Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Epic of Beowulf is an Heroic Elegy Essay - 3261 Words
Beowulf is an Heroic Elegy There is considerable debate as to whether the poem Beowulf is an epic narrative poem or an heroic elegy, a poem celebrating the fantastic achievements of its great hero, and also expressing sorrow or lamentation for the hero’s unfortunate death. This essay intends to show that the poem is an heroic elegy. In â€Å"Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics†Tolkien states: We must dismiss, of course, from mind the notion that Beowulf is a â€Å"narrative poem,†that it tells a tale or intends to tell a tale sequentially. The poem â€Å"lacks steady advance†: so Klaeber heads a critical section in his edition. But the poem was not meant to advance, steadily or unsteadily. It is essentially a balance,†¦show more content†¦The strife was too great, hateful, long-lasting, that had come to the nation, cruel spirit’s envy, gigantic night-evil.(189-93) Fortunately Beowulf was ready and willing to sacrifice himself to repay the debt of Ecgtheow, Beowulf’s father, to Hrothgar. This Geat warrior possesses almost miraculous qualities: â€Å"He was the strongest of men alive in that day, mighty and noble.†Upon spotting Beowulf approaching, the sea-guard of the Danes says, â€Å"Never have I seen a greater man on earth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ King Hrothgar of the Danes says of Beowulf, â€Å"Seafarers who took gifts to the Geats say that he has the strength of 30 men in his hand grip.†Beowulf chooses to fight Grendel by himself and without shield or weapons; previously the hero slew nine sea monsters with his sword. And he is fully willing to sacrifice his very life for this: â€Å"†¦ I alone will fulfill the wish of your people †¦ or die in the foe’s grasp.†Beowulf consciously chooses to act in a superhuman manner: â€Å"I shall perform the deeds of a hero or I have passed my last day in this me ad-hall.†Even Grendel recognizes the hero’s superior strength: â€Å"The criminalShow MoreRelated Is Beowulf an Heroic Elegy or an Epic Narrative? Essay4711 Words  | 19 PagesIs Beowulf  an Heroic Elegy or an Epic Narrative?     There is considerable debate as to whether the poem Beowulf is an epic narrative poem or an heroic elegy. Which is it. This essay intends to present both sides of the story.  Some great literary scholars think that the poem is an heroic elegy, celebrating the fantastic achievements of its great hero, and also expressing sorrow or lamentation for the hero’s unfortunate death. In â€Å"Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics†Tolkien states:Read MoreEssay Beowulf: Epic or Elegy?763 Words  | 4 PagesWriting Lab III Beowulf: Epic or Elegy? Beowulf is a poem written in manuscript form created in England sometime between the years 700 and 1000AD. The author is unknown to this day. Is Beowulf an epic poem or an elegy? An epic is â€Å"a long narrative poem in elevated style presenting characters of high position in adventures forming an organic whole through their relation to a central heroic figure and through their development of episodes important to the history of a nation or race†(HarmonRead MoreComparison between Beowulf and The Wanderer1436 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Survey of English Literature / Comparison between Beowulf and the Wanderer 10th October, 2013 / Esma Bike BostancÄ ± BEOWULF AND THE WANDERER There are many factors to consider in comparing the two poems of the Old English society – Beowulf and The Wanderer. While they have many similarities; they have, within their structure and plot, many differences we can easily find or eventually make out. When we look at both the poems in terms of their genre; while they are both products of theRead MoreCharles Baudelaire And Victor Hugo976 Words  | 4 Pagesindependence and the progress of the romantic poetry lead to the modern stature of art. Elegies are poems defined on the thematic approach, generally lamenting a death of a loved one. In some languages, elegies hold a set pattern of metre rather than a thematical set up of the poem. For example, Duineser Elegien written in German talks about a spiritual plane and search for the meaning of life. In English Literature, elegies are generally dealt by the thematic approach but gives the freedom to allegoricallyRead MoreAnglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry5673 Words  | 23 Pagesthe Heroic, the sources of which are pre-Christian Germanic myth, history and custom; and the Christian. Heroic, or Epic Poetry belongs to one of these two types and refers to long narrative poems celebrating the great deeds of one or more legendary heroes, in a grand, ceremonious style. In its strict use by literary critics, the terms Heroic Poetry or Epic are applied to a work that meets the following criteria: such a poem must be related in an elevated style, and centered upon a heroic or quasi-divineRead More Beowulf Attacks the Dragon Essays1576 Words  | 7 PagesBeowulf Attacks the Dragon. Beowulf makes his final boast. He says that, even though he is old, he shall â€Å"still seek battle, perform a deed of fame†by killing the dragon. (Norton59) He doesnt know how to grapple with the dragon, like he did with Grendel, so he will use a sword and shield. He tells his men that the outcome will be â€Å"with us at the wall as fate allots, the ruler of every man.†(59) He tells them to let him fight the monster alone, â€Å"By my courage I will get gold, orRead MoreThe Anglo Saxon And The Epic Hero1842 Words  | 8 Pagesadapted, and passed along stories and songs. Many of the Anglo-Saxon stories were epics, which are long poems that tell a story of a heroic deed or a legendary event from the past. These epics invariably included an epic hero, or a larger-than-life figure that presented their courage, virtue, and skill against an evil or opposing figure. In addition to the epic hero, the Anglo-Saxon’s incorporated their values into the epics. By incorporating these into the songs, they were able to teach not only theirRead MoreHistory Of Ancient Poetry Ghosh ( 1 )995 Words  | 4 Pagesregarding life, the universe and nature, moreover as Christian thought and ethical values. there s usually no clear-cut delineation between spiritual and non-religious poetry or generally even between poetry and prose.English poetry enclosed long ep ic heroic poems, that player on the Bible moreover as on pagan sources for his or her content. Some poetry was additionally supported historical events. With a history of invasions and occupations, several writings of this era area unit chronicles, annalsRead MoreMacbeth and School Infirmary Essay examples1613 Words  | 7 Pages | | | | | | | | | | |             | | | | | | | | | | | | |             | | | | | | | | | Which of these is a specific type of parody? | | | A. mock-epic | | | | B. folk ballad | | | | C. conceit | | | | D. paradox | | How is a diary, such as Pepys’s, different from a history such as Bede’s? | | | A. A diary is usually more personal. | | | | B. A diary is usuallyRead MoreDialectic Journal of the poems Beowulf, Grendel, Tyger, The Snowman, and Dreamers focusing mainly on literary techniques.1777 Words  | 8 PagesSea against sand; they stowed away In the hold of the ship their shining armor... Will the seamen that sailed her sighted the land Shining cliffs and coastwise hills, (p14, ln 74-83) The use of consonance here repeats the sound of the wind. Beowulf and his men are going to go save the Danes. They must cross the sea and the wind acts very favorable and leads them to the way. The s sound imitates the sound of a swift and light wind, not a treacherous gust. Foam on her breast, like a bird she
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Standardized Testing Influece on Education - 1302 Words
Standardized Testing: A standardized test refers simply to any test that is being given in the same manner to all test takers. This same manner implies same questions, same timing, and same conditions of testing. The history of standardized testing dates for more than 14 centuries now. First standardized tests are claimed to be used for imperial examinations in China around the 7th century. However, It’s not until the 19th century that this testing methodology was first introduced to Europe and then to the rest of the world. In fact, even in the United States of America standardized tests were not included in the core of the educational system until the end of the First World War. Since then, a rising criticism and call against standardized testing has being rising and had its peak with the President Bush’s signature of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001.The standardized testing debate has rapidly spread from the US to the rest of the world, turning it from an old Chinese military testing system to one of the most important controversial topics in the world of education. In fact, Morocco is no special case while discussing standardized testing. Our educational system does not reject nor apply the standardized testing. While the high school exit test is more or less a standardized test, others are not. Students are still given different tests according to their geographical position. Thus, the accuracy of those examinations have since then been questioned and the
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Friday Kohl biography Essay Example For Students
Friday Kohl biography Essay Friday Kohl (1907-1954) was a Mexican artist who grew up during the Mexican Revolution, a time of great social and economic change. There was a strong sense of nationalistic pride during this time, which is evident in her later works. During childhood, Kohl had polio, this affected her growth and development. Furthermore, she was involved in a bus accident later in her life, which damaged her spine and was extremely traumatic in her mental processes. Because of this, she had ongoing surgery throughout her life, and, was in constant pain. However, after this accident, she began painting to express herself. As a result of her accident, she suffered numerous miscarriages and was unable to have children an issue she explores in her 1932 work ?Henry Ford Hospital]. Kohl was an active participant in the social and political landscape of Mexico, and used artworks to express her social and political views, as well as themes of her physical pain and contain, cultural background and mythology, and Mexican traditions through her dress, layout, and symbolism. Particularly evident in Lass Dos Fridays, history and culture are shown to be an incredibly influential and important aspect of Fridays mindset and views on life ND her own personal and cultural identity. Lass Dos Fridays is one of Kohls largest works at approximately 68 x 68 inches in size. L It is a departure from the retable format she frequently used, reflecting Kohls desire for her work to be noticed at the Surrealist exhibition for which it was intended. 2 Two monumental, full length representations of the artist are seated side-by-side on a simple green bench, gently holding hands. Behind them, dark, Jagged clouds blanket the sky, eliminating any specific sense of place. The two figures are linked by a shared circulatory system which pumps blood between their exposed hearts. The figure on the left uses a clamp in an attempt to stanch the flow of blood falling on her stiff white gown. 3 As the blood pools in the folds of her dress, it spills over and falls onto the hem of her skirt in uniform, circular droplets. The shape of the falling droplets of blood mimics, both in color and shape, the embroidered floral pattern which adorns the bottom of her skirt. This antiquated frock with an elaborately decorated lace bodice covers the majority of the figures body with the exception of her forearms and her left breast, which is exposed by an irregularly formed void in the garment. 