Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Free Essays on Toni Morissons The Bluest Eye
Toni Morisson's epic The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who dwell in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s (where Morrison herself was conceived). This family comprises of the mother Pauline, the dad Cholly, the child Sammy, and the girl Pecola. The epic's point of convergence is the little girl, an eleven-year-old Black young lady who is attempting to vanquish a session with self-loathing. Regular she experiences bigotry, from the White individuals, yet for the most part from her own race. In their eyes she is excessively dull, and the murkiness of her skin by one way or another shows that she is sub-par, and as indicated by every other person, her skin makes her much uglier. She believe she can beat this clash of self-loathing by acquiring blue eyes, however an extraordinary blue. She needs the bluest of the blue, the bluest eye. Pecola Breedlove is an honest young lady who, as exceptionally other small kid, didn't request to be conceived in this savage world. It is terrible enough that for all intents and purposes the entire world rejects her, however her own folks are blameworthy of dismissal also. Her own dad, who is continually smashed, explicitly attacks his little girl more than once. The first occasion when he has sex with his girl, he leaves her somewhat oblivious, and lying on the kitchen floor with a blame covering her fragile, limp, preteen body. Whenever he plays out a similar demonstration, yet this time he impregnates her. Obviously, the child is prematurely delivered. This is clearly not an adoration a dad ought to be imparting to a little girl. This demonstration shows disdain in the most noticeably terrible manner. Her mom's dismissal is unobtrusive yet strong. When Pecola discloses to her mom about the attack, Mrs. Breedlove doesn't trust her own fragile living creature and blood. Pecola calls Pauline Mrs. Breedlove as opposed to calling her mom. Permitting this, Mrs. Breedlove shows that unknowingly she doesn't recognize Pecola as her little girl, and Pecola doesn't admit Pauline as her mom. Separation is very apparent in this purported mother-little girl re... Free Essays on Toni Morisson's The Bluest Eye Free Essays on Toni Morisson's The Bluest Eye Toni Morisson's epic The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who live in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s (where Morrison herself was conceived). This family comprises of the mother Pauline, the dad Cholly, the child Sammy, and the little girl Pecola. The epic's point of convergence is the little girl, an eleven-year-old Black young lady who is attempting to overcome a session with self-loathing. Regular she experiences bigotry, from the White individuals, however generally from her own race. In their eyes she is excessively dull, and the murkiness of her skin some way or another shows that she is sub-par, and as per every other person, her skin makes her much uglier. She believe she can beat this clash of self-loathing by getting blue eyes, yet an extraordinary blue. She needs the bluest of the blue, the bluest eye. Pecola Breedlove is a guiltless young lady who, as exceptionally other little youngster, didn't request to be conceived in this merciless world. It is terrible enough that for all intents and purposes the entire world rejects her, yet her own folks are liable of dismissal also. Her own dad, who is continually smashed, explicitly attacks his little girl more than once. The first occasion when he has sex with his girl, he leaves her somewhat oblivious, and lying on the kitchen floor with a blame covering her delicate, limp, preteen body. Whenever he plays out a similar demonstration, however this time he impregnates her. Obviously, the child is prematurely delivered. This is clearly not an adoration a dad ought to be offering to a little girl. This demonstration shows disdain in the most exceedingly awful manner. Her mom's dismissal is unobtrusive yet strong. When Pecola discloses to her mom about the attack, Mrs. Breedlove doesn't trust her own fragile living creature and blood. Pecola calls Pauline Mrs. Breedlove as opposed to calling her mom. Permitting this, Mrs. Breedlove shows that unknowingly she doesn't recognize Pecola as her little girl, and Pecola doesn't declare Pauline as her mom. Separation is very obvious in this purported mother-girl re...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Home-Coming Analysis Essay
