exact situation and many like it exist in modern America and it’s interesting to see that it isn’t such a new occurrence. The fact that people are willing to lie under oath, and that they eventually are proven not guilty shows how corrupt the system is when conflicts occur between the races.Show MoreRelatedBlack Boy By Richard Wright1590 Words  | 7 PagesLiterature 12/5/11 Black Boy Analysis Essay Richard Wright s autobiography Black Boy is a book that narrates Wright’s life growing up as an African-American in the woods of Mississippi during Jim Crow laws. Many African Americans were Wright were from faced financial struggles. These tough living circumstances greatly affected his youth. Black Boy examines the tough times Wrights and his family faced. 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These laws depicted racial discrimination and segregation against Black people portraying racist turmoil in United States history. It was a difficult task for Wright to grow up in the South being an African American during this time period. Wright was born into povertyRead MoreRichard Wright s Native Son Essay2113 Words  | 9 Pages Throughout my study of racism as it presents itself in America, violence, gender, class, and more have all been brought to the forefront of discussions of racial oppression. Human sexuality is often subverted in these conver sations, although it intersects with all of these forms of racism. African Americans are often subject to sexual stereotyping and objectification which causes them to become rigidly policed by both society and themselves (Gonzales and Rolison 715). Since sexuality presents itselfRead MoreRichard Wright s Native Son Essay2097 Words  | 9 PagesThroughout my study of racism in America, violence, gender, class, and more have all been brought to the forefront of discussions of racial oppression. Human sexuality is often subverted in these conversations, although it intersects with all of these forms of racism. African Americans are often subject to sexual stereotyping and objectification which causes them to become rigidly policed by both society and themselves (Gonzales and Rolison 715). Since sexuality presents itself as a significant way
Monday, May 18, 2020
William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1671 Words
Names play an important role in Romeo and Juliet, as names are what define the sides of the feuding families within the play. Not only does Shakespeare name his characters well, but he also uses different methods of naming throughout the play that references back to specific characters. Within Romeo and Juliet, however, Shakespeare’s methods of naming take on a form that indicates language as key and the two lovers are driven back towards the culture of their fictional world of Verona. Shakespeare uses names and naming in the world within the play to demonstrate its importance as the two lovers attempt to defy the linguistic conventions of â€Å"Verona†culture in terms of identity. This defiance of culture indicates that the play is a tragedy†¦show more content†¦Within the first scene, Montague informs the reader of his son’s identity as he â€Å"private in his chamber pens himself†(1.1.133). As Romeo â€Å"pens†himself, the play allude s to the Petrarchan lover and his place within the narrative. Romeo becomes a tragic protagonist, and as a written character, he reflects on his constructed identity in the narrative and culture. Upon first meeting Juliet, their speech consists of a broken sonnet and she describes him as â€Å"kiss[ing] by th’ book†(1.4.222). Juliet’s and Montague’s descriptions, suggest that other characters imprinted with the culture of â€Å"Verona†focused on identifying those on specific sides and direct his identity as a written character towards the Petrarchan narrative as Romeo â€Å"pens†his condition within the narrative of the play. There is a connection to language and the power that words hold, and this remains with the identity of Romeo as well as the power in words that are associated with him. In Act 2 Scene 1, Romeo takes Juliet’s plea for him to reject his name seriously as he states: â€Å"I take thee at thy word./ Call me but â €˜love,’ and I’ll be new baptized:/ Henceforth I never will be Romeo†(2.1.92-94). He rejects his name to take on â€Å"love†and by interrupting Juliet he also breaks the bonds that separate their feuding families. He defies the courtship tradition and transforms Juliet into someone more than just Capulet’s daughter. She is now created by his
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Education and Poverty Essay - 978 Words