4 Significantly, the lack of Jose thread and the absence of the excess fabric that would have been produced had her garment been forcibly ripped open suggests a less violent, perhaps voluntary, method of exposure. Adjacent to the figures heart, the lace bodice is interrupted by a cutout which provides a view of the white under-layer supporting the lacework. This oblong cutout, bordered by ribbon and topped with an intricate knot of hair-like fabric, references the female anatomy. The figures demure posture and vividly painted red lips convey a sense of femininity which is repeated in her elaborate gown. Her heart is embedded in her body, a part of her self, whereas the earth of the figure on the right seems to float, affixed to her gown but not to her body. Furthermore, the heart of the portrait on the left has been surgically dissected to reveal its inner-workings while the heart of the figure on the right is intact. The two figures are connected by an elongated artery which wraps around the European Kohls neck, contrasting the white lace of her gown with the deep red of her own blood. The self-portrait on the right exudes a much more masculine aura than her companion; her lips are unpainted and the slightest shadow of a mustache darkens her upper lip. Additionally, her spread knees and slightly curved back suggest a more relaxed, less demure, pose. The masculine elements of the portrait on the right are complicated by the way in which the thin fabric of her blouse clings to her breasts, highlighting their outline and affirming her femaleness. Chinua Achebe Biography EssayIn Henry Ford Hospital, Kohl explicitly challenges the dichotomy of the virgin and the here that categorizes women as either good or bad mothers. 32 This dichotomy leaves little freedom for women to exist between these two extremes and is clearly tailored to the preservation of male power. Kohl does present herself in a vulnerable state, but her brazen depiction of her disregard cultural norms which equated womanhood to motherhood references the powerful Micronesian goddesses rather than the violated Lorena. In depicting herself as La Lorena, Kohl lays the groundwork for Chicane artists to redefine the role of women in these cultures without abandoning their three mother figures, La Lorena, La Virgin De Guadalupe, and La Mainline. Henry Ford Hospital challenged cultural norms concerning womanhood and allowed Kohl to publicly address issues she was otherwise unwilling to discuss. Through her art, Friday lived this different reality, announcing that giving birth to the other within us is where who we are begins. 4 Self-proclaimed as the one who gave birth to herself (Feints, 1995, plate 49), Friday Kohl painted her own reality; reclaiming it, reflecting it and repeatedly re-living it. A performer of gender roles, unabashedly excessive in femininity as well as masculinity, and an intimate lover of both women and men, she painted narratives ND wrote images that exploit the creative tensions concealed and compelled by oppositional rationale. Boldly confronting the thorny imperative of subject ivity, she embraced her heterogeneous marginality as a valuable political standpoint as well as an innovative personal imperative. Her works re-activate identities as assemblages of dynamic and incomplete parts operating in the various cultural contexts that partially produce and are produced by the subjects who inhabit and perform them. Perhaps most compellingly of all, though, her arresting gaze fixes the viewer, unsettling the assumed division between the bile viewing subject and its inert viewed object, and returning the viewers scrutiny towards a consideration of how, and with what effects, identity and marginality are normatively dealt with and reconciled. Hybrid of race, sex, gender and sexuality coalesce in Fridays work to disrupt cogently the paradigm of sameness versus difference that has historically elided dissident identities. Her paintings, which negotiate the intricate tensions between identity and marginality, situate her in between. A curious artist and committed idealist, she painted magic with a realist brush, and in so doing dealt with difference differently.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Theory of constraints Essay Example For Students
Theory of constraints Essay The Theory of Constraints is a methodology for identifying the most important limiting factor (i.e. constraint) that stands in the way of achieving a goal and then systematically improving that constraint until it is no longer the limiting factor. In manufacturing, the constraint is often referred to as a bottleneck. The core concept of the Theory of Constraints is that every process has a single constraint and that total process throughput can only be improved when the constraint is improved. A very important corollary to this is that spending time optimizing non-constraints will not provide significant benefits; only improvements to the constraint will further the goal (achieving more profit). Five step process Problem situation: Samsung Note 7 Battery Explosions, Turns Crisis into OpportunityThe core of the situation is that Samsung faced a serious issue with Galaxy Note 7 phones that have a high propensity of batteries failing and in many cases catching on fire, leading to personal and property damage. In a report, the company detailed flaws in battery design and manufacturing that it believescaused the crisis. It affects the utilization of the phones. All the inventory and operating expenses turn into loss for the company. To regain trust, Samsung had to identify the root cause of the issues with the Galaxy Note 7 and apply these learning to future product designs. We will write a custom essay on Theory of constraints specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Galaxy Note 7 phones have a problem of batteries failing or catching on fire, leading to personal and property damage. Samsung builds a test lab to findthe root cause of the Note 7s issues. They tested around 200,000 devices and 30,000 batteries in an attempt to replicate the cause of fires in the phones. Batteries from two different manufacturers had flaws. The principal root cause of the first manufacturers battery problem (Battery A) was negative electrode deflections. The second manufacturers product (Battery B), suffered from abnormal ultrasonic welding burrs.While the principal cause was different in each type of the battery, the result was the same. A small subset of batteries could overheat and potentially catch fire. Its clear that the smart phone industrys desire for ever thinner phones with longer battery life have strained battery manufacturing processes. After that old Note 7s being replaced by hundreds of thousands of new safe models. The safe models or updated models of Note 7s were updated to ONLY charge to 60% of its capacity. This in turn, keeps the devices from supposedly overheating. The test lab tested the whole device, including areas such as the role of wired and wireless charging as well as fast and normal charging. It also tested the water resistance, with and without the back cover. Samsung tested other device features such as the USB-C charger and Iris scanner.It evaluated the software and algorithms tied to wireless charging. It even evaluated how third party applications were impacting the phone. Additionally, it worked with three independent third party test labs UL, Exponent, and TUVRheinland to assess issues across software, hardware, manufacturing, logistics and handling. The finding from Samsung tests and the independent labs revealed the same results. As the updated models of Note 7s were updated to ONLY charge to 60% of its capacity and this prevents the battery from overheating. But the problem is still not fully eradicated. Hence Samsung creates battery advisory group and designs an 8-point battery safety system to avoid further damages. It has implemented a multi-layer safety measures protocol at the product planning and a new 8-point battery safety system. This system includes:Durability Test -Conducting additional durability tests, including battery nailing, stress testing with extreme temperatures and overcharging tests. .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 , .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .postImageUrl , .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 , .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623:hover , .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623:visited , .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623:active { border:0!important; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623:active , .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623 .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u09ae5ef2185ff9d4159f437e130a4623:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Deconstruction of Leadership (1662 words) EssayVisual Inspection- Visually checking the battery to compare it with samples confirmed to be in accordance with standardized criteria. X-Ray Test- Running X-ray tests to inspect any possible battery issue such as a deflection of the electrode, which we found to be one of causes of the Note7 issue. Disassembling Test- Disassembling the battery cell to perform a detailed check of the overall quality, including the battery tab welding and insulation tape conditions, which we found to be an issue with Note7. TVOC Test- Performing a sensing test to detect leakage at the battery component and complete device levels. OCV Test- Inspecting the battery condition by checking voltage change in a normal temperature. Charge and Discharge Test- Applying new large-scale charge and discharge tests to all devices, which we initiated with our investigation into the Note7 issues. Accelerated Usage Test- Engagingin 2 weeksof real-life consumer usability scenarios, which we were able to shorten to a five-day test period. Then,identify a new constraint -because there always is one.These five steps are a continuous improvement cycle. Therefore, once this constraint is resolved the next constraint should immediately be addressed to increase the throughput. This step is a reminder to never become complacent, aggressively improve the current constraint and then immediately move on to the next constraint.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Medical Interviewer Research Paper †Psychology (400 Level Course)
Medical Interviewer Research Paper – Psychology (400 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers Medical Interviewer Research Paper Psychology (400 Level Course) His name on the chart was obviously Arabic, but he told me to call him Joe. Joe was a 25-year old man from Qatar currently living in Washington Heights with his brother. Simple enough. It was not so unusual; many people from all over the world come to New York City to be with relatives, find work, or seek freedom from the oppressive political or economic environment of their country. What puzzled me was that he said he was married and had a daughter whom he loved very much- but they were back in Qatar. The motivations, he later elucidated, were purely economical. He could make much more in New York working a menial job at a grocery for 6 months than working a better job in Qatar for a year; he had been here for 5 months now and was returning in a mere 4 weeks. Discovering that he was Muslim put me at ease; knowing the strict beliefs concerning sexual morality in Islam, I thought I was in for an easygoing, unemotional interview. However, it turned out to be anything but. To be honest, most of the interview went fairly smooth. Difficulties were only encountered during a small part of the sexual history. He became sexually active at age 18, when he was married. He used no birth control, because when he was in Qatar he wanted another child. He had no problems with sexual arousal, erections, or orgasm. His relationship with his wife was great- there they never hit each other, here they talked on the phone about once a week. He never used any drugs. He had never taken a drink of alcohol, but he was a fairly heavy smoker, he said, â€Å"like everybody in Qatar.†Relations with his wife consisted of oral and vaginal sex. When I started talking about multiple partners, however, he became quite uneasy. â€Å"Never have I done anything sexual away from my wife†¦ except last month, there was this one thing.†Apparently, a month prior, he had attended a party put on by one of his friends at the grocery. It turned out to be a pretty normal party until about 3 hours in, 4 prostitutes arrived. It turns out that his friend had pooled his money with several others and arranged these women to come entertain at the party. Within 15 minutes, what had been a simple get-together had become a veritable orgy. Joe’s friend begged him to let one of the women perform on him, and Joe resisted until it was too much to bear, citing to me a feeling he could only describe as â€Å"lonely.