Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Epic of Beowulf is an Heroic Elegy Essay - 3261 Words
Beowulf is an Heroic Elegy There is considerable debate as to whether the poem Beowulf is an epic narrative poem or an heroic elegy, a poem celebrating the fantastic achievements of its great hero, and also expressing sorrow or lamentation for the hero’s unfortunate death. This essay intends to show that the poem is an heroic elegy. In â€Å"Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics†Tolkien states: We must dismiss, of course, from mind the notion that Beowulf is a â€Å"narrative poem,†that it tells a tale or intends to tell a tale sequentially. The poem â€Å"lacks steady advance†: so Klaeber heads a critical section in his edition. But the poem was not meant to advance, steadily or unsteadily. It is essentially a balance,†¦show more content†¦The strife was too great, hateful, long-lasting, that had come to the nation, cruel spirit’s envy, gigantic night-evil.(189-93) Fortunately Beowulf was ready and willing to sacrifice himself to repay the debt of Ecgtheow, Beowulf’s father, to Hrothgar. This Geat warrior possesses almost miraculous qualities: â€Å"He was the strongest of men alive in that day, mighty and noble.†Upon spotting Beowulf approaching, the sea-guard of the Danes says, â€Å"Never have I seen a greater man on earth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ King Hrothgar of the Danes says of Beowulf, â€Å"Seafarers who took gifts to the Geats say that he has the strength of 30 men in his hand grip.†Beowulf chooses to fight Grendel by himself and without shield or weapons; previously the hero slew nine sea monsters with his sword. And he is fully willing to sacrifice his very life for this: â€Å"†¦ I alone will fulfill the wish of your people †¦ or die in the foe’s grasp.†Beowulf consciously chooses to act in a superhuman manner: â€Å"I shall perform the deeds of a hero or I have passed my last day in this me ad-hall.†Even Grendel recognizes the hero’s superior strength: â€Å"The criminalShow MoreRelated Is Beowulf an Heroic Elegy or an Epic Narrative? 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