Exploring Poverty and Education Education and poverty is a difficult subject to explore. Many views are held when it comes to the value of education for the underprivileged and whether or not it is the key to removing an individual from an impoverished condition. â€Å"The Social Animal†, a book by David Brooks, explores this subject of poverty and education through the life of one of his characters named Erica. Erica comes from an ethnic background, from a broken home, born from parents who did not receive higher educations, and can be considered an underprivileged child. Brooks focuses on the changes Erica goes through in her life from elementary school, all the way to adulthood, and highlights the fact that she was able to attend a†¦show more content†¦Erica, from a young age, could see she did not want to continue her life in poverty. She longed for the stability in life that she knew could be found by obtaining a college degree. Erica had a deep internal feeling, and unconscious feeling, that her surrounding environment would be a detriment to her life. Internally, as well as consciously, Erica longed for an environment that was positive, nurturing, organized, and socially motivating. Brooks brings this out in text by explain her thought process on this matter, â€Å"she could make one decision, to change her environment. And if she could change her environment, she would be subject to a whole different set of cues and unconscious cultural influence. It’s easier to change you environment than to change your insides.†Brooks quote about Erica is saying once negative unconscious norms are established, it can be very difficult to change a conscious minds attitude about the world. It is easier to change your conscious way of thinking by surrounding an individual with a positive environment that can nurture and change the unconscious mind through positive reinforcement models. Consciously Erica knew her only hope for a successful future was to remove he rself from the poverty cycle, and immerse herself into a school that would help her get into college. This school was called â€Å"The Academy†. In today’s world, the Academy could be considered a charter school, or a prep school that was specificallyShow MoreRelatedHow Poverty With Education And Poverty1116 Words  | 5 PagesHow to End Poverty with Education Education and poverty are conversely related. Education is surely and effectually the best way of the poor to escape not only poverty but also to kill illiteracy and ignorance and unawareness of individual rights and responsibilities and to outflow all forms of social discrimination, around the world. Education has the power to break the poverty cycle. If capitalist invest in education, the returns would be priceless. 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Education1136 Words  | 5 Pages3 21 October 2017 Poverty vs Education In this paper I am going to talk about how poverty and education are linked to each other and how with education, poverty can be mostly likely avoided. There has been a long time war going on with poverty; there have been many theories on how poverty can be put to an end. Many theories focus on the government giving people who are in poverty money to aid them in difficult times. To help them pay for rent, food, supplies, college education, and many other lifeRead MoreThe Pedagogy Of Poverty And Education1087 Words  | 5 Pages What is the main argument the author makes and how does it apply to contemporary education? The practices which are taught in schools of low socio-economic status are limited and do not give students the skills and knowledge to reach their full potential. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Character Analysis Of Eowyn - 1569 Words
Eowyn is a 24-year-old woman in J.R.R. Tolkien s Trilogy The Lord of the Rings, found in the second and third book, The Two Towers (1956) and The Return of the King (1966). In the trilogy, the major conflict is between countries and individuals of Middle Earth as they fight to keep the mysterious dark sorcerer Sauron from taking over Middle Earth. . Eowyn is the niece of Thà ©oden the King of Rohan, a country of noble and warrior-class people. Her parents died when she was a young child, leaving her and her brother Eomer in the care of their uncle, with whom they developed a close relationship Eowyn is a courageous and loyal woman. She cared for her uncle for years during a time of his mental and physical deterioration (Tolkien, 1956).†¦show more content†¦However, Faramir, also a warrior of Gondor, not to reject the value of kindness, gently wooed her. The two fall in love and are set to be wed (Tolkien, 1966). As a client, Eowyn would be resistant to therapy for personal and social reasons. When her uncle was ill, the royal court was under the influence of his repressive advisor, who sought to silence opposition or free thought. Eowyn lived for years out of a sense of duty without warmth or affection from her sick uncle. Secondly, she is a member of the royal family during a recent period of war. She also comes from a people who value duty and bravery, particularly in battle, and may fear exposure as weak due to her high political status. Building rapport will Eowyn will be particularly difficult because she will not want to be in a vulnerable position as the client, and she may also perceive a stigma to asking for help. The key to building rapport will be found in respect of the client, respecting client autonomy, and the use of the client s relationships. The strict use of confidentiality will be especially important for client comfort due to her political and social statues. Presenting Problems Personal functioning Eowyn has experience many stressful events in her life from which may have triggered mental