†He received oral sex from two women and then, embarrassed and guilty, left and went home. Now he was here in the Young Men’s Clinic, asking to be treated for some small bumps on his penis. He had obviously never been treated or diagnosed with an STD before, and he was absolutely terrified. For the first time, I felt less like a medical interviewer, and more like a priest (or cleric, as the case may be). As Joe talked, he looked at me, pleading- almost as if for mercy. Obviously he felt bad enough about the oral sex itself, but these bumps were a solid physical reminder, and I couldn’t help but feel, as I’m sure he did, that if the bumps would go away, he could much better deal with his guilt. I have always thought that a physical reminder of transgression makes the misdeed more difficult to deal with; the bumps or the scar or whatever it may be screams out condemnation in harmony alongside the guilty cry of the resident superego. Here I had further proof that such was the case. And then I thought: what is the power of the medical professional if he cannot heal? If it was indeed herpes, it would never completely leave him. Tell his wife or not, Joe could not return to any sort of innocence, symbolic or physical. Although it is not my place to offer direct advice in the clinic- aside from walking someone through healthy alternatives to their behavior- Joe ended up asking me directly what he should do. After giving him the simple rundown of what antiviral medicine the doctor would give him, I told him to keep living how he thinks he should. Normally, this can be dangerous, but to Joe I knew it was both unneeded and inappropriate to tell him to avoid such behavior in the future. The very taste of our conversation had that flavor from the moment he confessed. Research Papers on Medical Interviewer Research Paper - Psychology (400 Level Course)Personal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XTrailblazing by Eric AndersonLifes What IfsHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionResearch Process Part OneMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New Employees19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Effects of Illegal Immigration
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Why SAT SuperScoring means you should retake the SAT.
Why SAT SuperScoring means you should retake the SAT. SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In this article, PrepScholar cofounder and statistics expert Dr. Fred Zhang explains why the SAT superscoring means you can get huge points by retaking the SAT. Many of you know that colleges often take the best SAT score in each section, but do you know how much you can gain by just a re-take? Do you know how to do your retake to max your score? Many students know about the Superscore concept in the SAT: the fact that many colleges only look at the best score in each section in admissions.For example, suppose you take the SAT twice with the following outcomes: Test Date Math Score Reading Score Writing Score Total March 620 600 760 1980 October 740 720 610 2070 SuperScore 740 720 760 2220 Even though you only increased your session SAT score from a 1980 to a 2070, and improvement of 90 points, your SuperScore increased by 240 points. I will tell you why this is incredibly important to your test taking strategy! More Times Matters Because you are getting the maximum of your SAT score over multiple sessions, then it is clear that the more often you take it, the higher your maximum score will be. Imagine if you were running a 100-meter dash, but only your best time mattered doesn't it make sense to run it more than once. Variation Matters When you retake the test, besides trying to do well, you also want to try to increase the randomness of your score what statisticians callvariance. The more varied your score is, the more likely your superscore is higher. This is actually quite subtle, so I'll repeat it again. Even if your score stays the same, you want to increase variation. For example, suppose your last SAT Math score was 600, which one of the below strategies would you take: A) A strategy that gives you a 50% chance of getting a 590 and a 50% chance of 610. B) A strategy that gives you a 50% chance of a 500 and a 50% chance of a 700. Take a moment to think about this. Done? If you chose B, you're correct! With the superscore, you care about only the upside, not the downside. The 50% chance of a 700 means much more than the 50% chance of a 610. How much can you gain? College Board has released thorough data about student score improvements between different tests. The key data: College Board shows that re-taking the test results in a variation of about 50.86 points in each section that's a huge amount of natural variation! It also means that riding off of this variation alone, I used Monte-Carlo simulation to prove that if you go from taking the SAT once to taking it twice, your superscore will go up in expectancy by 78 points! Supercharge the Superscore Okay, so that's awesome, but can you improve on that more? Yes! PrepScholar's training includes SAT test taking strategy as an important component of the prep process. Using our strategies, we'll show you how to increase the variation so your expected point increase is even higher, up to 100 points plus! And this is based on pure variation we also train you so your raw expected score goes up as well. With the two components combined, you can achieve hundreds of points of improvement. But the base story still holds: variation means you should take the SAT multiple times if you have the chance, and you should increase your test variation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Anger ( Psychology Assignment) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Anger ( Psychology ) - Assignment Example In these regards, the article begins with situating anger within the Freudian context. It argues that Freud believed anger represented a defense mechanism to protect a fragile ego that was under siege from an outside attack. The article argues that while Feud’s contention has some bearing to reality, that to comprehend the true nature of anger one must go beyond these articulations. This is a notable point in that it indicates that Freud’s early articulations of anger as rooted in ego defense is too simplistic a means of understanding that human condition, and that rather than speaking of it in terms of ego, one must embrace a more complex articulation of personality. In these regards, the article argues that one must understand the expansive nature of personality construction and realize that anger oftentimes masks emotions an individual is feeling elsewhere in their life. Anger is then understood as a sort reactive, secondary emotion in these regards. For instance, on e can consider the nature of anger in the contextual situation of driving and getting cut-off in traffic. Within this context the initial emotion experienced by the individual was that of fear and the secondary reactive emotion was anger. In these regards, the predominant understanding of anger is the type of emotion that is reactive rather than an initial and instinctual emotion. One of the critical issues in examining anger in these regards is developing a workable definition of what constitutes anger. In these regards, the article advances a notion of anger as a protective emotion. The article’s contention is that when individuals experience anger it is out of a sort of survival instinct that is triggered by external circumstances. These circumstances then function by sending signals to the heart and internal organs and senses such that they alert the individual to the potential threats in the environment. While there are a great variety of things that can cause anger to o ccur, the two most overarching concepts in these regards is the current vulnerability as well as the extent of the individual’s perception of this vulnerability. It’s argued that the core assumptions of the nature of anger are such that they necessitate varying types of definitions. One such of these is problem anger, which indicates that the individual acts out of vulnerability to such an extent that it hinders their long term goals or interests. The article indicates that this is generally a temporary and short-lived occurrence that is brought on by a sudden shift in core value. This then result in the individual lashing out in angry ways towards those or the incident that caused their malaise. The article also addresses means of overcoming these sorts of problem anger situations by indicating that the individual should refrain from immediate action and enter a contemplative state of affairs. A more insightful insight in such a context is that when an individual find s themselves in such a state must act in accordance not with their feelings of anger, but with their long term goals. While the article makes interesting insights into the nature of human anger or consciousness, in large part one questions the overriding validity of the claim. For instance, the argument that there is an element of angry that is known as problem anger is seems more likely suited
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business related Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business related - Term Paper Example Therefore, I will be living my dream. However, a number of requirements are need for one to start a business. A good plan enables an individual to achieve long-term success. The paper describes an approach and the direction that an individual also chooses determine his or her level of success. Preparation of an adequate business plan is the initial stage of starting a new business. In most cases, an individual may have different business ideas. However, at this stage, he is required to choose the ideal idea that he will implement. When a decision is finally made, the appropriate business plan is designed. It helps in laying the foundation of the business (Ligthhelm 131-153). The main aim of a business plan is to determine the marketing roles that are required. This means that all the needs of the sales department must be cleared defined. This will involve both the sales and marketing departments. Further, the business plan must define the kind and role of management that is required in that particular business. Management plays an important role in ensuring the success of the business. It deals with all the required personnel and how resources will be utilized in a different department. Generally, the management is supposed to run the whole business. The business plan mus t clearly outline the role of the management in the entire business. In addition, the business plan must outline the financial plans of the business. Mainly, this is the capital that is requires to start and run a business. It is expected to cater any purchases, bills and salaries of the employees. An individual is supposed clearly outline the capital needs of the business. To be precise, he is supposed to determine the amounts required to establish the business itself. It may also include other costs and expenses that will be incurred in the first cycle of the business. A concrete business plan makes it easier to define the financial needs of the company. At this stage, an individual is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The author’s decidedly negative Essay Example for Free