Hello/evening educator and schoolmates. A week ago, our gathering was assigned to dissect the sonnet Home-Coming by Australian artist Bruce Dawe, who was conceived in 1930 in Geelong, Victoria. Out of the four kin in the family, he was the just one to ever go to a legitimate optional school. Already being a piece of the Royal Australian Air Force in 1959, his motivation for composing this specific sonnet was a direct result of the Vietnam War, which asserted an apparently unending number of lives. This truly maddened him thus he committed this sonnet to the losses during the war. In our examination of the sonnet, we saw that the sonnet adequately joined an assortment of valuable procedures which altogether improved the unobtrusive importance behind the sonnet. With the shrewd utilization of language and auxiliary gadgets, Bruce Dawe was extremely ready to enlarge his perspectives and display his actual point of view upon war. A few strategies used all through the section were analogi es, redundancy and incongruity, just to give some examples. More or less, the sonnet spins around officers obviously getting back home from the dangerous course of war to their friends and family. From the title of â€Å"Home-Coming†, the crowd increase a ramifications of alleviation and joy and it intimates a positive air. Be that as it may, later on in the sonnet this is found to not be the situation as the status of the considerable number of fighters are uncovered to be perished. When we read this, we immediately got on the way that it was an enemy of war sonnet. In our perspectives, we accept the sonnet looks like a funeral poem in light of its discouraging mind-set. Likewise, our gathering felt that the artist was endeavoring to delineate the warriors as irrelevant and nonessential through a humorous point of view just as giving us how little regard they gain from laying their lives down for our opportunity. In any case, the primary gadget inserted in the main segment of the sonnet is redundancy. The reiteration of the word â€Å"day†in the statement â€Å"All day, day after day†presents a repetitive mind-set in which time is moving incredibly gradually and nearly appears to be ceaseless when we read it. This strategy has such a solid and intense impact on the crowd as it is applied in the initial lines of the sonnet, which drives us to have a quick response. Additionally, the word â€Å"they’re†is ceaselessly composed later on in the sonnet, for example, â€Å"they’re getting them, they’re zipping them up†. By doing this, Dawe endeavors toâ show a to some degree mechanical and steady procedure of the capacity of cadavers, accordingly showing the troopers with the characteristics of lifeless things and not deserving of have correspondence to people. Redundancy is a significant perspective in this sonnet and gives us the cliché see on the troopers battling at war. Likewise, Dawe incorporates an unmistakable cluster of likenesses that paint striking pictures in the psyches of the crowd, which permit them to picture the specific scene that the artist is attempting to summon. Thus, the arranger can control the creative mind of perusers and animate them into considering a particular subject using words. For this situation, Bruce Dawe actuates solid visual symbolism that advances a desolate, melancholy and quiet climate. A case of this disposition is shown in the statement â€Å"telegrams tremble like leaves from a wintering tree†. To put together a picture with respect to a â€Å"wintering tree†gives negative meanings while additionally permitting Dawe to exploit words to fortify the discouraging state of mind of the content. Along these lines, the solid significance behind the likenesses utilized is a basic segment in the sonnet of Home-coming. At long last, the last method embraced in the sonnet sparingly however viably is incongruity. Dawe allures the crowd to positive feelings, for example, expectation and alleviation through the title of â€Å"Home-coming†which clearly should start satisfaction. In any case, for this situation, the writer misleadingly transforms our expectation into disarray as the content at that point goes to a despairing state of mind through statements, for example, â€Å"they’re getting them, those they can find†. The expected response that Bruce Dawe needs from the crowd is stun, in light of the fact that as we read on, the warriors are unveiled as dead individuals. This is the place the incongruity lies as the substance of the sonnet and its environment totally repudiates the message that the title is intimating. Moreover, another example of incongruity is the expression â€Å"frozen sunset†. By and by, these words develop a cold and ruined reason for the state of min d of the sonnet. Bruce Dawe has joined various strategies, for example, incongruity and comparisons in this enemy of war sonnet that makes the crowd wonder about the awful impacts of war and the pulverization it can bring to families. It convinces them toâ see through the faã §ade of war with the contorted yet evident differentiations of the title and substance of the sonnet. Just as this, the content attempts to cause us to consider the way that we demonstration with respect to warriors and we they should regard them more as they are the motivation behind why our opportunity can be held for the people in the future.