health disorders. Initially, Eowyn lost her parents at a young age. She again suffered from loss when her uncle, her primary caregiver,Show MoreRelatedA Summary Of Galadriel And Eowyn1539 Words  | 7 PagesGaladriel and Eowyn are two of the strongest and most notable women in Middle-Earth; however, they are being misrepresented throughout the text. There are many other notable women in The Lord of the Rings, such as Goldberry, Arwen, and Shelob, but their presence is not very consistent throughout the novel. Galadriel and Ewoyn both exhibit typically masculine qualities; however, these positive attributes are only mentioned when accompanied by sexualized accounts of their beauty. Galadriel is bothRead MoreThe Lady Of The Rings1547 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish CCA The Lady of the Rings Thesis: While some claim that due to the stereotypical roles and lack of female characters in Tolkien’s works makes him sexist, the female characters in The lord of the Rings are far more important and powerful than many make them out to be. The Lord of the Rings is arguably J.R.R. Tolkien’s best and is unquestionably his largest work with mind blowing amounts of details and background texts created to take his world of Middle Earth and make it the definitiveRead MoreEssay on Tolkien: A Racist, Sexist, or Not?1665 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Rings Trilogy’s depictions of evil characters, often classifying J.R.R Tolkien as being a racist and a sexist or defending J.R.R. Tolkien by stating that his character descriptions were merely used to advance the plot and add an exotic atmosphere to the trilogy; however, after evaluating this assertion it is clear that J.R.R. Tolkien is not a racist and a sexist and is simply a unique fantasy writer because these comments are inconsistent with his characters, as shown through his writing style,
Professional accounting skills for business decisions Essay
Essays on Professional accounting skills for business decisions Essay Introduction South York Shire Newspapers PLC is an old company that has developed over the years to become one of the biggest publishers of newspapers in the region. The newspaper is a merger of five old newspapers and provides news to the different regions in Sheffield. An analysis of the case study reveals two major themes as the cause of the decline of the financial performance of South York Shire Newspapers PLC, which is falling demand for newsprint and the use of obsolete technology in the firm. These two factors combine to reduce the overall effectiveness of the company in terms of profitability, which is supposed to increase with the use of better technology. The pressure on the sale of newsprint began more than 10 years ago with the decline in the production of morning newspapers. This forced the major printing houses to focus on the printing of only evening newspapers. This change in consumer interest has been due to a change in editorial approach that reversed previous negative trends in this sector. However, this has led to companies rejecting the printing of morning newspapers. The demand for newspapers is also determined by the region. The second factor is that the increase in popularity of other mediums of communication such as the television, which have severely reduced the demand for newsprint and newspapers. The preference of the television over the printed newspaper is mainly due to the speed at which news is transmitted by television. The consumers tend to demand higher overall quality, quicker production of news and a wide range of other topics. The newspaper is also faced with the increasing demand for other news mediums, a situation that has been survived only by the relative size of the newspaper. The second theme evident from the reading is the use of a blend of new and outdated technology for the production process. Recent trends in the newspaper industry have introduced new machinery mainly centered on integrated computer and production abilities. The use of this blend has changed the working practices of the company, for example, by eliminating the need for centralized news gathering, editorial and production functions. This has also changed the production and newsgathering process utilized by the company and hastened the newspaper production process. However, the current situation indicates that this new technology has only been partly implemented in the newspaper, which leads to the substandard utilization of the available resources. The use of the machinery at maximum capacity sometimes leads to breakdowns, which affects the revenue collection process. The advertising revenue in the region is also dictated by the trends evident in the national and regional level. For ex ample, the current state indicates that, as advertisers currently prefer the use of multi-colored advertisements, which are a cause of concern because of the use of combined printing technologies. The revenues from the newspaper are also an area of concern because of the appearance of free soft news mediums like free newspapers. The management in the newspaper is also concerned because of the rumored production of a free weekly publication.