The author’s decidedly negative Essay Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide touches on many important themes, including identity and the role of reputation within society. On top of those themes, the author also uses his work to speak to an idea of â€Å"home†within the novel. Though this work does not include a typical literary representation of home as a developmental ground for young, aspiring successes, he does illustrate how home can be a highly safe and dangerous place all at the same time. Just as Jekyll and Hyde represent a personal dichotomy, home is shown as a place that can be multi-faceted. Because of the intimate nature of the relationships developed between a person and his or her home, that person can be manipulated by the safety of home. While it might seem like a place to barricade one’s self from the rest of the world, home can actually be the single force stripping individuals of their ability to function. In this particular work, home is a place where madness persists and it is essentially ground zero for all that is wrong with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In this way, the author is accepting some of the views on the role of home, asserting that even in a sea of positives, home can play a negative role, as well. In this book, home is most certainly a place of comfort and violence. The author challenges the assertion that home could be a place where people go just to get their own measure of comfort. While it is true that Dr. Jekyll retreats to his home to get away from much of the scrutiny surrounding him, the author is quick to point out that this experience takes away from Jekyll in a big way. During one portion of the book, suspicions are at an all-time high and people continue to visit Jekyll to figure out his situation. Both the police and concerned citizens have made their way into his home, and in the early part of the book, it is not a place of comfort. In this way, it can be said that the traditional idea of home is lost for the doctor during those moments. He has police officers going through his personal effects and turning his home upside down. He has individuals peering through his windows, providing him with little privacy or comfort of any kind. During this portion of the book, the traditional idea of home is absolutely smashed. Instead of being a refuge, it is a fish bowl where immense and intense pressure is put on the doctor over a period of months. The author does use this opportunity to show the importance of a traditional safe haven, though. As Jekyll is essentially ambushed in his home, he begins to long for the comfort and the privacy traditionally expected in that kind of setting. When Jekyll stops receiving visitors, he is reaching out for the comfort of his home. He grows very tired of constantly being harassed for various reasons, even if those reasons are legitimate. He locks the doors and makes home his refuge. He takes comfort in his work in the lab, but home is also a place of violence. He lives through a kind of unchangeable madness while in his home, constantly working on concoctions and hiding from the truth about who he is. This violence is finally culminated in his suicide, which not surprisingly happens right in the middle of his comfort zone. This use of violence within the home by the author is meant to show that the comfort provided by home is a slipper slope. As the traditional views hold, the ideal of home is one that is delicate. In one moment, home can provide a place for a person to get away from criticisms and attention. In another moment, it can be a place where madness and violence consumer a person’s life. Additionally, the author presents a picture of home as the breeding ground for many of the crazed acts of Mr. Hyde. In short, every minute that Jekyll spends in his home or lab is just another moment where the reader anticipates some terrible event. Through creative sequencing and skilled foreshadowing, the author makes it very clear that the home is an ominous place for Dr. Jekyll. Though he does use it as a refuge, the author makes it seem as if he is only picking the time of his next crazed act. The traditional views hold that home is a place where one develops his or her skills to move forward in the future. Most would say that this is a positive critique of what home is all about. That is not the picture of home that Stevenson paints, though. He does use the ideas of preparation and planning, but it is always for something negative. Much like Dr. Jekyll experiments with various things in his lab, home is a place where there is decisive scheming. In this way, it is much more planning than it is preparation. There is no real personal growth taking place for the doctor; he is only hiding from his identity and attempting to conceal his acts. The author’s decidedly negative view on the role of home in terms of preparation is an interesting point. Stevenson challenges the idea that a person can receive some sort of nurturing from home that would make he or she a better person overall. Instead, he paints home as something of an independent force. For people who have the innate ability to develop and grow, home can be a good place to do that. It does provide the type of repetitive environment where individuals can focus on continued good habits. The author, at least in this work, offers the opinion that home in itself is not enough to develop those who would otherwise not get development. Additionally, he paints this repetition as a bad thing in the case of Dr. Jekyll. The doctor gets into a terrible cycle where he continues to self destruct, time and again. Because home is a place where individuals are protected and where there is very little to balance out such acts, it creates an environment where people can fall into traps. Home is not nearly corrective enough in this story. With this view, Stevenson may be offering an argument that home is only a positive when the people inside the home are providing the correct amount of support. Because it can be so many things and go so many ways, home itself is truly not to blame. It is only a framework from which people are expected to work. The real blame must go on the individuals who use the home and on the people who should be providing the customary support that goes along with being at home. For Dr. Jekyll, home is his refuge, and it acts as a place that he cannot wait to return to. As the reader clearly sees in this book, the first thing that Dr. Jekyll always does after one of Mr. Hyde’s acts is that he comes back home. There are dangerous out on the streets and he could potentially get himself into trouble, but when the doctor comes back home, he has the ability to cover things up, clean behind his tracks, and turn his life into something â€Å"normal†yet again. While many things change for Jekyll over the course of the book, including his professional reputation, his personal relationships, and his ability to manage his personalities, home is something that remains constant. It is a strong place for him to come and truly dedicate his time to his craft. Despite this somewhat positive view of what home is supposed to mean, the book indicates that Jekyll feels incredibly trapped by this situation. He is actually forced to feel like a stranger within his own home, and he comes to resent it after a short while. For the longest time, Jekyll looks forward to coming home because it provides him with safety after some of the acts of Mr. Hyde. This changes as the book moves along, though. No longer is there real excitement about coming home. Instead, he comes because that is the only place that he can go. Home becomes a restrictive force, and all that is positive about it is thrown out of the window. This is the author’s critique on the place of home. In one instance, it can be a place that people need, and it can provide the framework for success. It does not take much for home to take on a negative connotation, though. Just as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde can be switched on and off in a split second, a positive view of home and a negative one can come about very quickly. The traditional view of home as a dichotomy offers the opinion that different pictures of home can be experienced by different people. For some people, home is a good thing, while it is resented by other people. Stevenson complicates this by adding an element of personal indecision on the role of home. Dr. Jekyll experiences all of these emotions within himself. His entire life is dedicated to his work in the lab and the things he has going on at home. That is truly a place of great joy and utter accomplishment for him. Later, it completely switches for him and becomes a place of death, quite literally. Not only does he kill himself right in the middle of the floor at his home, but he also sees his professional life die right in that home. People are constantly peering in, wanting to take a look at the strange and complicated Dr. Jekyll. His reputation dies and any respect that he worked so hard for in that lab goes away along with it. It is no coincidence that the author chooses the doctor’s home as the place where all of this would take place. This speaks loudly about the importance of home to a person’s development. Whether positive or negative, home does play a substantial role in shaping what a person will become. In the case of Dr. Jekyll, home is a roller coaster and home has seen the full range of experiences that he has gone through. Home, in the traditional sense, is a mostly positive place with some negative possibilities. Most authors take the view that home provides something for a person until a time comes when home is a limiting force. In this work, home is something a little bit different. Both a refuge and a place of imprisonment for Dr. Jekyll, home goes through quite a transition as the work goes along. In the end, home is a place of horrible tragedy and death, and it serves as the fitting setting of a man’s twisted, double life.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Life Of Jesus :: essays research papers
The Life of Jesus The New Testament is mainly based on the life of Jesus and the early church. He is known as the son of God though his parents were Mary and Joseph. Jesus was born in a stable in city of Bethlehem as there was no room in the inns. Once he was born, Mary had no crib to place him in, so they made one with a troth and some straw. Three Kings and some shepherds came to visit him. The kings gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Jesus and his family travelled to Jordan from Galilee so Jesus could be baptised. Jesus went all over Galilee preaching the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He educated in the synagogues, speaking and reading in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin. He taught people how to live properly and to always make the right decision. He also told many parables. Jesus healed many different people with incurable diseases and sicknesses. He performed many miracles with the power of God. It was time for Jesus to choose his twelve apostles. He chose Simon, James, John, Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon and Judas. They all came from different backgrounds. Judas was the apostle who betrayed Jesus. It was time for the last supper. Jesus sat down with his disciples at the table to share the bread and wine. Jesus went to pray in Gethsemane with his disciples when Judas arrived with an armed crowd sent by the chief priests. They arrested him. Jesus was brought to Pilate and he sentenced him to death. Then he was crucified. When he died, a man named Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus and he replied yes. Joseph took the body down wrapped him in linen and placed him in a tomb. He rolled a large stone across the entrance. Jesus's body still had to be anointed, so the day after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James came to dress him. When they arrived the stone was rolled open so they entered though shocked that it was open. In there they saw a man in a white robe, an angel. They were shocked even more. The angel calmed the women and told them that he had been raised. The women were so afraid that they ran out of the tomb yet they were filled with joy. A man stopped them. It was Jesus. The women were so happy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Literature Review : Awareness of Public in Selecting Local Leaders Essay