Turkey Briefing as a Traditional Turkish Element Essay
Turkey Briefing as a Traditional Turkish Element - Essay Example Thisâ is celebratedâ as a spring celebration inside theâ regionâ also connected to the Jewish celebration of Purim. Degree of culturalâ influenceâ of westernization and modernization Through turn of events and urbanization, aâ lotâ of associations among various state societiesâ occurâ bringing about social interruptions, crashes and impacts among themselves (David, 12). Turkey in the pursuit forâ developmentâ and soundness invited aâ lotâ of interruptions by different societies through different exercises. Such exercises are such asâ engagementâ in multifaceted exchanging and social relations thatâ causeâ interchangeâ and selections of different social angles such asâ religion. During the 1920s time frames turkey experienced a framework modernization program alluded to as the â€Å"Kemalism†and through vital European strategies along with Turkish technocrats’ built up an effective advancement model (Belbor, 8). Different parts of Turkishâ cultu reâ such asâ religion, language and different practices essentially impacted through this westernizationâ processâ and advancement. Social sensitivities guests to Turkey ought to know about Visitors to any new area should be touchy to the standards of the district so as not toâ spurâ any irreconcilable situations among them. These standards areâ inclusiveâ ofâ politicalâ governance, laws and social practices and perceptions. Taking of photos of spots considered as of social affectability, for example, ofâ religiousâ sites and sanctuaries ought to be truly thought of. Roughly ninety eight of the populace is Muslim andâ religiousâ aspectsâ are consideredâ to be aâ personalâ matters (Cloe, 5). As such guests ought to hold fast to regard of the nearby traditions, conventional laws and religions of the locale in the entirety of their activities to guarantee they don't insult the locals. This ought to beâ particularlyâ crucialâ duringâ sensitiveâ periods and inâ se nsitiveâ places, for example, during the holly month time frame ofâ ramadhanâ or when visitingâ sacred, strict locales. Job of religion in Turkish society Inâ likenessâ to different social orders religion assumes a profoundly expanded job in the network. The majority of the standards and administrative rules inside theâ societyâ are depicted by religion (Howel, 21). Most of the Turkish populaces are Muslim, and they depend on thisâ religionâ in their socialâ organization. The significance and jobs inside the foundation of the family sketched out in the religion with the jobs of people directed along with rules to be followed. It is likewise through this equivalent strict conviction that a few standards and guidelines of harmony andâ stabilityâ followed inside the country. Islamicâ religionâ also holds aâ positionâ for the death of judgment andâ punishmentâ of law wrongdoers in this manner further reinforcing the standard of law and working of the legal frame work. Howâ valuableâ is Islam to lives of the Turkish individuals Islam is theâ principalâ religion inside the area, and it holds as the foundation of society. Islam is the paste that holds and ties theâ peopleâ and different parts of the people’s lives. Pretty much every part of the Turks lives rotates around the Muslim religion (John, 13). Through Islam, the structure and jobs of the family settled, and the normal standards of direct delineated. Through this conviction, individuals can interrelate well with one another likewise to regard theâ importanceâ for the standard of law. Harmony created all through the area through
Friday, August 21, 2020
Building Sentences With Adverb Clauses
Building Sentences With Adverb Clauses Here well work on building sentences with intensifier conditions. Like a descriptor provision, a verb modifier proviso is constantly reliant on (or subordinate to) a free condition. Like a customary intensifier, a modifier statement as a rule adjusts an action word, however it can likewise change a descriptor, a qualifier, or even the remainder of the sentence where it shows up. Verb modifier statements show the relationship and relative significance of thoughts in our sentences. From Coordination to Subordination Consider how we may join these two sentences: The national speed limit was repealed.Road mishaps have expanded strongly. One alternative is to arrange the two sentences: The national speed limit was revoked, and street mishaps have expanded forcefully. Coordination with and permits us to interface the two principle conditions, however it doesnt unmistakably distinguish the connection between the thoughts in those provisions. To explain that relationship, we may decide to change the principal principle provision into an intensifier condition: Since the national speed limit was canceled, street mishaps have expanded strongly. In this form the time relationship is accentuated. By changing the main word in the qualifier provision (a word called a subjecting combination), we can set up an alternate relationshipone of cause: Since the national speed limit was revoked, street mishaps have expanded forcefully. Notice that a verb modifier statement, similar to a descriptive word proviso, contains its own subject and predicate, however it must be subjected to a primary condition to bode well. Normal Subordinating Conjunctions A verb modifier proviso starts with a subjecting conjunctionan intensifier that interfaces the subordinate condition to the fundamental statement. The subjecting combination may demonstrate a relationship of cause, concession, correlation, condition, spot, or time. Heres a rundown of the basic subjecting conjunctions: Cause asbecausein request thatsinceso thatExample:Im not a veggie lover since I love creatures. Im a vegan since I loathe plants.