Market Structure of Tourism in Australia-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Market Structure of Tourism in Australia. Answer: Introduction Market is a place where there are buyers and sellers dealing in economic or financial transaction at particular place in a point in time. These transactions depend on the economic variables like demand, supply, production, investments, consumption, purchasing power capacity, and income elasticity (Bianchi, Pike and Lings 2014). On addition, an economic transaction when carried out efficiently the economy is stable. Standard quality in the business encourages more number of consumers, increase in consumers leads to more demand for the services one is getting. There will be more supply of the services in order to attain customers wants. This creates more production leading to increase in the investments and income of the seller. As a result, business earns profit. When business earns good profit, it decides to expand its line of productions across the country in order to increase the investment and to create good economic growth. Tourism industry achieved success domestically as well as globally. When there are different types of market structure like monopoly, duopoly, perfect competition, and oligopoly. The tourism organization connects to 16 business industries that attract large customers of different types. Growth of the economy depends on the line and chain of production (Dolnicar, Lazarevski and Yanamandram 2013). Referring to the topic, the purpose of the report is to discuss the market structure of tourism in Australia from last 5 years. Travel and tourist industry play a key role in influencing the market growth as well the countrys industry contributed 3.0 percent of net production to the countrys economy in the year 2014 (Duval 2013). Australia indulges in customer-oriented market and developments in the industry sector that acts as a strong positive impact on the growth of the travel market and economy. Good investments in this industry can create job opportunities, more encouragement to the business and startups leads to increase in scale of production. Innovation and modern technology creates healthy global relations, export sector, and good competition spirit (Dwyer 2015). They created different ways of expanding their businesses in order to maximize sales and output. The motive of tourism industry is to increase in its investment sector by expanding the line of production and business across the globe. The report also draws the strength and weakness and the possible threats of the industry. It also gives innovative and creative ways to increase the demand and encouragement in the growth of tourism industry. Additionally, there is brief summary on the impact of various economic, environmental, technological, social factors on the industry. Market structure of tourism industry in Australia Market structure and types of market structure a market is made of buyers and sellers who are engaged in economic exchange of goods and services with a motive to earn income. They exchange goods and services at a fixed place called market (Forsyth et al. 2014). A buyer is a customer or a consumer who purchases commodity and a seller is a person who sells product with a motive to earn income. The performance of the economy depends on the economic transactions and the economic variables like demand supply, production, cost, investment, quality of resources (Gretzel et al. 2015). Good quality service will create more demand for consumption due to which supply also increases. When demand and supply balances the economy said to be in equilibrium, means there is stability in the performance of the economy A tourism market is a place of business where a customer comes to purchase tickets to travel at respective places may be for personal outings or for business purpose (Hall, Gossling and Scott 2015). There are different types of market structure like monopoly, duopoly and oligopoly. Monopoly - This type of market includes only one seller operating the entire business. Seller is the sole earner (Hallak, Brown and Lindsay 2012). There is no competition therefore seller charges high and different prices to different customers. There are great restrict for the new entrants in this type of market. Therefore, monopoly in tourism market affects in both ways means single seller can rule the entire market whereas, in case of excess demand of consumers cannot fulfilled by only seller. If demand not met, then there will not be sales leading to decline in the purchasing power, due to which income also declines. On the other side, a seller alone can influence the entire industry. There is no competitor in this kind of market, no threat of new entrant or rivalry. Duopoly- It refers to two sellers two firms producing profit on the selling of different products. There is a tough competition between both the firms (Huang, Weiler and Assaker 2015). There is dependency on each other as both have an individual aim to earn maximum profit by keeping joint venture relation. Duopoly market leads more competition and encouragement to business and customers. Price discrimination or price charging may be a big factor of concern in this market. Oligopoly- There is large numbers of buyers and seller selling their products by competing with their rival firms in terms of customers, product quality, and scale of production (Lee, Hallak and Sardeshmukh 2016). Production and selling depends only advertisement factor. There is complete awareness of the rival firms actions and outcomes. With this kind of market structure, there can be huge line of production with large customers and sellers (Layton 2015). There will not be any kind of uniformity because the scale of production is large. There will be more competition, due to which to make continuity in the growth rate, industry should