Selections of the local leaders grab a highly attention to many local residents and peoples. This proved that participation of the population in selections of their leaders is an increasingly as common event nowadays. According to Alexander D (2007), state that the phenomenon also happened in country such as India, United States and Australia facing a huge number of populations that involved during the general elections process to determine their favoured leaders. According to Alex Gusmao (n. d), the practiced of democracy would increase the number of participation of local people in choosing the right leaders. Due to the democracy practices, peoples are more become aware about their responsibilities and their power to choose the leader who can lead the community and bring hopes and changes to the future of their areas. Mass Media Influence the people’s awareness to select their leaders The impacts of mass media bring the greater attention and awareness of the public towards political concern. According to Johnson L (1969), stated that the relationship between political and mass media is inseparable as media gives impact to the American politics. He added that media had the power to create leaders by painting a good image of a person such as Ted Kennedy. According to Zaller (1999), political leaders communicate with the public primarily through news media that they do not control. The news media now stand between politicians and their constituents. Politicians speak to the media; the media then speak to the voters. During election campaigns, the media become a vital component for both the politicians (the candidates) and the public. The media act as the connector between the public and the politicians. According to Zaller (1999), politicians rely on the media to get their messages and attention across to the public. The public on the other hand rely on the media for information on candidates, their policies and also their personalities. This is important because who they select for will depend on the information they receive from the media. There are several of theories related with mass media communication that supported the influence of mass media. According to Armin W. 2010), agenda- setting theories bring the impacts to the media coverage to influence and create the public attention and select some issues and topic related to public discourse. The purpose is to create the public noticed (awareness), as well as salience makes the issue become more important (priority). According to Graber (1997), audiences would follow the media guidance but not slavishly. Therefore, agenda setting theories approach is used t o influence of media coverage on the choice and salience of topics or issues to make it more interesting topic and public debated. According to political scientist Ralph Negrine (1996), the mass media act; (1) as an important link between the public, and the opinion of the public and the decision-making processes of government;(2) as a key player in the construction or creation of the public opinion;(3) as a means by which the public can come to play a direct and indirect part in the democratic process. There are several medium used by mass media to create the awareness of peoples in selecting their local leaders: 1) Television Television become as a major source of political information compared to internet usage. Despite those different patterns in media usage, in almost every modern society the majority of people name television as their most important source of information about politics. According to Plasser (2002) has compared survey data from 35 different countries and found that in Northern America 70% of the respondents rely on TV as their primary source of political information, in Latin America the average number is 77%, in Western Europe 74%, in Eastern and Central Europe 69%, in Australia 69%, and in East Asia 74%. These data could assume that the relevance of news sources could have changed with the proliferation of the internet. To the surprise of the researchers even the Digital Natives in the youngest age group of 15 to 24-year-olds most frequently named television, despite their comparatively strong reliance on the internet. Even in typical newspaper-centric societies such as Germany or Austria, TV still holds the top position in this ranking of news media, with more than 60% of the respondents naming it as one of their preferred sources. In a very different media environment (with a much stronger public television sector), Schmitt-Beck and Mackenrodt (2009) surveyed more than 2,000 German voters go out before the parliamentary elections of 2005. The result explained that media increased the people’s awareness at that time through news on public television commercial and political talk programme. For viewers of news on public TV with a low interest in politics, the analysis showed over the course of the election campaign a remarkably strong increase in their intension to vote. According to Prior, the so-called Relative Entertainment Preference of TV, he argued that viewers could determine a large extent their consumption of political information and their possibility to vote. With the constantly increasing media choice over the last decades, those who would prefer entertainment and fiction programming have increasingly and turned away from political news. It is supported by research done by Werlberger, she carry out the survey a sample of 501 Austrian citizens and 30% of them said they had no or almost no interest in political information gained from all media channel, the result shows the low interest among age of 15 to 29 years and female respondents avoiding of political information via television. 1) Newspaper Newspaper is another media means to deliver the message and information to the readers regarding the political conditions and issues that arise. The bigger challenges facing by the conventional media when the situation worsened when a depressed economy forced more readers to cancel their newspaper subscriptions, and business is no longer operate as a result, closures of newspapers, bankruptcy, job cuts and salary cuts are widespread as what happens in US (Mahmud, 2009). Comparing to US, Malaysian still rely on the information get from the newspaper. Most Malaysians still get their news from conventional media like newspapers to access the information about political arena. Even though, the challenges comes from the advancement of new technology such as the Internet, readership has yet to drop to a drastic level, while advertisers still regard it as the medium of choice, however this does not means that newspapers in Malaysia can sit back and do nothing while expecting their readership to be maintained or increase (Yap, 2009). Online newspaper has been introduced by Malaysia such as like what US did, where people can read the newspaper with free such as (http://www. nlinenewspapers. com/malaysia. htm) and other printed newspaper. According to Plasser (2002) in his finding, peoples still remained to choose to read newspaper to gain the information about the political matters only about 35 per cent preferred on newspaper which largely come from group of age above 25 years old. Majority of 70% named TV which represents the all group s of age from 15- 55 years old, and 40% on the internet mostly younger age of 15- 24 years old. 2) Radio Radio is part of instrument used by media to provide the information to the peoples regarding political matters. Political talk Radio is one of medium provided such of discussion of the politics issues. According to Knight & Barker (1996), Political talk radio can be defined as â€Å"call-in show that emphasize discussion of politicians, elections, and public policy issues†. The effectiveness of Political Talk Radio brings the formation of voters to shape their political knowledge towards choosing the rights leaders. This knowledge would turn their awareness, attitudes s and public opinion toward political leaders. In recent years, Political Talk Radio has grown as a major source of political information for many of its audience members. According to Zaller’s (1996) , Political talk radio provides a good context in which to test media effects because sound measures of media reception are available, and variance in the content of the messages sent by hosts about political leaders is large. In some circumstances, it can also be a determinant of public opinion and political behavior (Knight & Barker, 1996). Studies of the impact of political talk radio have focused on the nature of democratic participation (Bick, 1988; Page & Tannenbaum, 1996), political and social alienation (Hoffstetter et al. 1994; Petrozzello, 1994), and public opinion and political behavior (Barker, 1996; Boyer, 1992; Herbst, 1995). 3) Media Electronic (Internet, Blog , Facebook , Tweeter and etc) The advancement of new technology, such as internet and widespread of social networking bring the integration among all of the people across the globe. The impact of social networking encouraged the political field to be connected with social life of peoples in which social networking used as a medium for the peoples to get close with their leader. Political leaders and parties recently began to use social networking to achieve political bjectives. For example, all of the candidates in the 2008 United States presidential election aggressively used information and communication technologies, such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and others. As according to Will and Reeves (2009) , there are several objectives that makes the political involved in social networking (1) to involve voters in on going two way communication;(2) to enhance interactions with the campaign; (3) to encourage voters to form online political societies among themselves; (4) to make financial contributions to the campaigns (Robertson et al. 010); and (5) to provide a lack of third parties by external interests with a decentralized core (Wills and Reeves 2009). In 2008 presidential election, American showed the use of mobile marketing to be a strong vehicle for governments and political parties to mobilize their supporters (Cook2010). Such tools as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube provided individuals with a means to become part of the larger political proc ess (Levy 2008). According Travis N (2013), online media allows members to have more opportunities and provide communication with others in government journalist especially the public. According to tweetcongress. org, all members of congress have a website over 70 percent and now have the Tweeter more than 500 members and official Facebook pages and some even have YouTube channels. This indicates that media plays a bigger role in displays the communication between the public and the leaders. Besides that, the greater the members of opportunities to communicate through new media, members are also be able to target their message to specific audiences. There are several characteristic were identified looking by peoples that makes them aware in order to select their local leaders that capable to represent the welfare and needs of the peoples. 1) Background – Traditions and Customs According to research done by Alex G (n. d), some of local people â€Å"suku â€Å"or members of communities, applying the democracy practices in choosing their leaders. There are more preferred to select their local leaders or elected candidates with strong links to traditions and customs, in order to maintain the traditional leadership structure that particularly emphasised to maintain their culture. As such, local people in eastern district Timor- Leste, the village like Uma Wa’in Kraik (Viqueque) and Ben Ufe (Oecusse), simply elect their customary leaders as village head. The reasons they choose customary leaders, because they are more familiar and have close relationship among the local peoples. As the leaders also have the better knowledge and experienced in handling the conflicts related to any traditions and customs and knows what people needs. According to some respondents, village heads nominated through political parties would serve only their own political party and their party members, instead of the local people. This situation is contradict with the definition of the local leadership where the leaders need to engage with members of their community in order to learn about issues of local concern and help to facilitate a vision for the locality. It involves encouraging trust and respect between individuals and groups by mediating fairly and constructively between different organisations and sections of the community (Professor Jo Silvester, 2012). Thus, this issue bring the people become more aware in selecting their local leaders as they feel distrust and anxiety about the future of their village/ district. The peoples feel that the future of their village is in their hand and part of their responsibility in choosing the right leaders that capable to represent their needs and welfare. 2) Leaders Traits –Characteristics and Qualities The characteristics reflect the attitude and behaviour of leaders. Leaders that possess the good characteristics such as the accountable, charismatic, clean and honest and trust-worthy give the advantage to them as it will attract the numbers of people to put their confidence on the leaders. Indeed, people would choose the leaders that have this qualities that show their commitment and willingness to work for the people. According to John G. (n. d) states that peoples demanded and judge their leaders that have the capability in solving of their problems and meeting their needs. Based on research study done by James & Barry (2011) regarding the personalities and traits that should have by leaders is the most frequent answer by the peoples are integrity, competence and leadership. Based on the finding of characteristic of admired leaders people select twenty characteristics / qualities, the result shows that honesty placed at top of list which is 85 percent, followed by forward looking 70 percent, inspiring 69 percent and other such as competent 64 percent and Intelligent 42 percent etc. In this case, peoples wish to have the leaders which are truthful, ethical and principled. According to Bass et al (1994), identified four key elements 4 I’s that reflects Lincoln characteristics, there are (1) Inspiring influence (2) Inspirational motivation (3) Inspirational stimulation and (4) Individualised considerations. Besides that, leaders should pay their attention more towards their clear roles and responsibilities. There are certain characters with doubtful backgrounds and underworld connections that were selected as councillors (The Star, July 25, 2008). According to a former councillor, councillors should serve as the eyes and ears of the council so that they can serve the people and at the same time advice the council on what is going-on on the ground.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