(A. Whitney Brown) Concession and Comparison althoughasas thougheven thoughjust asthoughwhereaswhileExamples:You will find that the State is the sort of association which, however it does large things severely, does little things seriously, too.(John Kenneth Galbraith)It is a misuse of vitality to be furious with a man who acts gravely, similarly all things considered to be irate with a vehicle that wont go.(Bertrand Russell) Condition indeed, even ififin caseprovided thatunlessExample:If you have ever lain alert around evening time and rehashed single word again and again, thousands and millions and a huge number of a large number of times, you know the upsetting mental state you can get into.(James Thurber) Spot wherewhereverExample:Read over your organizations, and any place you meet with an entry which you believe is especially fine, strike it out.(Samuel Johnson) Time afteras soon asas long asbeforeoncestilltilluntilwhenwheneverwhileExample: As soon as you confide in yourself, you will know how to live.(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)Practice in Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses These five short activities in sentence joining will give you practice in creating sentences with intensifier statements. Adhere to the directions that go before each arrangement of sentences. After you have finished the activity, contrast your new sentences and the example blends on page two. Join these two sentences by transforming the second sentence into a verb modifier statement starting with a suitable subjecting combination of time:In a Junction City cafe, a burned from the sun rancher comforts his wriggling son.His spouse tastes espresso and reviews the secondary school prom.Combine these two sentences by transforming the second sentence into a qualifier provision starting with a fitting subjecting combination of place:Diane needs to live somewhere.The sun sparkles each day there.Combine these two sentences by transforming the principal sentence into an intensifier proviso starting with a proper subjecting combination of concession or comparison:Work stops.Expenses run on.Combine these two sentences by transforming the main sentence into a modifier condition starting with a fitting subjecting combination of condition:Youre on the privilege track.Youll get run over on the off chance that you simply sit there.Combine these two sentences by transforming the primary se ntence into a modifier proviso starting with a proper subjecting combination of cause:Satchel Paige was black.He was not permitted to contribute the significant alliances until he was in his forties. After you have finished the activity, contrast your new sentences and the example mixes beneath. Test Combinations Here are test answers to the activity on page one: Practice in Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses. In a Junction City burger joint, a burned from the sun rancher comforts his wriggling sonâ whileâ his spouse tastes espresso and reviews the secondary school prom.(Richard Rhodes, The Inland Ground)Diane needs to liveâ whereâ the sun sparkles each day. Indeed, even thoughâ work stops, costs run on. Indeed, even ifâ youre destined for success, youll get run over on the off chance that you simply sit there.(Will Rogers) Because Satchel Paige was dark, he was not permitted to contribute the significant classes until he was in his forties.
99 Ways to Spread the Word About a Book You Love
99 Ways to Spread the Word About a Book You Love You’ve bought a book, and you’ve fallen in love. Or, your best friend’s first novel is coming out. How do you make sure as many people hear about these books you love or these authors you care about? I have a feeling, completely unquantifiable and unprovable but borne out by my own experience, that the more times someone hears about or sees a book, the more likely they are at least to check it out and see if it’s something they would enjoy. So all of the things below matter! They may seem like tiny things, and many of them are, but cumulatively, they make a difference. Many of them take seconds and most of them cost nothing. But if you want to put in serious money, time, creativity and commitment, there are options for those, too. Note: it’s probably best to spread these out over days, weeks, or even months, and across different social media, so that people don’t get thoroughly sick of the very mention of the book in question. That said, the first few days of a book being out are crucial, so by all means go all out (within non-spammy reason) during that first week. Buy the book. Buy it early. Buy it often. That first week of sales matters immensely. 1. Pre-order the book. 2. When the online store prompts you to, share that pre-order on social media. 3. Buy the book for other people. Read (or at least start reading) the book. This is necessary for many of the other steps, and also so you can make eye contact with your friend. (That said, your friend would probably prefer you buy the book and not read it, rather than not buying it at all.) 4. Read the book in public places. 