create modern approaches, attractive plans and policies leading to more number of customers. Impact of tourism industry from last five years In the year 2014, the gross domestic product of 3.0 percent created a robust impact on the growth in the economy (Law 2015). For many years, it maintained the good position and stability in the economy globally. There is a research program of tourism department named as tourism research Australia which is established with an aim to identify the performance structure of the tourism industry. Various factors influence the tourism industry is economic, environmental, social, technological, political and legal factors. Social factors also influences greatly to the tourism industry, as this is consumer-oriented market (Mao and Zhang 2014). Preferences, needs, demand of different consumers, their income and the living standards largely reflect the social factor. Technology factor leads to use of modern technology and good resources can attract more customers. This factor depends largely on consumer demand and choices. Standard demands encourages for better services and quality products (Morrison 2013). It also affects the industry position, with good customer services; it opens doors for more buyers, leads to good image for the industry (Pham et al. 2015). Consumer always gives first priority to the quality of the product or services, and though it is largely dependent on consumer, therefore consumer satisfaction will create more output. Environmental factor is one of the important factors in tourism industry. Impact of weather condition will vary the demand for the customers (Ruhanen, Whitford and McLennan 2015). Good weather will create more demand for travelling while bad weather will led to decline in the demand factor. If there are weather imbalances, then there will be problem in economic activity of this industry as no demand will lead to low sales and production will decline (Song, Dwyer and Cao 2012). Due to natural calamities also, there can be low growth in the industry. With changing weather seasons demand of consumer changes and uncertainties in natural calamities possess a threat to the industry. Due to low demand, the sales also went down. Legal and political factor states that with political stability there can be good global relation with the trading partners. Political instability creates problems in the business stability (Thomas 2013). A peaceful negotiation leads to more encouragement to job opportunities, export sector. To increase scale of production, there should be good global relations and this can happen only when there are good government facilities. There must be new plans and policies for the betterment of the industry in order to maintain certain legal standards of the business. Business standards encourage for more consumers and proper legal rules helps to maintain business reputation (Tribe 2015). Overall, there was a good growth and contribution of the tourism sector in the economy as well as in the country. Not only domestic relations but also global trade relations showed a positive impact on the economy and the gross domestic product. Economic impact on tourism industry With reference to economic factor, then tourism sector is one such industry that is always in great demand. Whether it is business travel or else is personal and family travel, this business always gets customers. It also deals with the important global issues and trade agreements with partner countries. The tourism research report gives the analysis about the market performances, the demand and supply rate and the various ways for new policies and plans to promote the growth of the industry. Due to global recession held in the year 2008, the market affected severely. Global recession affected the purchasing power of the consumer as tourism market based on consumer spending only. Recession affected the economic activities due to which consumers were not able to spend their money as a result investment sector declined, led the consumption level also down. In 2015, Australia captured nearly 2,73,000 businesses that means nearly 12 to 13 percent business which shows the growth and scale of production capacity of the country. In 2016, the rate of travelers was 8 percent. The success of Australia globally led the beginning to increase capital through it is newly setup tourism campaign. The reason behind the success of the industry is the hard work and passion of state tourism department, Australian tourist department and the global territory. The previous trading countries were Europe, United States of America and United Kingdom that rose to many more countries in recent years (Vila, Darcy and Gonzlez 2015). Those are Japan, china, Singapore and Malaysia. The tourism department is planning to establish its network in the remaining countries as well. This happened because of innovative approaches and latest technology with being consumer friendly. The aim of this industry is to increase the investment pattern and to fulfill the demands of their customers. They reach out to their customers through electronic means of communication and advertisements in order to create sales and more expansion of their business. There are various tourist partners that are aviation sector, business, sector, airlines, distributing partners, non-travel industry, state and territory industry. Aviation sector includes Cooperation of relation between the aviation industry and the tourist department. There should be demand for the new routes and more flights. Bilateral restrictions should be less for the investment and immigration purposes. Collaborating with Business sector includes more encouragement to the Australia tourism industry for more profit and customers. In case of airlines, tourism sector includes 20-airline partner across the globe, few among them are china southern airlines, air