History 20th Century Essay
The historical past of a particular country is essential in understanding its present situation as well as in planning the future. Past events served as a basis as to why particular situations happen in the present. In relation to this, lesson learned in the past also becomes a guide in order to avoid previous mistakes. Being the case, analyzing a country’s history is indeed important. These ideas also holds true in the case of the 20th century African American leadership. The era of slavery in the United States of America holds a very important part in their history. It was during the time wherein the southern region of the country capitalizes in the exportation of cotton that this slavery of African American took place. As such, maltreatment of these people happened that is characterized by the discrimination and segregation of the African Americans from the whites. This is also the reason why many African American leaders started to go against this inhumane treatment and asked for changes. Their efforts might have taken a long time before it made a difference but it was worth it. It is also essential that primary resources are use in studying and analyzing the history of African American leadership because it should be taken into consideration that majority of the people who are in power during those times as well as at the present are whites. As such, some of them are capable of manipulating the information about the African American history. Studying the leadership of these African Americans is important because they epitomize how people struggle in order to fight for their rights. They also embody a turning point in the United States history because it was due to their leadership that the country reassesses their idea of freedom and democracy. Furthermore, it plays an important role for the country to understand the present state of African Americans as well as the development and areas for improvement of the situation of these people. Moreover, the lesson learned from this experience would aid the people to make things better so that the mistakes done in the past would not happen again.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Pushing ones Fortunes Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders
Pushing ones Fortunes Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders Since the modern world is practically based on the career theory, the new system of governing various branches of cultural and business life has also crept into the sphere of sports and health. This makes the theory of career development extremely important in the sphere of health care and health control as well.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Pushing one’s Fortunes: Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Pursuing the modern topic, the given essay deals with the issue of the career development theories in the sphere of health care. As Goonan (2009) says, â€Å"In this unprecedented environment for health care, a startling trend has emerged to highlight a potential path forward for many health care organizations†(2). The variety of the existing theories suggests a nig choice, yet there are only a few that deserve further consideration. Since the world of work is constantly changing, the approaches that are emerging with every single change that occurs are diverse and cannot be referred to a single theory in particular, embracing a wide range of notions and issues. The term of the career development employs quite a number of issues. The idea of the career development has been defined as â€Å"The process of assessing, aligning and balancing organizational and individual needs, capabilities, opportunities and challenges through multiple approaches and methods. It emphasizes the person as an individual who performs, configures and adapts various work roles. Its major intervention is self-assessment and developmental processes that affect individual and organizational abilities to generate optimal matches of people and jobs.†(Jackson 2000, 18) The numerous theories – as a matter of fact, there are seven of them already (Swanson 6), and it is highly expectable that the new ideas are going to be presented soon. One of the career th eories that has been suggested by Brown (2002) explains the career pace from the point of view of the values of people. Called a values-based theory, it clarifies the situation from the point of view of the psychology of an individual: â€Å"Values are central to Brown’s theory, and as a result locate him in this chapter as a theory of content†(39), Patton (2006) marks.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More She also admits that â€Å"Thus, while it emphasizes the importance of a particular trait, values, it also acknowledges the concept of development and the broader context in which individuals exist†(39). This allows suggesting that the theories currently existing are focused on the human’s psychology rather than on the economical side of the question. Patton also emphasizes that the values need to be defined once and for all to crea te the outline for the future career scheme: â€Å"As values are formed they become crystallized in the mind of the individual and prioritized, and the extent to which this occurs relates to cognitive clarity†(40). The other theory, created by Super, is defined as life-span and life-space approach, which can be explained as the approach that involves the idea of career as something that can be interpreted as the lifelong process. Self-improvement that a man undergoes as he passes a certain stage in his development is supposed to grow continuous and endless, since there is not end to perfection. Super also considers the internal and external factors that influence the development of self-concept in a particular man or woman. Both theories have been considered the most reasonable ones and are supposed to be unwound in the nearest future into profound basis for the psychology of employment and career growth. The both theories emphasize the importance of the self-determination a nd the man being aimed at a certain goal. The strategies that the theories presuppose to take can be considered as the plan for a person to take a look at his or her inner world before making the necessary steps towards the career improvement. Basically, the key components for the career theory are not numerous. They involve the following items: self-concept, strategies and tasks, career maturity, life-stage model and the role of counselor. The latter is supposed to be the top which a man must be striving for in case he or she wants to organize their job in the best and most profitable way.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Pushing one’s Fortunes: Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it can be suggested that this list requires a subtle changing, since the world of work and employment is constantly changing, and there is no stop to the suggestions and ideas that are continuously emerging as the possible improvements. As the three pillars that the modern theories and suggestions are based on, the points that Brown suggested in his value theory seem to be the most promising ideas to develop and to build the career development schemes on. â€Å"An intentional strategic initiative†, as Chakiris (2002, 4) defined it, it needs close consideration. Brown (2002) distinguishes fourteen elements, or values, that the theory of work organization and career improvement are supposed to base on. Again, the notions that he grounds his theories on are the treats of character, that is, he appeals to the personal qualities rather than the improvement of the professional skills. In fact, that is the point that Brown puts almost at the bottom of the scheme of the career growth. A paradox as it is, this still works right for the people who are trying to get a promotion. After all, according to Guerriero (1998), â€Å"defining your strongest skills setâ € (31) must be one of the prior concerns of employees. The ideas of the theory of values that Brown exercises are the following. First, he mentions the category of achievement. Indeed, it is very important to mark the stages that one has already passed on the way to perfection. The second concern of the author is the case of belonging. In the situation when the work seems rather wearing than inspiring, one should ask himself whether this job is the one that he or she belongs to.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The concern for environment calls to check whether the atmosphere of the working place is safe enough for the train of thoughts to be productive and bring the results of various tasks and solutions for the work problems and tasks. Then, an important element is the concern for the others. However strange it might sound, the idea of helping the others is almost extinct in the modern world of employment, the rivalry blossoming and flourishing, though. Thus, the concept of concern for the others is one more means to stay a decent person and keep the necessary self-esteem. The so-called generic self-awareness, as well as overall career management skill development (Binding 2005, 26) comes to the forth in this respect. At this point one can draw the line between the internal and external careers (Arthur 1989, 467) as the growth of the professionalism which might not be reflected in the career growth, and the promotion, that is not always the signal of the highly developed working skills. Creativity, spirituality and privacy are the elements so closely interconnected that they cannot be separated. Indeed, it is absolutely impossible to work in the field where there is no room for imagination and new capturing projects. Meanwhile, the thought of the creative suggestions that one might give make the person feel responsible for the ideas that he is planning to put into practice. Independence and interdependence are connected in the same tight way. However paradoxical that might sound, these elements are linked close to each other. Working independently and using their own intelligence, each of the workers is a link of the big chain that encompasses the enterprise. Whenever there is one link missing, the whole work is brought down, and there is no way it can be restored. Humility and objective analysis are extremely necessary when working on an important project that needs attention and meticulous treatment. According to the three counseling principles worked out by Kidd (2006, 52), the most desirable objective for most employees is their own profit; the theories