5. Read other books inside this book so that it always looks as if you’re reading the book even when you’re not. 6. Get your book club to read the book. 7. Invite the author to your book club discussion, then blog or tweet about the experience. Talk about the book. 8. Talk about it to everyone you know. 9. Talk about it in public places, perhaps slightly more loudly than is strictly necessary. (But not in the quiet car on the train. This will not evoke warm fluffy feeling towards the book.) 10. Mention the book when you’re commenting on Book Riot’s Inbox/Outbox posts. (Keep it non spammy and genuine though!) Review the book. 11. Review it on Amazon. 12. Review it on other countries’ Amazon stores, especially, if it’s a book in English, on and .ca. 13. If you speak another language, write a review in the relevant Amazon stores too. 14. Copy and paste your review into Goodreads. 15. Copy and paste your review into every other store you can find: Kobo, Barnes and Noble, WH Smith, Chapters, Fnac. 16. Copy and paste your review onto your blog. Facebook 17. Click on the little face and do an “am reading†status update â€" preferably one that shows the book’s cover. 18. Like the book. 19. Like the author’s page. 20. Invite your friends (selectively, in a non spammy way) to like the book and the author’s page. 21. Use the “add a short bio†that we’re now offered to say you’re reading the book. Libraries and Bookshops 22. Request the book at the library. 23. Ask a bookstore employee if they have the book, even if you know they do and you know where it is. You want the booksellers to keep hearing about this book so that they have it fresh in their mind when it comes to recommending things (hand-selling, in bookstore parlance). 24. Pick up the book, and very obviously read it. For bonus points, make appreciative sounds or faces as appropriate. 25. Slightly rearrange the book on the shelf so that its cover is facing outward (but the display is still tidy so a bookseller will not immediately spot it and change it back, and also so you are being respectful to the bookshop). 26. Take a picture of the book in its natural habitat and post it on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/your social network of choice. 27. If you see someone else pick up the book, tell them about how great it is or why you like it or how lovely the author is. 28. Talk to the librarian or bookshop person about the book when you pay for it or check it out. 29. If you or someone you know works in a library or bookshop, talk to them about hosting an author event. 30. Call the Penguin Hotline and ask for books that are similar to this one. Instagram 31. Take a picture of the book in some arty way and post it with the hashtag #bookstagram. (Search that hashtag for inspiration of said arty things, if you’re not that way inclined.) 32. Also add whatever the preferred hashtag is for the title of the book. Then click on that hashtag and like all the relevant posts. 33. Take a picture of the book with coffee and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #booksandcoffee, as well as the title hashtag. Repeat with #booksandwine. 34. Post a picture of yourself reading the book, with the cover out. 35. If you see someone reading the book in public, take a surreptitious photo and post that too â€" although it’s probably best to ask permission if you’re going to use their face. 36. If you happen to be in New York City and see someone reading it who happens to be a hot dude, take a picture and email it to for their Instagram feed. 37. Pile up all the books you have that have the same themes or the same setting or the same author or the same genre and take an arty picture. Post in on Instagram with a few good hashtags and link to the all the other social media. 38. Post a shelfie on Instagram and/or Pinterest, and link it to your other social media accounts. Leave the book in strategic places. Preferably with some kind of sticker or note indicating that it is there to be taken and read. If you want to join something official to help with this, is a good place to start. 39. Leave it on public transport. 40. Leave it in one of those airport bookstores where you can leave a book/take a book. 41. Leave it on a bench in the park, if it doesn’t rain much where you live. 42. Leave it in a Little Free Library. 43. Donate a copy to your local library. 44. Donate a copy to the local charity shop/Goodwill store. 45. Lend it to your friends. Goodreads Get an account if you don’t have one already, add friends, and populate it with other books, preferably ahead of time, so that you don’t look like a spamming marketing machine when the time comes. 46. Search for the book. Click on “want to read†under the cover picture. 47. Enter the Giveaway if there is one. (You already own the book, yes, but you can do many things with this spare copy if you do win it, and your entering the Giveaway will show up on people’s timelines, which is the point of many of these things.) 48. In the top right corner, click on “recommend itâ€. Send it selectively to the people you genuinely think will enjoy it, if possible using the “add message†function. 49. About half way down the book’s Goodreads page, under “lists with this bookâ€, click on “more lists with this bookâ€. Then click on each list; you’ll be taken to where the book appears in that list. Click on “vote for this bookâ€. 