china. It has a long-term goal setup with these 20 airlines for structured business growth with a spirit of mutual healthy cooperation. A global relation creates more investments strategies. Tourism industry collaborated with 160 key distributing partners with an aim to create a perfect market strategy using economic variables like retailer, wholesaler, customer, commitment to fulfill the desired set target. Tourism industry also relates with non-travel industry like Samsung, Sony. In the year 2015, it entered into a partnership with visa cross border campaign for increasing international holiday packages for the customers. Lastly, joining hands with state and territory industry will help to maintain regional and territory stability in the industry and across the globe Conclusion Tourism industry of Australia earned a strong profit and growth in the country as well as globally. Defining the market structure of tourism industry of Australia then it has made a strong position globally by using updated technology, electronic mode of communication. Use of electronic mode of communication it created more and more customers. With the use of advertisements, it created robust sales growth that led increment of the investments pattern. On addition with good government and legal factors, it maintained stability with its trading partners. Robust sales growth and fulfilling the required demands of the consumer mark the success of the Australia tourism industry worldwide. There was a good rate of growth in the production of the business that also created an increase in the gross domestic product of the country. It is a consumer-based market therefore with standard in quality and proper on time services without any delay created huge success and profit. It has established well with few trading partner among few countries, further planning to expand and connect with the rest of the world. Tourism industry is always encouraging and demanding as it leads to travelling, therefore customer satisfaction is the important factor in it. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Personal Development Plan Paper
Question: Dicuss about thePersonal Development Plan Paper. Answer: Introduction: Reflective Account As a student academic research is one key part in my learning and academics hence it is important for me to understand my key skills that are important for me to become a successful academic researcher. Out of the information discussed in class I have realised that academic research is a complex procedure and it needs to be handled effectively in order to get favorable research outcomes. From the research that I had to do which is related to reward systems and employee motivation I have realised the importance of using the suitable methods to complete the study. As per Collis Hussey (2013) an academic research is mainly based on its choice of methods and during the course of research of employee motivation I had got the opportunity to understand and learn the ways to choose the right kind of method to complete a particular study. My approach towards the research study has been highly facilitated by the discussion regarding the essentiality of research philosophy, design, approach and strategy. Through the discussions in class I have acquired the knowledge of these key methods which will help me to organise and complete further research studies. The present study has helped to discuss the different aspects of research which has helped me to understand to do an academic research in a professional manner which will help me understand the nerve of a professional research (Garrison, 2011). My ability to conduct an academic research would surely change as from conducting this research I have gained idea about being ethical in nature and I have also understood the importance of gathering quantitative and qualitative data and their essentiality from the context of the research. For the present research I have had to frame questionnaires that have given me fair bit of knowledge about gathering research data which woul d help me to complete research effectively. A lot of contemplation goes into completing a particular research and I have developed that required skill to contemplate and invest profound thinking in a research especially to make effective decisions regarding the choice of methods applied in the completion of a particular research. I have developed skills to interpret given data as well as have an effective hold on analysing data in a descriptive data. As per Saunders et al., (2012) research work is a complicated procedure and understanding the different sections of research is essential and I have been able to do that with the help of the regular discussion and practical research works that I have been involved with. I have gathered ample knowledge about being right conceptually and the present research has helped me to do this. I have always thought that academic research are mostly done to let the student understand the procedure of the research but now I have realised that it not only helps to prepare a student for researches but also helps to get favorable outcomes which are extremely important for the student. As a student I have been able to understand the purpose of academic research and so, it has also helped me to be on the right track and most importantly helped me to grasp the overall knowledge of f raming an academic research which will help me in the long run. References Collis, J. Hussey, R. (2013) Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. 4th ed. London: Palgrave-MacMillan Garrison, D. R. (2011).E-learning in the 21st century: A framework for research and practice. Taylor Francis. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. Thornhill, A. (2012)Research Methods for Business Students, 6th ed. Pearson Learning Solutions.
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