themselves called â€Å"person-centered†, they clarify the point in the most obvious way, and it shows that people have to work on this treat of theirs. With all these fourteen principles incorporated, one is sure to obtain the long-awaited success in work and will be soon promoted to the sphere he or she has always wanted to work in. However, it seems that this analysis, though perfectly performed, still lacks something that is absolutely necessary to take into consideration nowadays, with the modern tendency to strive for a better result and for a better job position. This something should not concern the private traits of character of the given person only, but also the tactics and strategy of the line of conduct in the workplace. In the reality, numerous conflicts are unavoidable. Thus, it is reasonable that an employee should also bear in mind the scheme of how to react to the aggressive treatment from a colleague or, which is more unpleasant, from a boss. The means to avoid the open conflict and to iron out the difficulties that might burst into another clash of opinions is the skill that is of extreme need for the modern employee, wherever he might work. It must be also born in mind that the suggestions for the workers to improve their state of business and to get a better grip on their jobs can be applicable not to all of the people, mostly according to the type of the temperament that they possess. As a rule, all the strategies that have been developed so far consider the job promotion for those people who have the makings of becoming a leader, but not for those who simply are wishing to change the environment. Actually, the number of the so-called sanguine people is much lesser than the number of people with the choleric type of character. In spite of the fact that character is something that cannot be changed at all, as the psychological researches claim, most of the pieces of advice that have been developed for the people to reach the top of their career can be applied to the people of sanguine character only. In fact, there are no reasons that explain such unfair situation. So it seems that there must also be the theories of success for the people with different types of character, as the guideline for them to succeed on their way to the top of their career. In addition, it would also be a good idea to include some more points in the existing theories of success. Thus, it seems reasonable that the abovementioned points that cover Brown’s ideas of values should be arranged as a scale, and that they should also include some ideas of how to cope with the difficulties of communication that one can encounter while working in the office. Indeed, sometimes conflicts can spring out of nowhere and result in serious problem. And it goes without saying that the conflicts with the boss should be also foreseen in these instruction s, as one of the most stressful working situations where people need good advice. To sum up, although the basis for the theories of employment have been worked out long before, there are still some adjustments needed to apply, taking into account the pace of the progress and the numerous innovations that have been brought to the people by the new era. The development of the career theories goes fats, and people have to make use of it. In case they do, there is the hope that the level of unemployment will reduce sufficiently. Reference List Arthur, M. B. et al. (1989). Handbook of Career Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Print. Binding, C., Field, S. (2005). Career Management: An Approach for Medical Schools, Royal Colleges and Trusts. London: The Stationery Office. Brown, Duane (2002). Career Choice and Development. New York, NY: Wiley and Sons. Print. Chakiris, B. J. (2002). Basics of Career Systems Development. Alexandra, VA: American Society for Training and Devel opment. Print. Goonan, K. J. (2009) Journey to Excellence: How Baldridge Health Care Leaders Succeeded. St. Louis, MO: American Society for Quality. Print. Guerriero, J. M., Allen R. G. (1998). Key Questions in Career Counseling: Techniques to Deliver Effective Career Counseling Services. New York, NY: Routledge. Jackson, T. (2000) Career Development. London: CIPD Publishing. Print. Kidd, J. M. (2006).Understanding Career Counseling: Theory, Research and Practice. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publishing. Patton, W., McMahon, M. (2006). Career Development and Systems Theory. Boston, MA: Sense Publishers. Print. Swanson, J. L., Fouad, N. A. (2009). Career Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks , CA : SAGE.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tallest Buildings in the World
Tallest Buildings in the World Since its completion in January 2010, the tallest building in the world has been the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. However, the building called Kingdom Tower, being built in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is expected to be completed in 2019 and would move Burj Khalifa to the second place spot. Kingdom Tower is expected to be the worlds first building that is taller than a kilometer (1000 meters or 3281 feet). The Changing Sky-Scape Currently proposed as the worlds second tallest building is Sky City in Changsha, China to be built by 2015. Additionally, One World Trade Center in New York City is also nearly complete and will be the worlds third tallest building when it opens sometime in 2014. Thus, this list is extremely dynamic and by 2020, the worlds current third tallest building, Taipei 101, is expected to be around the 20th tallest building in the world due to numerous tall buildings being proposed or constructed in China, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia. The Top 20 Tallest Buildings 1. Worlds Tallest Building: Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Completed in January 2010 with 160 stories which reach 2,716 feet (828 meters) high! The Burj Khalifa is also the tallest building in the Middle East. 2. Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel in Mecca, Saudi Arabia with 120 floors and 1972 feet tall (601 meters), this new hotel building opened in 2012. 3. Asias Tallest Building: Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan. Completed in 2004 with 101 stories and a height of 1667 feet (508 meters). 4. Chinas Tallest Building: Shanghai World Financial Center in Shanghai, China. Completed in 2008 with 101 stories and a height of 1614 feet (492 meters). 5. International Commerce Centre in Hong Kong, China. The International Commerce Centre was completed in 2010 with 108 stories and a height of 1588 feet (484 meters). 6 and 7 (tie). Formerly the worlds tallest buildings and known for their distinctive appearance, the Petronas Tower 1 and Petronas Tower 2 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia have gradually been moved down the list of the worlds tallest buildings. The Pertonas Towers were completed in 1998 with 88 stories and are each 1483 feet (452 meters) tall. 8. Completed in 2010 in Nanjing, China, the Zifeng Tower is 1476 feet (450 meters) with a mere 66 floors of hotel and office space. 9. Tallest Building in North America: Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower) in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Completed in 1974 with 110 stories and 1451 feet (442 meters). 10. The KK 100 or Kingkey Finance Tower in Shenzhen, China was completed in 2011 and has 100 floors and is 1449 feet (442 meters). 11. The Guangzhou International Finance Center in Guangzhou, China was completed in 2010 with 103 stories at a height of 1439 feet (439 meters). 12. The Trump International Hotel Tower in Chicago, Illinois, United States is the second tallest building in the United States and, like the Willis Tower, is also located in Chicago. This Trump property was completed in 2009 with 98 stories and at a height of 1389 feet (423 meters). 13. Jin Mao Building in Shanghai, China. Completed in 1999 with 88 stories and 1380 feet (421 meters). 14. The Princess Tower in Dubai is the second tallest building in Dubai and in the United Arab Emirates. It was completed in 2012 and stands 1356 feet (413.4 meters) with 101 stories. 15. Al Hamra Firdous Tower is an office building in Kuwait City, Kuwait was completed in 2011 at a height of 1354 feet (413 meters) and 77 floors. 16. Two International Finance Centre in Hong Kong, China. Completed in 2003 with 88 stories and 1352 feet (412 meters). 17. Dubais third tallest building is 23 Marina, a residential tower of 90 floors at 1289 feet (392.8 meters). It opened in 2012. 18. CITIC Plaza in Guangzhou, China. Completed in 1996 with 80 stories and 1280 feet (390 meters). 19. Shun Hing Square in Shenzhen, China. Completed in 1996 with 69 stories and 1260 feet (384 meters). 20. Empire State Building in New York, New York state, United States. Completed in 1931 with 102 stories and 1250 feet (381 meters). Source Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Renaissance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Renaissance Art - Essay Example nimity is neither dependent upon his genealogy nor upon his extraordinary achievements as a statesman or a brave warrior- unlike Agamemnon or Achilles. On the contrary, man’s intellectual achievements, as personified by Faustus, coupled with his ceaseless passion for rediscovery were for Marlowe, the sole criteria for ascertaining a man’s greatness. In addition to this, through his awe-inspiring tragedy, Marlowe also revolutionized the much popular debate between fate and free-will. According to the ancient Greeks, fate almost always superseded free-will. They believed that destiny was unalterable. Once his unintentional sin is disclosed to him, the Greek tragic hero, Oedipus considers himself as the victim of the malevolent forces of nature. However, instead of waging a battle against the Oracle; he realizes his limitations as a mortal, indulges in self-martyrdom by blinding himself and surrenders himself to the ominous fate that awaits him. Dr. Faustus, on the other h and, emerges out as an apostate by exclaiming that, â€Å"a sound magician is a demi-god†(I. i. 61). He undoubtedly epitomizes the Renaissance individual- one who unlike the classical Greek heroes, defies the dictates of Divinity. Moreover, Faustus also contests the notion that man’s abilities are limited. He is enticed by the secular-humanistic assertion made by Mephostophilis, â€Å"But think’st thou heaven is such a glorious thing?/I tell thee Faustus it is not half so fair/As thou or any man that breathes on earth†(II. ii. 5-7). Thus, Faustus adheres to the belief that Heaven is great, but man is greater still. Thus, by negating the supreme role played by fate and by placing much more emphasis on individual responsibility, Marlowe has iterated that the Renaissance individual’s suffering is... This paper work describes a period of ‘rebirth’, resulted in the flourishing of arts and literature. During the Reneissance skepticism, humanism, emphasis on rational thought and reformulation of traditional belief systems were the hallmarks. The practice of viewing everything with an eye of skepticism and daring to explore the unexplored led to the formulation of: the notion of Copernican motion, the acknowledgement of the unimaginable potential granted to man by Providence and most importantly the conviction that dogmatic religious ideology or a puritanical belief system is not the absolute. In the literary realm, Marlowe’s ‘Dr.Faustus’, can be categorized as a paradigmatic example of the Renaissance literature. With the emergence of Renaissance, art in general and painting in particular assumed an altogether different dimension. In the classical Greek and Roman eras, decorated vases and sculptors were in vogue. Likewise, the Golden era of Byzantine had also seen a flourishing of arts and culture. However, in these afore-mentioned eras, not much emphasis was placed on making art life-like. The endeavour of making paintings and portraits resemble real life and of depicting man as a sentient being, was taken up by the renowned artistic masters of the Renaissance period- Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Mossacio (also known as Tomasso Guidi) and Rembrandt. Rembrandt was undoubtedly one of the most accomplished Dutch artists of the late Renaissance period- the seventeenth century.