50. On the top right corner of the “lists with this book†page, there is an option to search lists, and to create lists. Do a search for lists, anything that is related to the book, and add it if it’s not there already. For example, Books set in x town or books published in 2009. 51. Think about what other lists might work for this book: blue covers, books coming out in 2017, books set in Italy, etc. Be creative. Make the list; add the book; add some others, too. 52. Follow the author or add the author as a friend. 53. Ask the author questions on their Goodreads author page. 54. Under the Explore tab, go to Quotes, and add your favourites from the book or like them if they’re already there. 55. Like good reviews of the book. Email 56. Set your email signature via Goodreads to display the cover of your friends book at the bottom of each email. The List App (or your blog) Here’s a handy refresher if you’ve yet to get the app. It’s like a DIY Buzzfeed or a smarter Twitter â€" where you can make and share lists. Of, if you can’t get the app (it’s iPhone only for the moment), use these prompts for blog posts instead. 57. Make a list of reasons you love this book. 58. Make a list of your favourite quotes from the book. 59. Break the review into bullet points and post it as a list. 60. Post interview questions and (short) answers with the author. 61. Make a list of all the emotions you felt while reading the book, with pics or emoji or gifs. 62. Add the book to all the relevant lists where people are asking for recommendations or books on a specific subject. 63. Write about other things tangentially connected with the book and work in a mention of the book. 64. Click the “…†at the bottom right of the list, and use this function to tweet the lists, and share them in other ways, too. Your Blog See above, but also: 65. Host a giveaway. (The author or her publicist may be able to help you with this.) 66. Blog about the experience of having a friend with a published book. Get Creative 67. Write an essay about your relationship with the book for your blog, or submit the essay to literary journals or book magazines or places like BuzzFeed Books or LitHub or as your audition piece for becoming a Book Riot contributor. 68. Design book swag like t-shirts and cushions and sell them through your Society 6 store (check this is okay with the author first, though). 69. Make a playlist for the book and share it on The List App and/or Spotify. 70. Make a graphic quote (tips here) and post it on Pinterest. 71. Draw a picture of the author, Kate Gavino style, or salient feature of the book, and post it on Tumblr or Pinterest. 72. Design themed jewellery for your Etsy store 73. Write fan fiction and post links to it on social media 74. Write the title and name of the author in chalk on the pavement/sidewalk outside your home. 75. Host a party on the theme of the book. Podcasts 76. Talk about the book on your podcast, or if you’re interviewed on another podcast. 77. Interview the author on your podcast. 78. Write to the hosts your favourite relevant podcasts and suggest they interview the author/talk about the book. (For “relevanceâ€, think broadly: if it’s a book about ballet, for example, contact the ballet podcasts as well as the book podcasts.) Note: be polite, to the point, and non spammy. Send one email (or tweet) and let it go. Quotle 79. Add a couple of your favourite sentences to this new social network that’s designed to share book quotes. Wear or carry or use book swag. I bet your friend will have some you can use, or would be happy to get you some, or even let you design it. Best to check though! 80. Get a t-shirt for the gym. 81. Dress up as the book for Halloween. 82. Get a temporary tattoo. 83. Get a permanent tattoo. 84. Get a book-themed manicure. 85. Get a quote or the title of the book as a custom designed necklace or bracelet from Etsy. 86. Get a mug made with a quote from the book or its cover and judiciously leave it around the office. 87. Get a phone case featuring the book in some way. 88. Set your friend’s book cover as the lock screen and/or background screen on your phone â€" it can serve as a conversation starter or as a visual aid for when you’re talking about the book. YouTube 89. Video yourself speaking enthusiastically about the book. 90. Make a book trailer if the book doesn’t have one already. Share the links to it on social media. Twitter 91. Play along with relevant hashtag games. 92. Tweet about the book with hashtags like #fridayreads, #amreading, #memoir, #beachreads, etc. 93. Tweet about the author on a Friday with the #ff (follow Friday) hashtag. 94. On a Monday, tweet a link to a blogpost that mentions the book, with the hashtag #MondayBlogs. (Play fair and also retweet a couple of other tweets with this hashtag.) 95. Search for the author’s name or the book title’s name and selectively, sporadically retweet positive mentions. Pinterest 96. Make a board of things associated with the book. 97. Search relevant pins, and like, comment, and repin them. All social media 98. Follow the author on Facebook, Twitter, the List App, and every other form of social media that has been invented by the time you’re reading this. 99. Like and repost the author’s posts, including links to their other writing. Do this generously. Your friend will love you forever. Trust me Id know.
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