Friday, November 1, 2019
How the USA Patriot Act Effect Law Enforcement Research Paper
How the USA Patriot Act Effect Law Enforcement - Research Paper Example This illustrates that the USA Patriot Act is aimed at enforcing the law enforcement agencies by enabling them to be in a position to competently deal with terrorism attempts. However, enormous debate has revolved as pertains to whether the USA Patriot Act positively or negatively effects the law enforcement. It is with this regard that the thesis statement that this paper seeks to affirm is that the Patriot Act is designed to offer positive benefits to the goals of law enforcement and federal intelligence agencies that protect the American populations (Van Cleef 73). Topic sentence 1: Withstanding the presumed negatives that have come with intelligence investigation after the passing of the Patriot Act, surveillance strategies are actually necessary for securing the public welfare. The patriot Act is mainly aimed at protecting the nationals of the United States against terrorist attacks and surveillance form the enforcement agencies. Surveillance intelligence has widely been reviewed in the case of Mayfield following the terrorist Act and was typically depicted as Patriot Act on trial in the Nation Newspaper. This was a case that took shape in March 2004 where intelligence surveillance after conducting investigations, the FBI concluded that following the cross matching of partial finger prints in one of the bomb detonator bags, it matched that of Mayfield and he was arrested. His arrest was affirmed by in depth investigations that revealed that he was a Muslim convert and had been involved in a movement of Taliban’s that had wanted to go to Afghanistan to fight against the United States (Sarasohn 1). However, Mayfield being an attorney knew that the United States had no charges against him and being a citizen of the United States, challenged his arrest and conviction on the wake of the Patriot Act. This led to his release following additional surveillance that revealed that he was not the perpetrator behind the terrorism attack. This led Mayfield to chal lenge the protection assured by the Patriot Act since he affirmed that his protection, safety and privacy had been violated by the enforcement agencies during the investigations. The Mayfield trial is a clear indication of the effect the Patriot Act has on law enforcement especially with reference to intelligence investigations. Consequently, surveillance strategies depicted in the Patriot Act and Mayfield trial, affirm that the Patriot Act is indeed aimed at securing the public welfare. This therefore affirms the thesis statement that the Patriot Act is designed to offer positive benefits to the goals of law enforcement and federal intelligence agencies that protect the American populations (Sarasohn 1). Topic sentence 2: Patriot Act makes it possible for law officers to conduct search and seizure procedures without first notifying the individuals involved. Patriot Act of the United States gives law enforcement officers the mandate to seizure and act without warning in terrorist at tempts. This gives the law enforcement officers an upper hand in the investigations and especially in the financial sector which has become a major terrorist avenue. The Patriot Act has provisions that enable the treasury to secure its finances by implementing anti-money launder mechanisms. These are
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Paper 2 - Essay Example For instance, Lauren Slater’s Metaphorical Memoir ‘Lying’, she chronicles her youth, how she struggled with epilepsy until she was cured through psychotherapy and medication; however, Slater also narrates how, when after being diagnosed with epilepsy, she developed the irresistible compulsion to lie. On the other hand, in her Autobiographical Memoir titled â€Å"The Kiss†, Kathryn Harrison reveals how, due toan unhealthy relationship with her mother, she became a victim of an incestuous relationship with her father. In this respect, we can posit that both Slater and Harrison had devised alternative ways of seeking attention to fill the emptiness from being neglected while growing up- compulsive lying and incestuous relationship respectively. Lauren Slater’s metaphorical memoir ‘Lying’ is an outright lie right from the title where she boldly and loudly announces that the contents of the book do not represent a true account of her life. As if that is not enough, Lauren Slater advertently imposes upon the reader a need to redraw the lines between factual truth and metaphorical truths; she achieves this by cunningly confusing facts and fiction throughout the book thus undermining the very essence of a memoir, which naturally is supposed to be a true account of events in one’s life. ... uring her adolescence, Lauren too begins lying, stealing and faking seizures as alternative ways of seeking attention from the people around her; this shows how neglected she was and how desperately she craved for the much needed attention. Later in her life, Slater begins an affair with a married man who was much older than she was but the relationship ends badly; Slater resorts to attending Alcoholics Anonymous sessions even though she was not alcoholic. However, Slater tells her story with so much conviction that even when she later confesses that she was not an alcoholic, everyone dismisses her true story as denial (Slater 207). The interplay between literal/factual with the Metaphorical/fictional is heightened even further when Slater suggests that epilepsy affects the memory thus, by confusing her emotional memory and factual memory, Slater raises concerns about the fundamental assumptions of the Memoir genre and all narrative self-disclosure. Kathryn Harrison develops an inces tuous relationship with her father as a way of courting the much needed attention due to her being neglected by her mother while growing up. In her autobiographical novel, â€Å"The Kiss†, Harrison reveals how her distant father figure coupled with the unhealthy relationship with her mother translates into a four-year incestuous affair; growing up, Harrison had close to no clue of her father until she recreates him in her own mind as someone bigger, faster and stronger than all other dads do. Harrison is raised by her grandparents because her parents divorced when she was only six months old (Harrison 5); her father appears ghostly, almost mythical because she is not allowed to discuss or talk about him. This causes the young Harrison to become extremely curious about her absent father, the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Effect of Nutritional Deficiencies Occurring During Pregnancy
Effect of Nutritional Deficiencies Occurring During Pregnancy The type of nutrition that a mother gets during pregnancy, both qualitatively and quantitatively, can be the deciding factor in a childs well-being. A study1 showed that there was a small (70 g) but significant increase in birthweight among infants of mothers receiving multiple micronutrients as compared with infants of mothers receiving iron-folic acid supplements hence signifying the importance of giving not just the traditional supplements. It is essential that the mother intake a very healthy diet: according to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant women should increase their usual servings of a variety of foods from five basic food groups to include the following: Three to four servings of fruits and vegetables Nine servings of whole-grain or enriched bread, cereal, rice, or pasta for energy Three servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese for calcium Three servings of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, dried beans, and peas for protein Separate and specific supplements for the nutrients found in the above foods should only be taken to make sure all the requirements are being met, not as a replacement for a healthy diet. The specific nutrients required by women in the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy state have already been discussed. This section talks more about the effects that malnutrition (lack of specific essential nutrients) during pregnancy state will have on the health of a child. The effects being studied in this report focus more on cognition, language, social and emotional behavior. In order to properly identify the specific effects of malnutrition, it would be beneficial to first allocate a time-period during which development is most sensitive. This period is termed the critical period and extends from gestation to first 2 years of life. However this may vary study to study and also with reference to different aspects of development being studied. A Broad Perspective Maternal malnutrition, which amounts to a BMI of
Friday, October 25, 2019
D.H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers Essay -- Lawrence Sons and Lovers Essa
D. H. Lawrence is considered one of the Twentieth Century's greatest and most visionary English novelists. He was born in 1885 in Eastwood, a mining community in Nottinghamshire, England (DeMott iii). His father was an uneducated miner and his mother had been a schoolteacher before she married. According to England's rigid class system, his mother's marriage to his father was considered a step down, since she came from a well-educated middle-class family. Thus the vast differences between his parents was cause for "the fabric of his parents' marriage [to be] ripped by bitterness, violence and hate" (DeMott vii). Lawrence's first great novel, Sons and Lovers, is clearly autobiographical: "there's no denying the closeness of the resemblance between Paul Morel's life and that of his creator" (DeMott vii). The novel tells the story of Gertrude Morel, a mother whose possessive love for her sons hinders their ability to establish fulfilling relationships with other women. Lawrence himself had an unusually close attachment to his mother. The novel also depicts the working class of England at the turn of the century, when industrialism was rearing its ugly head and was creeping upon the English countryside. Set in a town similar to the one where he was born, Sons and Lovers gives a detailed and realistic portrayal of the hardships and conflicts of the Morels, a mining family. Gertrude Morel, the character based on Lawrence's mother, has married below her station; she is a religious woman who is serious and believes in hard work and adherence to a strict code of morals (3). She is unhappy and disillusioned with the lower-class mining-family lifestyle and is "sick of it, the struggle with ... ...ious that Lawrence preferred the agrarian England as opposed to the dehumanizing and mechanized modern world. Lawrence addresses "the human costs" of an industrialized society in Sons and Lovers and many of his other works, including his infamous Lady Chatterly's Lover (DeMott viii). Industrial British society has turned away from its agrarian roots and is destroying England, and the old way of life is seen as much more vibrant and complete. Lawrence, a genius in his own time, prophesied "that the West is on a disaster course and that all of us must change our lives" before we destroy the beauty of our world, and in the process destroy our own souls (DeMott viii). Works Cited DeMott, Benjamin. Introduction. Sons and Lovers. By D.H. Lawrence. New York: Penguin Books, 1985. Lawrence, D.H. Sons and Lovers. New York: Penguin Books, 1985.
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